Sunday, November 30, 2014

North Korea Kicks Sony's Ass via PIRACY

HOW many years ago did I make this point? PIRACY HURTS OUR ECONOMY.

You want to destroy the USA and UK, you take out one of the biggest exports for either country: ENTERTAINMENT. You pirate the British singers, the British TV shows, the American movies, the American music industry and TV industry. And now, the Communists are boldly doing what assholes in Holland, Sweden, South Africa and Germany have done for years.

Know what I say to SONY? I say, GOOD. FUCK YOU IDIOTS.

Where were you jerks when all this piracy began? Having $50 lunches somewhere? Doing 69 with the douchebags and scrotums at the RIAA and MPAA? Why was it that you expected Bob Dylan's office and Paul Simon's to take the time to report bootlegs on blogs? Why weren't YOU doing it? Why weren't YOU complaining to YouTube every time a Columbia movie or TV show turned up on YouTube?

Why didn't you pressure the cunt-owning Senators from California to put in legislation to force Internet giants to comply with copyright?

Now the Commies are overtly doing what they've been doing for years. They aren't just giving mindless morons named Jiltz or Deathass or Mephist-cunt a URL in Croatia or whatever...they're openly hacking. They're not just sitting behind Avax.Ru or some other site snickering as they take money from the pockets of American and British companies and artists. They're doing sabotage. They know it's EASY to destroy the economy via piracy, and that pigs will be on their side, screaming "don't ruin our fun" and "let's have easier access to Internet piracy sites and streaming video from North Korea and Russia!"

See, when Russians hack Target or Chase Manhattan or whatever website for a store or a bank, people get upset. They might actually say, "Poo on Putin." But steal all the movies and music? "Whee! It's FREE, like it's supposed to be! Hooray for SHARING! Fuck Capitalism!"

Now? Now it's like climate change. It's too late. Just as there's a fucking secret Internet for buying drugs, porn and guns, there's just too much shit out there to catch, block or prosecute the bootleggers. Right?

It's too late because the United Nations and ICANN and the FBI and Interpol aren't going to work together and shut down a Kickass or Demonoid as soon as they open a new website. Laws aren't going to make it so that Zinfuck and the meatballs of Pirate Bay and the rest of the idiots are shut down. Nobody's beating the shit out of the owners of Rapidgator and Rapidshare. Where IS the great Nazi Kim Dotcom? He ain't in jail. He's plotting more arrogant terror for copyright owners, or owns Rapidgator or one of the other "sharing" lockers.

Now? Now, North Korea, Russia and the rest of the Commie world laugh at how easily they can "spoof" and "pfish" and "hack" and have everyone sighing and sobbing like Jennifer Lawrence with her jizz-stained selfies exposed for the world to see.

Is that what SONY is? No better than Jennifer Lawrence? "Hey you people, you should be ashamed of downloading ANNIE for free..."

No, I have no sympathy for how you idiots botched it up and let the pirates win every round. And NO, the only reason I'm not watching ANNIE is because I didn't watch it the first time either. I also don't appreciate you pandering to black-faces and re-doing the fucking thing with a BLACK girl as Annie, and a BLACK guy as Daddy Warbucks. You're that desperate about selling tickets in Ferguson, Missouri? Yes, most black people are too stupid to use a computer and don't bootleg as much as the whites do. Hell, there are street corners in black neighborhoods where they still sell $3 CD copies of music albums and $5 DVD-Rs of current movies!

But getting back to the point...FUCK YOU, SONY. North Korea is saying so, and you just bend your Japanese asses over and take it. And suck some Somali Pirate dick, too. In case some freighter is hauling SONY DVDs in the Pacific, be sure to have a few million dollars in ransom ready for those poor, well-deserving blacks when they hijack the boat.

It's astonishing that only one in a thousand illegal websites ever gets slammed. is more deadly than Pirate Bay? Kickass? Demonoid? Really??

Do they Know It's Christmas Part 284825955

Continuing with our one-sided discussion of shit-for-brains Bob Geldof, I wonder if he knows who the fuck Bullens, Waldman and Holland are. Or what they were.

I did happen to notice, in typing in various names at Farcebook to check on some folks, that they're sadly a part of the pathetic world of BANDCAMP. No better than amateur play-for-pay stooges, they are hoping their small circle of fans will pass the hat, pay $1 to BANDCAMP or iTUNES or wherever, and "HELP" get a new album produced.

Christ, talk about Christmas depression!

The point is not whether the song is any good (it isn't). It isn't that "Refugees" is just about the shittiest name for any band (go try and Google it and see the crap you get). It's that artists, including indies and has-beens and many more, are having such a hard time getting their music in front of any kind of audience. Does Geldof or ANYONE think that putting Christmas tunes on BANDCAMP is the way to go?

How come this bastard, and no other established stars, ever seem to give a damn not only about new talent to promote, but helping out the older artists? Christ, even Ringo doesn't bring former-stars into his "All Star" band anymore.

I suppose that the sheer apathy involved has one bright side. It could make the useless Father Ash-hole types give up, and it could force the rest to seriously check with management and friends and issue quality material that major labels MIGHT want to release. I mean, why play to your fans? Doesn't it make more sense to write and perform songs for people who might become fans?

This particular piece of drek is just your usual Bonnie Raitt-type of dopey C&W "boogie." It might be ok for the converted, but if I was their manager, or a band member, I'd say, "You know, this imitative, easy bit of novelty crap is NOT going anywhere. It doesn't have the WOW factor. It's merely, barely, competent. You know this would've been rejected by whatever major label you were on 20 or 30 years ago, so don't hand this crap in as the best you can do. DO BETTER."

This thing has a familiar barroom beat, uninteresting lyrics, and couldn't have taken much time to write or record. Their relatives might take pity and buy the fucking thing, but it's not going anywhere beyond that. The only good thing about the Kickstarter way of doing business, is that can fail so miserably it'll tell the artist that maybe, just maybe, putting more time and effort into your art could pay off better. Because these days, mediocre shit is NOT going to fly.

I've been saddened, more than once, by artists who AT ONE TIME were on major labels, but who now simply have run out of new ideas and like the Randy Newman song, are dead but don't know it. For people like that, the cruelty of being on an indie or self-pressed label is tempered by the knowledge that this is really the best they can do, and they're lucky long-suffering fans indulge them.

But for a lot more, the song IS fairly good, the album WOULD be worth buying, but nobody knows, and there's no radio stations, no real alternative to Farcebook or YouTube, and no meaningful rock press anymore. In our dodgy economy, the media is geared to look up only when Viley Virus starts taking her clothes off and sticking her tongue out and doing another selfie. Nobody's going to push a Refugees Christmas song onto what's left of the radio, or as a "pick hit" on iTunes unless it's absolutely brilliant. And even then! And anything less? Well, that's why you only heard of this thing because I used it as an example of the sorry state of music.

I mean SORRY! Because 20 or 30 years ago, somebody at a record label might say "What the fuck, let's release it. We have the money. We throw so many singles out there and take so many chances..." Not now.

Does Bob Geldof, licking around the Ebola-ridden assholes of Africans, know that Christmas means caring for your own needy people? How often has he, and others like him, programmed drums rather than helping a drummer or switched on the fake strings rather than bring in a few streetcorner violinists? I'm not saying that THESE three past-their-prime chicks (one of whom now identifying as male) should or could be promoted as rivals to One Direction or even The Bangles, but they shouldn't be limping around on Farcebook begging for a dollar to help make a new album.

"Why Should CDs be $12.98. They should be HALF THAT!" And nobody cares!

Remember when people were bitching about the high cost of CDs?

They were recalling how records were $2.98 or $3.98 and now a CD was $12.98. Or higher. (Forgetting they were in COLLEGE TWENTY YEARS AGO when the price of vinyl was that low).

It was all an excuse to steal the music. The "sharers" insisted they'd buy IF music was "reasonably" priced. They didn't even think "Nice Price" back-catalog titles were "reasonably" priced enough.


Amazon just sent me an e-mail shouting that all the new releases from established stars were a mere $6.99

Oh how nice of Amazon. Except...Deep Discount is doing the same fucking thing!

First off, new albums by Manilow, Diamond, Streisand, Grande or the rest of the bunch are NOT worth a dime to me. Secondly, there are blogs and websites giving this shit away. They are ALL well known, have been "in business" or years, if not fifteen years, and if the RIAA doesn't give a damn, why should I? If I wanted to hear what Neil Fucking Diamond is up to, I could find out for nothing.

