No. no.
That Elton-esque fellow is...WAS...John Scott, who recorded on the Hyperion label.
But what the fuck, his albums should be given away FREE, and he should make his money by touring. Right?
Right. Which is probably why he dropped dead.
He had a family (including three kids) to support. Jet lag from touring was part of his daily life.
He had a heart attack a few days ago and that was it.
According to the New York Times, "A day before he died at Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital, Mr. Scott had returned from what was to be the first leg of a European tour that included recitals in Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden. He was to have performed again in Germany on Aug. 28 and then in Denmark and Switzerland. Mr. Scott played at the Boston Early Music Festival in June. His last American appearance was a Bach recital at St. Thomas (Church) on June 20."
That's a fucking lot of travel, isn't it?
Most of us need a vacation just from taking a week's vacation and flying somewhere and back.
But to retards with idiot names like Seniormole and Mephisto, it's supposed to be so much FUN being in airports for hours and hours. It's nothing but FUN standing in line to board and de-plane, and putting your body through hours of oxygen-peculiar airplane air and different time zones. And then performing under stress to be perfect. And taking off a day later to another city, missing your home and family and unable to keep to a diet or exercise plan. And not sleeping well in hotels full of yap-happy tourists.
But to jealous dimwits, all of the hell is nothing because you've got wealth and fame. Only a musician, especially a CLASSICAL musician, doesn't really have much of that.
OK then, say the dimwits, the joy of doing what you want trumps fame and fortune and bootlegging and piracy. So "don't ruin our fun," and keep at it till you drop. Which John Scott did.
As for "don't quit your day job," well, John Scott had those. You don't just tour if you're an organist. You have to have a steady job playing the organ. For a classical musician, that meant a church. And churches don't pay all that well.
John was born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, and won his first international organ competition in Manchester in 1978. He put in 26 years working at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, as an organist and musical director, and composed classical works for Queen Elizabeth II's "Golden Jubilee" in 2002.
He came to New York in 2004 because, as an Episcopalian, he wanted to explore diversity in his music and not have to stick to "traditional" and stodgy repertoire demands. So he found work as a local church organist. It might not have been glamorous (most people can't even see the organist, hidden up in the rafters somewhere) but he enjoyed the work. And, to supplement the income and to be creative and to keep his name out there for his record label, he toured. And toured. And had a heart attack and died.
At the service for him at the St. Thomas church, the Rev. Canon Carl F. Turner declared “The glory he wanted was the glory of God.” Yeah, ok. I'm sure his family was comforted by that. That would include his current wife, his ex-wife, and did I say three kids? Actually, one of them hasn't been born yet. Scott's second wife is pregnant, and the child will arrive in this world without a father. Glory to God. And to Kickass, and Zinfart, and Exystence to Steal, and all the other selfish stupid humans and inhumans who somehow think that what they do is helpful. Only they love it when they get the "nice comments" and not the artist. "Thanks for uploading, Oh, Zinfart, you are God, We are not Worthy!"
Praise God, These are not my links but thank me anyway, and THANKS TO THE ORIGINAL UPLOADER.
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