The truth here is that it's too late. People are out of the habit of buying CDs. The idea of giving bargains to established multi-millionaires like Streisand and Manilow and Diamond rather than putting indie albums on sale, does not help matters.

PS, instead of 6.99 consider 6.66 because the music industry is in HELL.

Amateur Rapper Anthony Elonis, the White Asshole: My Murder Threats are just FREE SPEECH

I hope Anthony Elonis spends the next four years gang-raped down the mouth and up the ass.

THAT, you dumbass white nigger, is free speech.

Declaring that I'll jam my dick down your throat or up your a threat, and NOT "free speech."

But a dumbass white nigger like Anthony Elonis is supposed to know the difference?

In that sense, I feel badly for this no-brainer, because over the past 10 years (the time it's taken for white rap to be considered anything but a joke), the "first amendment" has taken more of a beating than Del Boy did last night against Tyson Fury.

Let's stop it right there for a moment.

We already have the main reason this asshole was sentenced. There's no "just kidding" about "I'm not going to rest until your body is a mess, soaked in blood..."

The ex-wife is supposed to sleep at night thinking that's a JOKE?

Inflicting emotional stress is often NOT considered as awful as physical pain. That's why some asshole can slip on the sidewalk and get $100,000 for "pain and suffering," while somebody who is rendered a nervous wreck, sleepless and anxious because of harassment, is just told to take a Valium and "get a grip."

We've seen in courtrooms all over the place, that at best, a "restraining order" is granted to psycho bastards who have violently attacked a spouse, with threats to keep doing it. Spouse gets killed? Oh well.

It's time to take the spoken word and written word a bit more seriously (except for comical insults hurled at people from THIS BLOG).

For 10 years or more, the Internet has distorted what the "First amendment" is, and "Free speech" is all about. To the average buffoon, "sharing" stolen music is "free speech." Throwing somebody else's camcorder footage or TV show or record album on YouTube is "free speech" or allowed because "it's for educational use and review." Strutting up and down a subway platform saying "I'm gonna cut you" is supposed to be "Free speech" too.

No, there's copyright. There's slander. There's libel. And it's about time the bastards of Google and the rest of the Internet scum understand this and respect it. It's about time the people living in the real world get some relief, too, and don't have to simply ignore threats and insults and demands, and walk away taking deep breaths, and then a few tranquilizers.

The rest of the piece concludes with: "The Obama administration says requiring proof that a speaker intended to be threatening would undermine the law's protective purpose. In its brief to the court, the Justice Department argued that no matter what someone believes about his comments, it does not lessen the fear and anxiety they might cause for other people.

'The First Amendment does not require that a person be permitted to inflict those harms based on an unreasonable subjective belief that his words do not mean what they say,' government lawyers said.

The National Center for Victims of Crime, which submitted a brief supporting the government, said judging threats based on the speaker's intent would make stalking crimes even more difficult to prosecute.

'Victims of stalking are financially, emotionally and socially burdened by the crime regardless of the subjective intent of the speaker,' the organization said."

This Elonis asshole thought he was being another Eminem. Another cowardly piss pot spouting misogynistic and violent garbage for the amusement of himself and other pieces of useless shit. Anyone believe this Elonis bastard wouldn't get his scrotum fed to him if he even went near his ex? That's not the point. The point is that it's time to tone down the threats and the hate talk (unless you're Muslim).

Saturday, November 29, 2014

"God told me it's good luck to kill 100,000 of his creatures!"

In the 21st Century, and Hindu idiots still want to slaughter animals because...God likes stinky carcasses? God is crazy over watching dirty-faced morons hack away at the creatures he spent so much time creating? God is some kind of sadist lunatic JUST like Hindus?

Just when you think Muslim fanatics are just about the worst assholes on the planet, the Hindus come to remind is that THEY are a right bunch of cunts!

"If I'm being honest," I'll put it this way. Why does the world hate the Jews but think these fucking shit-faced crazy Hindu jackasses deserve any respect? "If I'm being honest," the answer is, that these fucking shit-faced crazy Hindu jackasses are holding gigantic sabers, that's why. What animal torture would a Jew do? None. Maybe one of those pale, emaciated pussy-faced Orthodox Jews, if he's a butcher, might wave a chicken over his head and then "ritually slaughter" it the kosher way.

The Jew would ONLY do it if he's being paid (Jews are like that). The Jew, unlike the fuckhead Hindu, does NOT think that killing animals brings good luck!

"It is thought by devotees that the sacrifices can bring good luck and the killings are an offering to the Hindu goddess of power, Gadhimai."

Where's Gadhimai? Anybody actually seen this bitch? Is she in that great ladies room in the sky, powdering her twat? If she's the Goddess of Power, how come so many Hindu assholes have no electricity? How come they're spending their time knee-deep in cow dung, hacking away at any domestic wildlife they can find?

Religious morons get very upset if you mock them. What else can you do but laugh? Spit on them? They are IDIOTS. They are absolutely stark raving mad. I only wish they were bat shit crazy, and went after bats, moths and boll weevils. We don't need PESTS, you Hindu nitwits. If God isn't going to bring you good luck, your neighbors will certainly do you a favor or two if you rid the neighborhood of wasps. Killing rats seems like a good idea...why not stick to rats? Surely there's some fucking dinner you idiots can make out of them? Ratatouille Curry?

As horrific and obnoxious as Joey Chestnut is, and American "competitive eating competitions," they pale alongside ridiculous spectacles like ritual animal slaughter to appease invisible beings based on superstitious twaddle from anonymous fiction writers. WHO, for fuck's sake, ever said the Bible the Koran or any of these other ass-wipe books are works of fact? They might very well have been in the FICTION section of the cave.

Do you suppose the Hindu shits would think we were a bit strange if we ran around shaking apples off trees and stomping them into the ground so that the Applesauce God living 100 feet underground could suck the soil and then bless our next crop? "Hey, we are sacrifice apples here. Stop laughing!"

You Hindu swine!

I am a little Hindu.
I do all that a kin do
And where my fucking brains should be
I have to make some skin do!

Friday, November 28, 2014


Pharrell is not a "Happy" guy these days.

That's because he's black. Blacks are all supposed to stick up for other blacks, no matter what. Yo.

If they show any common sense, they are immediately backstabbed. They're called Uncle Toms. If you're black and you don't happen to think every thug deserves praise, or that strutting around being illiterate and showing your underpants is a good thing, you better shut yo mouth. Yo.

America, post Thanksgiving, has nothing better to do than keep moaning and fighting about this fucking Michael Brown case. The alternative is to listen to shit-head Shia LeBeauf claim to have been "raped" (not even worth dis-cussing on this blog), listen to waxy Burt Reynolds promote the memorabilia auction to get himself out of bankruptcy, or learn that waxy Mickey Rourke at age 62 won a boxing exhibition match against some obviously inept idiot half his age.

It's tough being a black celebrity. It's not just whites who hate uppity "high toned" blacks. Blacks do, too. The get jealous and furious if a black celebrity doesn't somehow end every show with "keep the faith" or a wave of a clenched fist, or say something nasty about white people.

Black celebrities are supposed to lapse into dopey dialect ("oh no you dih-ent") or wobble their heads on their necks ("you go, girl") or do some stereotypical strut, just to prove they be REAL. You name the black celebrity...and just wait. They'll play the race card for their own people just to apologize for their money, their clothes, and for being articulate. Whoever it is, and on talk shows and late night shows that would include Whoopi Golberg, Michael Che and the silly-named Questlove, there's going to be a moment when they have to go against The Man, say something about "the brothers," or use rap terms of some kind, just to prove they haven't sold out.

So here's a fairly neutral guy whose stupid songs seem to appeal to everyone, having to endure a lot of slams for a very rational opinion. What the fuck did this guy say that was so outrageous?

Even in the "nicest" pictures of him, Michael Brown looks like an overfed surly baby at best. Let's remember he was 6'4" and well over 200 other words, bigger and beefier than most pro football players and even pro wrestlers! He was in a foul mood that night, which nobody can possibly deny, and had committed several documented acts of violence before he went down.

Pharrell was For Real, but that's not good enough for some of his black fans. They expect him to be fucking black-blind to reality.

Joni Mitchell shoots down Taylor Swift. Huh?

Anyone out there ever heard of Joni Mitchell?

Oh, I see a lot of arthritic hands trembling to get into the air.

I'm sure most people who saw her "trending" on Farcebook were thinking, "Who? Oh, she's somebody my grandparents liked, or something."

If grandma was in the room, she might call out, "You never heard of "Big Yellow Taxi?" No? OK, well how about "Clouds?" You know? Rows and bows of angel hair, an ice cream sandwich in the air. Yellow hair. And an eclair. I've looked at Clouds that way..." (Grandma IS senile).

Aside from very aging hippie chicks who still think "Blue" is the best record any woman ever made...Joni is NOT very well known.

"If I'm honest," NOBODY gives a rat's ass about Joni Mitchell anymore. The rat's ass just got fartier and fartier through the 80's and 90's and beyond. Unlike Bob Dylan or Neil Young, she failed to create music that her cult would buy. Unlike those guys (how often was Joni referred to as the female Bob or female Neil) she also failed to go beyond the cult in any way. One of Dylan's last albums actually hit #1 in the USA and UK, and everybody's heard of Neil's stupid "Free World" song and seen him stomping around on stage thanks to some high-profile event. But Joni?

Boney Joni has been reclusive if not downright insane for 30 years. Or more. All she's done is give an occasional bitter interview, complain her skin was turning orange, and to bitch about how her record label was responsible for her self-indulgent and mediocre albums failing to chart.

"If I'm honest," her last decent album was probably "Wild Things Run Fast," and after that, you could only hope that one or two tracks on her numbing sound-alike samba-cum-jazz Mingus whatever albums, had even one decent song or lyric. "Love Kills," however long ago it was, was the last time I even thought, "well, that's not bad."

Joni could've become relevant again with a bio-movie starring Taylor Swift.

Naturally, she's "shot it down." Typical narcissist elusive loon, she's huffing about the source material not being accurate, like people are supposed to mind-read because she won't talk:

She's such a well-known flake, it's possible the producers just gave up after saying, "What if we give you final script approval? What if you are allowed to fact-check every scene?" Nothing is ever good enough with women who think they're Marie Antoinette or the ghost of Maggie Thatcher, or whatever a Canadian nutjob fancies herself to be.

It's kind of weird that the author of some stupid book on chick-singers didn't NEED permission to write about Joni, Carole or Carly, but if you bring it to the screen, you do.

Quirky, huh? Maybe you can do a documentary, but you can't use actors and do a dramatization? You mean Yoko gave permission on some of the shitty dramas based on her life with John? That she and reps for the other Beatles gave an OK on some of the crap movies with idiots playing them? Or the stage show BEATLEMANIA??

Well, ok, apparently the great Joni didn't even want to have the option to OK a script. She's just dead set on being a self-destructive shit head, like so many entertainers are. I know, I've met many, and I've even said it on more than one occasion. "Aren't you being self-destructive? Tell me what you want your fans to hear, and I'll print it word for word. I'll even let you go over the final draft before it's in print." "No! No! I won't do it!"

What an idiot Joni Mitchell is. The hottest, most critically acclaimed chick singer in the WORLD wants to play her, and she shuts her eyes and shouts NO! Unbelievable. We're not talking Viley Virus. We're talking about Taylor Swift, who is as classy as it gets these days, who looks sort of like Joni, and...

Ah, I get it. Ms. Mitchell does not want to hear, "Taylor is better than the original. Her versions of Joni songs are superb...she looks hotter, too."

It's either that, or Joni knows that Taylor Swift was named after James Taylor.

Either way, she's still, despite being gentile and female, A SCHMUCK.

Oh, ROCHESTER...Lovely Warren is a riot

Ask somebody about "Rochester," and the answer might be, "Isn't he the gravel-voiced black guy who was a sidekick to Jack Benny?"

And the answer would of course be, "How DARE YOU mention him. He played a menial. Nevermind that he sassed Jack Benny for laughs, was well paid, and there was never a racial line on the show. No no, ROCHESTER is a town in upstate New York that now has a black mayor! A FEMALE BLACK MAYOR!!! HOOORAY!!!!!"

Upstate New York, by the way, is loaded with now-poor now-awful cities that nobody in their right mind would want to live in. One of 'em begins with the letter R.

Rochester's female black mayor, LOVELY WARREN figures that after being called a "pussy," after being physically attacked (by a 6'4" monster who had attacked someone else only hours ago) and being put in a racially-charged situation that was going to probably cost him his life if he didn't use his gun, a trained police officer got it all wrong. He didn't have "respect" for a young man.

Fuck the PO-lice. How LOVELY.

Take a look at her. Muhammad Ali used to joke to any reporter, "You ain't as dumb as you look." In Lovely Warren's case, she IS as dumb as she looks.

She's an alloy of arrogance and ignorance.

Among those who'd agree is the brother of Daryl Pierson. Officer Daryl Pierson was killed while trying to preserve law and order in Rochester. He got shot dead while doing a normal traffic stop! You think SOMEBODY didn't have "respect" for an officer simply doing a job?

Writing an open letter to LOVELY, Pierson's brother said: "How can you stand at my brother’s service and be allowed to speak and read some poem ... and now you want to say how you are upset about how a jury of Darren Wilson's peers chose not to indict him. You stand on the side of evil and everything that is wrong with the city you claim to love and want to make better. Will you stand by your officers?? Or the animal that murdered my brother??? There is no difference."

Ah, but there IS a difference. A raging 6'4" black thug is no animal. Only the white cop who didn't magically pat him down for a weapon, easily subdue him with a magical wrestling move, and then let him go with a pat on the back and a cheerful "let's all try and get along."

It's possible LOVELY's urination on police in general and Wilson in particular, was done to reassure that the blacks of ROCHESTER remain lovely, and don't burn down a fucking Wal-Mart and make her look bad. Like DeBlasio, the spastic mayor of New York, she's sending a nod and a wink to all the thugs in town...that they need not worry about the PO-lice coming down on them. She's on the side of the fine "young men" who curse, shove, threaten, and get into homicidal rages.

Certainly the black citizens of Rochester need not worry about the late Daryl Pierson, dead cop, who wasn't minding his own business, but instead, enforcing the law.

When will blacks ever stop whining and preening and bitching and shouting about the "unarmed" victim who either is totally psycho, high on drugs, reaching into a pocket pretending to have a weapon, or is simply 6'4" and built like a monster and capable of strangling someone with his bare hands?

Officer Wilson was supposed to have fired at Michael Brown's knees? Tried to aim at the running kid coming toward him to just, ah, slow him down? When raging maniacs like this have so much adrenaline they don't even care that they've already been shot?

What was the phrase the crazy fucking lunatic in Hitchcock's "Frenzy" used when he killed? Oh yes. "LOVELY. LOVELY."



What is this, Ebola revenge?

America is sending it's E-BUY fever all over the world?

Amid the usual hilarity of watching AMERICAN shoppers literally fall all over themselves to get "bargains," and camp out all night to be first in line for a "doorbuster"bargain, there's the above. Now EVERYBODY in the Christian world is doing the same!

Thanks to American assholes, the Friday after Thanksgiving is now the official start of Christmas shopping mania, which not only includes pushing and shoving into every store, but E-BUY fever...going on line to see what American cocksuckers like Jeff "AMAZON" Bezos have available for mail order.

The 11pm news Thursday night was headlined by reports from Macy's and other big stores...all about the frenzy of maniacs to BUY BUY BUY. Reporters were grinning that THIS year, all the chain stores actually opened THANKSGIVING DAY at 6pm, to remain open ALL night and ALL DAY FRIDAY.

What the FUCK happened to any kind of family Thanksgiving? Having THURSDAY day off and then FRIDAY to shop (most everybody takes a long weekend) ain't good enough?? No.

It used to be that THANKSGIVING DAY was sacred. You stayed home and gave thanks. Thanks for food, shelter and family.

Now? Now, it's "let's all finish up by 6pm when the stores open, and shop for four hours straight. OR BEYOND.

Yes, the 21st Century IS shite, and one sign of it is how warped the Thanksgiving "holiday" has become.

For many, it was always miserable because the family was obnoxious, or the food and shelter not too good, or there was literally nothing to be thankful about. Now you're supposed to be happy because, at the very least, you can go SHOPPING on Thanksgiving?

I'm glad to say that misery loves company, and...HA HA HO HO HEE HEE...America's repulsive tradition is now spreading like the black plague.


If this even happened, it wasn't on the 11pm news. The 11pm news was all about shoppers flooding into stores. Then, about ten minutes later, "consumer affairs" reporters came on to say, ha ha ho ho hee hee, that many of the best deals can be had AFTER Christmas. And, "if you do have to buy for Christmas, check on line. Use your APP and check bar codes and go to THESE WEBSITES that comparison shop. There's really no need to wait overnight for "doorbuster" deals because there's so much competition, you can get the best price without pushing and shoving..."

Then there were reports about the fucking parade, but none that I saw mentioned anything about Snoopy being in danger from Muslim maniacs. The only human interest report was about an 83 year-old woman who "always wanted to be in the parade," and finally got a chance to sit her ass on a float and wave to people. It was her "bucket list" wish, and she tearfully told the world how "thankful" she was. She was also wearing a hat with a stuffed turkey figurine on it.

Have I mentioned how much I hate Thanksgiving? I am so's OVER.


Yes, The Washington Redskins "tweeted" a Happy Thanksgiving greeting.

The Liberal spin is, "HOW DARE THEY."

But I think back in the day, the Pilgrims and the Indians (as the Pilgrims called them) probably didn't give much of a shit. They probably sat around talking about how the "white man and the red man" have a lot in common. Both love to kill deer and slaughter turkeys.

The MEDIA, using one of its favorite wimpy phrases ("this is uncomfortable," a variation on "this is awkward") cried, and cried:

I can just see some dweeb jumping on this: "LOOK WHAT WAS TWEETED! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! LET'S MAKE A STORY OUT OF THIS!"

Oh, fuck off. Just FUCK off. I happen to loathe the stereotype references to Native Americans in sports. "Redskins" is offensive and most Native Americans agree. The "mascots" for the Cleveland Indians and Atlanta Braves are garish. Nothing is more obnoxious than the idiot "tomahawk chop." This is when white beer-belly jackasses in Atlanta stand up and pretend to wave a tomahawk slowly up and down in time to stereotype HOY-ya-ya-ya drum beats.

But the first Thanksgiving was probably a mutual "happy" and peaceful meal between two very different-looking races. I don't think they were hypocrites who'd say "I don't see color. I don't see differences." They were Realists. They said, "You're white, I'm Red," and, "You're Red and I'm white" and were fine with it. Especially with food on the table.

If there was a football team called "The Black Skins" or "The White Skins" then "The Redskins" would be fine. But there isn't, so it should go. It should at least be shortened to "The Washington Reds." The fact is, these teams were named not in "honor" of Native Americans, but because white idiots considered them as savage and bloodthirsty as Bears and Lions and Tigers...other sports nicknames.

But to try and shame the team over a fucking TWEET? Over a holiday greeting? "This is uncomfortable."

Oh, SAEED Can You See? Yeah. So What.

Saeed Akl died. Isn't that a tragedy?

And at the young age of 102.


This is among the 3 most important items in WORLD NEWS today:

Saeed Akl was a leading Lebanese poet. Can you name another one? Ever read anything by this guy?

Are you an Arab? Am I?

No, but now that the Arabs are stinking up the planet, always threatening to blow up people anywhere in the world, we ALL have to be concerned about anyone from the Middle East.

Nevermind that a Mexican poet, an African poet, a Chinese poet, and come to think of it, ANY poet would not get the front page of a news digest.

Few poets would even get a mention on an obit page.

The irony here is that Akl was not a Muslim. He was a Catholic. Like Kipling or Poe, his poems were sometimes turned into pop songs. The pop songer Fayrouz had some hits with Akl poems turned into songs. Alk was actually anti-Palestinian, and was even on Israel's side when Menachem Begin authorized an invasion of Lebanon.

But to the Media, all they needed to know was an ARAB died, someone famous in an ARAB land. That makes him world news now.

You think the heathen Allen Ginsberg got a mention from Al Jazeera? Think the Arab world was rocked by the deaths of Maya Angelou? Robert Graves? Spike Milligan?? Sapristi!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Shemp Failure - Indiego Fuck Yourself, Geoff

Here's a follow-up on the arrogant Canuck asshole who expected people to give him money to write a book about SHEMP. Guess what. MASSIVE FAIL.

It's the second time this asshole has failed on Indiego, after "networking" and badgering the world with his nitwit narcissism. A pie in the face is too good for him. The good news, for HIM, is that THIS time he gets to keep the money he raised. Ha ha ho ho hee hee. Unlike Kickstarter, the thieves at Indiego have a small-print gimmick for small-timers like Geoff. There's a little clause that allows him (and I assume Indiego, earning a percentage) to keep any money raised.

The professional thing to do is write the fucking book, or an outline and a sample chapter, then have your AGENT sell the fucking thing. Don't have an agent? That probably means you're quite the incompetent asshole. But maybe you're just new and have few credits, or you're some Canuck shit-for-brains who never did more than write for a local newspaper nobody's heard of. In that case, you sell the fucking thing yourself by contacting whatever book companies are willing to read unsolicited manuscripts.

But this vanity garbage of going to Kickstarter-type places and "publicizing" yourself by "networking" on Twitter and Farcebook and every forum and every newspaper website that has a comment obnoxious. It only confirms the person doing it is a clueless LOSER.

Very few have the personality (Geoff has none) or the subject matter (maybe if it was a guide to Viley Virus's used tampons...) to get "fans" willing to PAY. After all, there's so much FREE. It's almost impossible to get people to PAY if you actually have a real book from a credible publisher...not a Kickstarter project, or a self-published eBook.

No, it's just not easy for even the pros to get published, get attention, or MAKE A LIVING. Maybe Geoff will now do the right thing. Eat shit and die.

Hipster Fashion Statement Gets an Attack

Nobody likes a "hipster."

A "hipster" is a smirking, self-indulgent asshole who usually wears some kind of beard, and a very dopey hat.

He usually passes for an intellectual the same way a drunk passes gas. Cool, he actually is NOT. But walk around with a beat-up copy of Ferlinghetti or Ginsberg in your back pocket, and you can impress some stupid chick.

Ben Schwartz nearly got himself killed for boppin' around his low-class "nabe" at 4 in the morning with his admiring chickie-poo by his side.

See, he's a "hipster," so he doesn't have much money, lives "slummy," and figures he's too cool to get hassled by anyone. Except, see above first line, NOBODY LIKES A 'HIPSTER.'

Benny Boy forgot something else. Firstly: nobody likes a Jew.

It's trew.

Second, nobody likes a Jew who is too cowardly to date a Jewess, but instead impresses some half-black or half-Asian or whole-Asian (see, Allen, Woody, and Yi, Soon).

You want to be a hipster Jew flexing down the street at 4 in the morning with some hooker-esque ethnic babe on your arm? You really ARE lucky to be alive.

Some angry guy who didn't like Ben's smirk, beard, hat or giddy tart, catcalled her. The remark was probably, "Hey bitch, you can do better." Ben gallantly whined "That's not cool, man, please leave us alone," or some other annoyingly "reasonable" bit of Jewy placation.

Then he got stabbed a few times. But he's ok. And as long as he got his photo in the papers...

He's selflessly telling the world he wants "catcalling" to stop. Not that he can do anything about it except get his ass kicked even worse the next time.

After all, now he's being sanctimonious and pushy, two Jewish traits that people truly loathe.

It's trew.

Just who went after Mr. Reasonable is not known, except to him. It's probably some street clod who can easily say "I didn't do it," and can go wander back to the homeless shelter. I'm not sure of the attacker's ethnicity, but it had to be some guy who wasn't Jewish or a hipster! Benny Boy says this neighborhood guy had harassed him before. Obviously, the guy knows what an asshole Ben Schwartz is.

The cops aren't trying too hard to find the guy, either. After all, all he did was attack a hipster, and probably not with the intent to kill, just poke a few holes in a doughy thing full of hot air. No real harm done. The guy didn't grab Ben's stash of R. Crumb reprints or Simpsons DVDs. He didn't burglarize Ben and take that original pressing of Big Brother & The Holding Company. Ben's bag of gluten-free cookies is intact.

Now let's be real.

Nobody is going to stop catcalling. That's not going to happen unless surveillance cameras are on every street and a law is passed that allows arrogant, mincing bitches parading around lathered in make-up, wiggling their "money makers" to be protected against rude remarks. Or just ordinary women wearing normal clothes, though this is probably less common.

Nothing is also going to stop "hipsters" from getting the beating they deserve. On hat alone. On beard alone. Add the trifecta of being Jewish...BANG!

In this 21st Century of Shite, Jews should know by now, that unless they're Orthodox in-bred maniacs living in an isolated community of fellow maniacs who wave chickens over their heads and abuse yentas in burka-type outfits, they WILL be punched. Kicked. Beaten. If not for trying to be "hipsters," then for simply being Jews. Jews who, it's well known, are almost NEVER armed and unlike Michael Brown, can't look menacing and aren't likely to start a fight or curse a cop.

Come on, look at that photo. Maybe you wouldn't want to catcall that girl he's with. But wouldn't you want to punch the hipster right in the nose?

PS, Mr. Hipster, doing a SELFIE in front of the fucking Ghirardelli factory is damn corny.

(Ghirardelli is a chocolate company that, along with the golden gate bridge and fags being naked in public, is what San Francisco is known for).

But where's Saint BROOOOOOSE?

Have you been wondering where Mr. American Conscience has been lately? The reincarnation of Tom Joad? The man who would be Woody Guthrie?

Ta da!

The symbol of the Working Man was not singing with Geldorf. He wasn't arm and arm with his black brothers marching somewhere because a crazy black kid got shot. He...he...

Hee hee hee, ha ha ho ho...he was doing something else for a worthy cause. He was SINGING somewhere. And for hunger. Remember hunger?? Harry Chapin's dead, so Brooooose can now be Mr. World Hunger. Dylan and Neil Young are too senile to know when they should show up for another Farm Aid if there is one. So Broooooose has the field to himself. Just where he sang, I didn't bother to check. The photo is enough. Knowing Broooooose is on the case...that makes us ALL feel so good.

He's a good man, isn't he? He and his shower-buddy, ugly big-nosed rag-headed Little Steven, shared a microphone and swapped spit as they ranted "Born in the USA!"

Wow, impressive. Farmers every day go out in the field and toil. Wetback spics are still picking lettuce. There are still plantations down South where the nigger is gathering nuts or beans or whatever the fuck is grown. Upstate New York whiteys need plenty of moisturizer as they brave the winds and suck sap from a maple tree or check out the hen house for organic "free-range" eggs or go check apple trees.

But, wow, Brooooose weathered Little Steven's bad breath for two hours, and the two of them bravely SANG. Look at that picture. They are HEROES. Fuckin' HEROES. Firemen don't look as heroic when putting out a blaze in a fucking Newark tenement.

I'll bet once in a while, Broooooose will stop the limo, roll down the window, and throw a bag of Fritos to a Puerto Rican. He'd drive off and wouldn't even wait for a "Gracias."


Fergie Burns, Diego the Wetback Spatters Red

Greetings from the United States of Predictable.

Human nature never changes. Like New Year's Eve, Americans need at least one yearly race riot to blow off steam and feel good about themselves.

I'm not kidding. Do you think the monkeys who burned down dozens of stores (after looting them) didn't feel good about it? How about the whites who make sure not to live near any niggers, but came rushing down to Times Square to be part of the protest and yell their lungs out? Sure beats screaming at rich niggers at a basketball or football game. It's an event!

Now here's Diego the Spic, a professional asshole agitator. You think he cares about niggers? Of course not. He just wants a chance to throw fake blood on a honky. Not just any honky. The Chief of Police! Nice going, Diego. He's counting on not even being charged, because the cop isn't going to give this wetback any more fame, or a day in court to rail and scream and become a greasy martyr.

It was easy to see that most of the "protesters" in Times Square were middle-class whites, and hormonal jackasses like Diego who leap at any chance to carry a sign and shout. Some of 'em will probably be at Friday's "anti-fur" march, not because they hate fur coats, or don't eat meat, but because they're bored and want to be at an event, and have a need to yell and frown, and take selfies of themselves protesting. They can then call themselves "activists" with a clear conscience. One or two days a year of yelling in public sure beats actually working for a cause in the unglamorous ways of sending out press releases, asking for donations, or actually donating money.

Ha. Better to go out into the night and have the adrenalin rush of being in the middle of an exciting protest with cops safely outnumbering the protesters!

A dangerous game? Not really. Not much more than New Year's Eve when maniacs drive drunk. Go out on New Year's Eve and you could be in the same trouble as marching over poor unarmed Mr. Brown while in New York, San Francisco or anywhere BUT Ferguson last night.

A dangerous game? People get killed on Black Friday when they rush madly into stores that are running "First 10 people get the bargain TV set."

The danger was in Fergie, but the residents there are lowlife morons. They face violence so much (black on black) they aren't exactly worried that some other black will steal away the stolen laptop computer or the $400 pair of sneakers. They also know how to torch a building and run.

The papers are full of headlines: "Ferguson Burns! Night of Rage!" All that shit. Yawn.

There are black politicians making names for themselves by standing around shouting, "We won't take it! We will get HOT (ie, burn stuff)." Nothing ignorant black voters like better, than to elect some agitating loudmouth who'll be corrupt, funnel money into his own pocket, and merely take a few high profile moments to be bellicose.

People too young to have enjoyed the REAL fun...the L.A. Riots, for example, or the death of Dr. King, make do by turning minor events into major catastrophes.

What happened to set this off? The MEDIA happened. But if you believe the cop, it was Michael Brown who was being a nigga. He was asked to stop (for his own safety) walking on the road with his nigga pal, and walk on the sidewalk. He was politely asked a second time. Brown of course was not going to take any criticism from a white cop, and called the man a PUSSY, and dared him to shoot, and eventually, despite warnings and gun shots, Brown kept lunging forward and making threats. Ordered to stop or be shot, he chose to be shot.

That's the story. The cop was supposed to let this "unarmed" monster tackle him? Punch him? Maybe get his gun and shoot him?

The other side, the ignorant side, is you don't shoot an "unarmed" man no matter what. And no matter what drugs he might be on, no matter what concealed weapon he might have, no matter how rabid he could be, oh, if he's not armed, leave him alone. And go get a fluoroscope or somethin' to make SURE he's unarmed.

That he ignored shots fired at him because he was convinced the PUSSY cop wasn't really going to shoot to kill, says more about Brown than about the officer. An officer should've known better than to even "nicely" suggest a black man do anything normal. Like walk on the sidewalk. Michael Brown was seen on a surveillance video shoving a store clerk just a few hours earlier. It's possible this kid was into being a bullying bastard out to provoke people? Nevermind...


THE MEDIA dictates this is the last day to get riled up about poor Michael Brown who was obviously minding his own business, not belligerant, never said nuthin' to no cop, and didn't lunge at, threaten or attack no cop.

Wednesday it's "let's shop for food and drive or fly or take a train to our relative's home." The MEDIA will be happily doing those same dumb boring "Look at the holiday traffic" reports, plus "oh oh, be careful, there COULD be a blizzard, stay tuned for the weather" teases.

This is followed by Thursday's "Yum yum, this is THANKSGIVING, let's relax, eat all day and watch football."

You can bet that on Thanksgiving there will magically be no news about Fergie or the late Mr. Brown or anything but FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, and MORE FOOTBALL. The media will direct everyone to FOOTBALL games with plenty of commercials and ads telling people to snack, snack, snack, and wash it all down with BEER BEER BEER.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Bleona - Fuck you, You're Garbage

Bleona? What's that, a roll of balogna that oozed from Kardashian's infected cunt?

Oh, it's some proud slut who sings "Fuck You" and wears a see-through dress to a bogus "awards" show.

Keeping up with pop culture these days, is sort of like being a janitor checking the toilets each day for an overflow of piss and shit.

Doesn't this Bleona monster look liked a porn "star?" The "norm" now is to twerk, talk dirty, wear pasties and a thong (or no pasties at all and a stick-on panty) and be a ridiculous slut moron.

The AMA's were the last big fart before the American "holiday" of Thanksgiving. America, the most obese and lazy country in the world, can't be content with Christmas. Nah, they've got to lard into it with "Thanksgiving," which (like Veteran's Day and President's Day) was ONCE intended as a sincere and solemn holiday. Now it's just an excuse to gorge, buy, and be stupid.

What do Americans have to be thankful for? Viley Virus? Justa Beeper?

Americans have so much disposable income, they waste it on watching chump morons, nasty punks and stupid sluts prance around on stage to pre-recorded tracks. While real musicians are starving, anyone who plays to the lowest mentality, and has the gaudiest, sluttiest, loudest or most moronic "show" can be a millionaire.

Actually, I could use a fucking holiday, but THANKSGIVING ain't it. It's just a time of stress and idiocy, as stores get crowded, sidewalks fester with, yes, CHRISTMAS TREE salesmen, and the few days off have to be filled with visiting jerky relatives and getting involved in idiot projects that sap all energy.

During several miserable days of nothing but awful "entertainment" news (all about idiots like Viley and her 22nd birthday, about Cosby and his crazy date-rape behavior) the spectre of the BIG miserable news was looming...the great Ferguson, Missouri verdict.

A grand jury was going to decide on whether to indict a brainless white cop for shooting an equally stupid black kid. The inbred asshole fired 12 times at some thuggish crud up to no good (named Brown). Basically the whole story is garbage. What jerks do in some backwater armpit town should be of NO concern to anyone. White trash and black trash...still trash.

But, thanks to the MEDIA, the story was blown out of all proportion, creating anxiety, tension and misery for everyone. And it's not like the situation would change whether the cop was indicted or not, or even if he was sentenced to the gas chamber. White cops will still kill black thugs. Blacks will still embrace the "culture" of being arrogant and stupid. Blacks will continue to bully and outright kill whites. And Muslims will happily blow them ALL up and scream "God is Good."

Can you imagine if the entire U.K. went into an uproar because a muslim in Hull started babbling Allah bullshit and waving what looked like a gun...and got tossed into the river by some equally stupid chav?

That's basically what's going on right now in America. What the FUCK does it matter to the entire nation what happened in stupid little grimy Ferguson, Missouri? The MEDIA turned it into a sensational story. The MEDIA made tempers rage. The MEDIA could've chosen any of a hundred or a thousand small town stories to blow out of all proportion, as they did Trayyyyyvon. What did they get for it? People glued to their TV screens to see if a bunch of ignorant savages would start rioting, and how much tear gas they could inhale before crawling back to their subsidized welfare houses.

That's Capitalism. Make money by scaring people into buying newspapers and sitting and watching the news between BUY BUY BUY commercials. What's news is dictated by how lurid the reporters can make it. Would anyone cover the fucking Music Awards show if sluts didn't walk around like whores? Would anyone watch the news if not to check on how close rioting maniacs were to their homes?

About a thousand idiots with nothing better to do marched in Manhattan. Various assholes, white and black, marched in other cities. And in good ol' Ferguson, a drug store was burned down, cars were overturned, and a bunch of monkeys got the fun of being part of a riot. Which only confirmed everyone's suspicions of their basic savagery. What stirs the fears of white people? Muslims, of course. But also the reliable stereotype of ignorant black people raging because they're not getting everything handed to them as compensation for being stupid and violent. Mostly, they get enough food stamps and welfare to keep them quiet, but hey, if there's an incident of any kind, they'll show just how murderous and troublesome they can be.

Odd isn't it, that there are poor Asians, poor people of every other ethnicity, who aren't getting breaks, who don't learn the language, who arrive here uneducated and stay that way...but who don't resort to the violence and don't put out the extortion vibe of "give us shit for free OR ELSE."

Monday night was unusually warm (climate change), the perfect time for a riot. The grand jury's decision was known early in the day, but not officially announced until five hours later, around nine in the evening. Why? So blacks could come out under cover of night? Smart, real smart.

Why not hold it up for another day, so it would be closer to Thanksgiving, and maybe people would have better things to do than prance around getting their rocks off by throwing rocks?

Another day or two to get this crap out of their systems, and then it's Wednesday: hurry up, drive, fly, take a train, and go visit your relatives. Get settled so that on Thursday you can have boring miserable ridiculous Thanksgiving day gorge-meals, and then on Friday rage into the shopping malls like feral cats and rabid dogs. What a great "holiday" week this isn't.

Midler no fan of Ariana Grande pedo-porn slutlette

Mickey Mouse-ish pedophilia Lolita slutlette Ariana a diss from Miss Midler.

As if the sap-faced little cunt didn't deserve it.

In a way it's funny how once-sassy stars get prudish in their old age. Midler, Miss "Mud Will Be Flung Tonight" at one time camped it up with her huge boobs, scoffing at Olivia Newton-John's clean image, and taking a sideswipe at rising competition from Madonna: "Like a virgin? All she could do like a virgin is have a baby in a stable."

Now granny Bette is pointing out how ridiculous Ariana Grande is. And of course, she is.

Who'd expect a little bitch-tart like that, who has been within sniffing distance of Viley Virus, to be anything but a smelly, cheesy, winking, stinking, gruesome little parody of erotica?

Compare her to Mylene Farmer's discovery, Alizee. Now THERE was a young, risque sex symbol. More prone to undulating than twerking, Alizee's animated gifs are still flickering all over blogland and forumville. In velvet hotpants, and simply wearing basic make-up and letting her long hair down, Alizee was tantalizing in a GOOD way. Not like this greasy Betty Boop pimple known as Ariana Grande, who is really just a minor league bitch playing to low-class Hispanics.

Unfortunately Bette Midler knows that the game now is not music. There IS no music. What comes thumping into the tinny world of iTunes and gets slapped all over these awards shows, is just garbage. It's a few producers who create the formula, and anybody can sing (or auto-tune) to it. It's a thousand times worse than the echo chamber days of Fabian, or whatever TV actress was told to go put out a pop single.

Even her name is corny as pig shit. Ariana Grande. At least she'll be gone within a year. What whore will turn up in her place is bound to be worse.

White Cops Save Black Idiots Who are Killing Each Other

If there's an expert on crime, it's "America's Mayor," Rudy Giuliani.

Not only was he a hero on 9/11, in the thick of the chaos at "Ground Zero" covered in dust, watching some of his best friends (firemen, priests) being hauled from the wreckage dead, he was a hero throughout his terms in office.

He believed in the "broken windows" theory. If a neighborhood looks like shit, the people will act like shit. Repair the broken windows, remove the graffiti, and maybe they'd have some pride. They wouldn't trash their own neighborhood. While you can't toilet train pigs and monkeys, mostly it was a good strategy.

He also believed a strong police presence would deter crime. Show the criminals that the cops are around, and show that the cops will not coddle a moron once he's caught, and the crime rate goes down. It did.

Currently, the idiotic world of America is all wrapped up in another of those "ooh, an innocent black kid who happens to act and dress like a thug got killed" deals. Too bad. It happens. Even the best trained cops are going to shoot first if they think they're going to get killed. Bad cops? Yeah, there are some of those, but they are out-numbered by BAD PEOPLE, like 100 to 1.

We all know, if a Jew gets killed, nobody cares. If a white man is shot in the back by some wilding brats with nothing better to do, nobody protests. BUT if some black kid gets shot, the world's come to an end. Or that's the threat.

So for the past few months, as it happened with Trayyyyyvon in Florida, the entire fucking country has been quivering and shivering over what's going on in Ferguson, some shit town in Misery. Uh, Missouri. The natives have been restless for months, and there have been riots. Now the tension, a fucking few days before Thanksgiving, has added MORE pressure to everyone's lives. The threats of violence have escalated over whether the white cop will be indicted or not.

Blacks are basically saying, "If we don't get our way, we trash the place." What would they like? Oh, welfare, food stamps, free housing, and no police. Except police who happen to be black psychics, and know when blacks are about to me mugged or robbed and can show up to prevent it. Otherwise, fuck off.

There's actually a debate over what to do. The obvious is to keep a tight lid on the maniacs, but only a few people are daring to say it. Rudy Giuliani is one.

Giuliani does not take shit. He should've been the Presidential candidate instead of crazy John McCain (who brought the world Sarah Palin). A real leader, he went on TV and gave his point of view on how to deal with crime in the inner cities. It's by increased police presence, and not caving in to spoiled minority beasts.

Giuliani told off a "University Professor" named Dyson. These cowards hiding in Academia-land get a salary, a pension, and they are supposed to write obscure books and book themselves on TV and radio if they can, to glorify their alma mater. So it is that Dyson yaps up a storm, and the media sit there slavishly (pardon the expression). Sure, Mr. Black Professor. You know it all.

Only Rudy told him, NO, you do NOT.

His best line:

“The white police officers wouldn’t be there if you weren’t killing each other 70 to 75 percent of the time."

That's the truth. "Up until the time I became mayor thousands of blacks were being killed every single year,” he said. “I would like to see if Dr. Dyson has ever saved as many lives in his community as I saved. I did it by having to use police officers in black areas where there was an astounding amount of crime.

"If that crime was in white areas, police officers would be in white areas. If it were in Hispanic areas, officers would be in Hispanic areas. I had no racial component to my determination of where to put police. It was based on the CompStat system which I established with Bill Bratton (Chief of Police). I had a statistically based system. That actually the justice department investigated and found to be perfectly fair,” Giuliani said.

No answer for THAT. Blacks did feel safer when Giuliani was in office. Scared, maybe. But they were safe. Guess what, things stayed safe under Bloomberg, because the city had the same approach in place. When the Democrat ape Bill DeBlasio got into office, with a promise that there would be "no racial profiling," his opponent said the city would go back to the days of fear. True enough. There's a perceived new level of crime in New York City. People are worried. Blacks feel less safe because white police aren't going into the projects as much. They aren't rousting thugs to check for weapons. They're saying, "You want white cops to leave you alone, then fuck you. You're on your own."

All DeBlasio did was get his black wife a fancy job and turn her into the "First Lady" of the city, and give her a $170,000 assistant. All he did was give about $10 million each to the "wilding" thugs who were out looking for trouble in Central Park, confessed to raping a jogger, then recanted. Oh, gee, only ONE guy did all that damage to the woman? ONE guy said it was really he who did it, and the world danced a jig and said, "There, these boys should be millionaires. They may have beaten and robbed people, and told the world happily that they were tough niggas, but no, they really weren't. Here, have some money, courtesy of Bill DeBlasio."

DeBlasio said the first thing he'd do in office was ban carriage horses in Central Park. Nope.

The amusement and entertainment is to go back to the dangerous old days of New York City, when tourists got mugged, Central Park was an insane asylum (Bono, poor fellow, nearly got killed on his bicycle) and you can't even walk in Times Square without being accosted by maniacs, con artists and grifters. Oooh, what "family entertainment" there is, in seeing "The Naked Cowboy" in his underpants, or a grotesque "Naked Cowgirl" about 70 years old showing her saggy tits and getting paid a few bucks by tourists who can't believe such a grotesque old whore is out in public being so ludicrous.

Giuliani knows the real answer to urban living. Instead, the entire country is hanging on whether or not a grand jury will indict a police officer. If they don't, blacks will riot.

Has anyone ever been afraid that whites would riot? Jews? Amish? Women? Nah. Black people are different. People are afraid of them. They are perceived as violent savages who can turn destructive the moment things don't go their way. They pretend they're the minority and don't get what they want. Except everyone's scared to death of them. Who knows how many thousands of times black thugs have gone along their merry way because a white officer didn't dare do anything?

The mayor of Ferguson has put the town on red alert. Everyone wonders if a riot in Ferguson will trigger niggas all over the country to riot. After all, who doesn't want a new color TV?


What? Broadway theaters aren't toilets? You don't just load them up with shit?

For decades now, flushed with the success of crap, Broadway's longest running shows have been Lloyd-Weber garbage and Disney drek. Stupid tourists, brainless ethnics, and dimwit Jews from Long Island, have waddled into theaters to see cockamamie screaming and bellowing from "The Lion King" and anybody in drag, and such mindless crap as "Cats," which didn't even have a story, just a bunch of third-rate mangy muppets prowling around.

But gee, "Rocky" (a bad musical with a "you've got to see the staged prize fight ending") closed, several ethnic musicals did, and following the ultra-stupid "Spiderman" mess, and Woody Allen's failed "Bullets Over Broadway," nobody wants to be stung for $100 or $200 seats to "The Last Ship."

Yes, it seems that old, old pap-meisters like STING and ELTON JOHN can't fill theaters with musical drivel any more than they can get fans to buy their latest lousy CDs.

What a fucking laugh: people are going to drop big bucks just because Stinky Sting is in the show now?

Who the FUCK is Sting? He's a senile old man with a stupid name. All he did was sing ONE good song called "Every Breath You Take," which also happens to be creepier than all the allegations against Cosby put together.

What else? Oh yeah, White Boy sang like a Jamaican Nigger with "Roxanne." That's an achievement? He's lucky Jamaican niggers are too high on weed to bother hanging him by his little aspirin-sized balls. What a fucking racist joke this asshole is. Him and Peter Gabriel with their dialect-singing. Fucking nerve.

It's fortunate that most people who invest in Broadway shows know it's a win-win situation. Either they make MORE money, or they get a wonderful tax write-off. In other words, if Sting's show closes early, HOORAY!

Give Money to Immigrant Scum, Not The Arts

Am I entertained by immigrants?

These lazy pork-faced chimps don't even go down to Times Square and dance for spare change.

No, they sit around collecting welfare, breeding in apartments they get for free, and draining millions of dollars getting their assholes examined every time they get diarrhea from their stinky, sugar-filled fat-loaded fast-food diet.

Obama didn't read the NY Daily News today, on how his shrug of "we can't deport 11 million people" is going to cost taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars.

Immigrants are costing a fortune.

Not only did Obama outright declare amnesty for five million (about half) the illegals, he's putting the government on the hook to house, feed and give them FREE medical care.

It's the "reward" for immigrants and minorities putting him and other Democrats in office. And as long as immigrants and minorities overpopulate, the major cities will always be run by Democrats.

No wonder NYC spends millions in printing up bilingual ballots, and sending out mailings in every possible idiot language. It's saying: "Look at us Democrats, giving you everything FREE, keep voting for us."

And they do. The warthog mayor of New York, the crooked Bill DeBlasio, the scumbag who instantly gave his wife a job, and payed $170,00 for the ugly bitch to have an ASSISTANT, is a typical Democrat pandering to obnoxious immigrants and minorities. "Vote for me," he said, in essence, "and I'll make sure the cops don't bother you, and judges don't convict you, and you can sit your black and brown asses at home and watch TV and procreate monkeys all day."

The once-proud and progressive Democratic party has just become a corrupt, pandering bunch of shits. Not that they had far to go. What's on the other side? Racist psycho Republican redneck gun-nut religious fanatic dickheads. Great choice.

Meanwhile, the government used to have money to do useful and cultural things. A little extra money might go to fund art programs in school, or teaching kids how to play a musical instrument.

There might be money for a "field trip," where school kids get on a bus and go to a museum, free, and see a special exhibit on fine art through the centuries in Asia and India. Or how Latinos such as Goya and Picasso were once revered for painting on canvas, not spray painting walls. There might even by time to visit an exhibit on strange African sculptures...primitive but often exciting.

Fuck that. Money is tight, and soon millions of dollars are going to disappear so that Pedro can eat his 3,000 calorie burritos five times a day and slurp his gallon of Pepsi, while Maria waddles around dropping babies faster than a chihuahua can shit.

This is like building a zoo to house roaches and rats, and hiring a fleet of vets to make sure they all live, eat well, and breed more.

Piggy Iggy Azalea and J. Lo IQ act like Morons at AMA Awards

Aw, no Viley Virus?

Something called the "American Music Awards" was on the other night, and ooh, WHO could we count on to be stupid, slutty and obnoxious? That's what people want. They don't want...MUSIC. Who cares about MUSIC?

Jeez, remember the boring days when a Joni Mitchell or Carole King or Carly Simon or Kate Bush or Annie Lennox would actually sing a song, and there might even be lyrics to comprehend? Who wants THAT anymore?

Stepping up to the ho' and booty and "push the slut envelope" and "let's be assholes" game were Iggy Azalea, the White Zombie herself, and J. Lo-class, the aging Jennifer Lopez, who seems to haplessly have to do whatever idiots tell her to do in order to stay current and worth some slimy ink in a fan mag.

Oh, two low-class half-breeds spanked each other and twerked. That's the music biz. That's a song called "Booty." That's the level of stupidity that is the rule, not the exception.

Since Madonna and Britney already lesbo-kissed, these two mutants had to do what even the American Music Awards producers told them NOT to do, and bang their butts together.

But, yo, it's all good. A typical shit-brain 20-something getting paid chump change (if anything) snottily tells us that the world didn't end because two asshole cunts acted like lesbo sluts:

No, the world didn't come to an end. Except this isn't going to lower the stats on the number of brainless twats who pass out in bars, get gang raped in college dorms, or get assaulted or murdered on their way back from the bar where they drank themselves into imbecility. It's not going to raise the stats on the number of women who are employed, getting the same pay as men, and doing something useful in the world.

Nah, chickies, take a look at what J. Lo and Iggy (and Viley Virus) are doing. That's the real deal. (Viley was off having her 22nd birthday...stripping topless, playing games with a dildo, and in general still acting like the dimwit slut moron she is.)

Meanwhile her fans do the best they can, looking foolish with a YouTube video doing karaoke or something. They go to a bar, pretend to be Viley Virus, get applause for being drunk, and more for happily going topless and kissing some other dimwit pop tart for a dare. Or maybe giving blowjobs to a line of guys who are laughing hilariously and taking snapshots to post on Instajerk.

Role models? Hell, why even try? Besides, you might have to diet and learn something about make-up and hair to look like Taylor Swift. It's much easier to over-eat, have a fat ass like Kardashian, or be a half-breed mutant like Iggy the Piggy. I mean, Iggy the Piggy was even dissed with some kind of rape-fantasy by the great Eminem. And if you repulse Eminem, you are one hell of a pig whore twat slut idiot mutant chimp bitch. "Just sayin'"

Ain't That a Shot In the Head! Attempted Murder as Good News

Oh, the FUN and AMUSEMENT of the daily news.

Like, attempted murder.

Why buy a newspaper? To be informed and then depressed about the Middle East or Africa? To get angry because of some stupid government policy that's bringing lazy or murderous illegal aliens into the country?

No. The point is to read about a tragedy that makes you feel better about your own miserable life. Like:

Uplifting, isn't it! Serves 'em right, doesn't it?

A fucking "real estate developer." It could only have been more amusing if this Dearden dope (with the trendy stubble mustache-and-beard set) had been a HEDGE FUND TRADER.

This fuckhead is living in a half a million dollar home in Yonkers. If he didn't have two daughters to feed he'd probably have a million dollar home in Bronxville, or a two million dollar estate further up the train line to Tuckahoe or Chappaqua (where the Clintons live in suburban splendor).

He's got a decent-looking wife. On the surface, everything's fine. He might not even have erectile dysfunction (as a result of his dull fuckin' job). So his wife, a PSYCHOLOGIST, is cheating on him. "Trouble in Paradise."

Happily he survives a gunshot to the back of his head. For this, the woman is only charged with "second degree attempted murder" (she might not even serve time) and he has to get out an order of protection to keep her away from him!

But it's a fun story.

Let's read more.

Yes, the fun here, is that as bad as our lives are, as little as we might be making, as far from the storybook "house and family" as we might be...look at what happened here. "Beware what you wish for, Dearden." Lucky your crazy PSYCHOLOGIST wife didn't go black on you, or Muslim, and chop your head off to make sure you were dead, and THEN blame it on a mysterious stranger.

And so we feel momentarily better about ourselves by enjoying the suffering of others. As long as it has a fairly happy ending (he's alive, she goes to jail and maybe doesn't get conjugal visits with her married lover).

Then we move on to the television page, the sports, the gossip, the crossword puzzle, the horoscope...without the depression kicking in of, "See, even if you have everything in life, fate conspires to make you miserable. Who is happy?"

Oh, Dearden, maybe. He's in the glow of "lucky to be alive." He might actually start thinking, "make good use of the time you have left," which doesn't mean setting up a Rapidgator account and making nickels and dimes by stealing the new Taylor Swift album.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Little Hitler Judd Apatow - The Nazi Fascist Says BAN COSBY

Unbelievable. Has money swelled Judd Apatow's head? He's now KING of COMEDY, so a previous king should not only abdicate, but NOT be allowed to entertain people anymore?

Christ, I'd expect this shit, this ignorant obnoxious behavior, from Rush Limbaugh. A comedy producer is telling the world that one of the greatest comedians of the past 50 years should be silenced forever.

Seems to me they did this to Chaplin. They exiled him to Switzerland. We haven't learned much have we?

If you don't know much about Apatow, he's the guy who scored a big hit with a cringeworthy comedy called "40 Year Old Virgin," which I didn't find funny. He produced "Knocked Up" (about a pregnant man, ha ha, how original). I didn't bother to see it. He produced a few other lousy films that 30-somethings think are funny. Oh yeah, "Bridesmaids." The big deal there is a fat girl takes a dump. Ha ha.

THIS is the guy to tell venues around the country to boycott Cosby?

Anything else, Judd? Maybe we should burn every episode of "I Spy." And "The Bill Cosby Show" (where he played a gym instructor). And yeah "The Cosby Show." And the movies. And definitely, let's be like those people down South who broke Beatles albums. Break every single Cosby album. Go from door to door and make sure that everybody gives up their Cosby albums.

What next? Maybe Bob Hope records and movies? He cheated on his wife for 50 solid years, Judd.

And what's your stand on Woody Allen? Are you with Mia and Dylan Farrow? Dylan said he molested her. Surely that's good enough for you. Ban every Woody Allen movie.


Oh, maybe you should remind Jews they should never buy a Volkswagen. Never go to a Wagner opera.

What else?

Cosby didn't kill anyone. Manson did. Manson is getting married. Are you going to go to the prison and beat on the door and scream "STOP! STOP!" over and over? Hell, if there's anyone who objects to the union, let him speak now, right? Go ahead. And since you're a famous producer, YOUR word should be heard above all others.

A very full audience in Florida on last Friday evening enjoyed Cosby's show. They separated his private life from his art. You can't.

America. Obama is President here. Obama might NOT be President right now if not for Bill Cosby. Sounds far-fetched? How many people in this world got their first respect for a black man being equal...because they saw Bill Cosby on stage? Who was the Jackie Robinson of television? It was Cosby on "I Spy."

Unbelievable. Just UNBELIEVABLE.

Where does it end? Why not go to the prison in New York, with a shot gun, and blow Mark Chapman's head off? Don't you think giving him life in prison was too good for him? Take out David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz, too. Your view should be everyone's view. Your idea of justice should be everybody's. After all, you produced a few film comedies. You are Mr. Powerful. Christ, does power corrupt.

You should be ashamed of yourself. What kind of Hollywood liberal are you? The kind that would tell stadiums not to book Ted Nugent? He's a gun nut, after all. Forget some bimbo who tried to use her charms to get ahead by flirting with Cosby. Let's talk about Nugent. His support of guns influenced somebody to buy a gun and kill somebody or something. Don't be naive and deny THAT.

Where in the world does it end?

The world according to Judd. There are probably some conservatives who think your movies are degenerate. Would you want somebody to take the law into their own hands and make sure you never make a movie again?

Maybe Judd knows a law book I don't know of. It seems to me he's reading "Mein Kampf."

I wouldn't even say "O.J. Simpson can't perform anymore." If he gets out of jail, he served his time. If somebody wants to picket his lecture, go ahead. If somebody wants to pressure a venue to not book him? That's pretty sanctimonious. What are you afraid of? Let the public decide. If they want to hear OJ Simpson (or Michael Vick or those assholes who picket the graves of soldiers) that's their call. If they choose not to buy tickets, that sends a message. Censorship is very, very tricky Judd.

Judd doesn't have much to say about Putin? About Isis? About Kim Jong-Il? About any other of his fellow celebrities? AMAZING. Fucking AMAZING. But he figures any venue that hasn't canceled Cosby should be pressured to do so. For how long? Forever, I guess.

Why not just tell everyone to storm Cosby's home, tie him up like the Frankenstein monster, and throw him to the lake and drown him?

Heil Apatow.

I Sincerely Wish Joey Chestnut Chokes to Death

This is why Americans are hated around the world.

There is absolutely no excuse for this behavior. None. It serves no purpose. It is a promotion of gluttony. It is stupid. Joey Chestnut is a disgusting pig and I wish him nothing but the wurst.

Cumberbitches. Seriously?

Women want to be taken seriously? CUMBERBITCHES want to be taken seriously?

We're getting quite a mixed message in this world. Some 40 years ago John Lennon was standing up for women, and saying "we make them paint their face and dance." They were the niggers of the world.

Now? Now they're proud CUMBERBITCHES.

They want to look like Kim Kardashian. They can't get enough with the lip injections and boob implants, and wearing tinted and perfumed chemicals all over their faces.

Even as a a joke..."Cumberbitches?" And they'd be upset if I said they were stupid cunts? Dumb twats? Brainless bimbo bitches? What do they do in the evenings? Take molly and pretend in their dazed condition that whoever is assaulting them is CUMBERBATCH?

This Cumberbatch guy is one stupid-looking creep. He almost looks like an inbred royal. He's scrawny, dull, and from what I've seen of him on talk shows not much of a brain. He's Sherlock Holmes? He doesn't look like he's capable of deducing the use of toilet paper.

That's not unusual. Women often throw themselves at strange looking idiots. You never know when they'll suddenly declare their love for some peculiar star (Woody Allen, Wayne Newton, Nat "King" Cole, Dudley Moore) or some skinny or pimply or ridiculous guy who plays a sci-fi character or sings a rock song.

It's all pretty disgusting. And take a look at the wallpaper behind Cumberbatch and his Cumbersnatch. Yeah. They manage to "sponsor" the opening of a new movie? While their YouTube allows people to steal and "share" thousands of films and TV shows, and while their "search engine" helps people find the bootlegs and thief torrents? The staff of Google ain't Cumberbitches. They're just Cumstained assholes.