Sunday, May 4, 2014


You know what I didn't need to see at the Kentucky Derby? This faggot, Johnny Weir:

The point of the Kentucky the fuckin' Kentucky Derby. It's a horse race. That's all I care about. Give me five minutes where you handicap the fuckin' nags and the human warts that ride them, and then RUN THE FUCKING RACE.

Instead, the show runs on American TV for 2 or 3 HOURS. A ton of filler. Even if you think you've got it figured, and don't tune in till the last half hour...WAY TOO MUCH FILLER. This includes the ceremonial singing of "My Old Kentucky Home," while a a few hundred red-faced rich Kentucky assholes (most of the state is poor and toothless) preen in their fanciest outfits.

What I do not expect is that one of the fanciest, frilliest outfits...will be worn by a male...Johnny "Queer" Weir, who made a name for himself in (ugh) figure skating.

Look, do I really have to say this? I am no homophobe. I am not a transophobe or dragophobe either. You want to fuck men or dress up as a lady, go do it. IN PRIVATE. I don't want to see that shit. I don't even want to see straights acting up in public. Go get a room; don't lock lips on the post office line in front of me. You want to dress like an S&M biker, or a big baby, or a panda bear...I don't wanna know.

Faggots need validation? So do idiots who dress up as rubber dolls. People feel guilty over their sexual quirks? THEY SHOULD! First off, no "kink" is any less strange than another. Second, that's why it's a turn on, because it's "forbidden." Come on, Johnny, you keep dressing up like this, and getting smiles and shrugs of "live and let live," and it won't be a turn-on for you, poor girly-man. Then what'll you do? Have to go get a wardrobe of elk costumes? Start getting turned on by bathing in cottage cheese?

I get what Johnny Weir is saying, I really do. It's too obvious to ignore. He's saying, "I'm HERE and I'm QUEER. Sooooo, get USED TO IT." Which is only slightly different from Elton John or Sir. Fruitcake McKellen constantly telling Graham Norton, "I'm queer," to which Graham titters and answers back, "I know you are but what am I..." Or whatever the fucking game is.

It's the 21st Century. Fags are even getting married. ENOUGH with the false pride and the hit-you-over-the-head bullshit. You're gay. You're black. Your Lah-TEEN-oh. None of it is anything to be proud of. You're're part of why the planet is dying. Who else is proud? Muslims? Syrians? Nigerians? People so proud they blow up anyone who isn't like them?

What I'd prefer is if people DIAL BACK their ethnic pride, their need to tel me what perverted acts they do in private, their stupid religion and the idiotic looking costumes that they think God is tasteless enough to admire.

Johnny Queer wants to dress up effeminate? I happen to hate, and LOATHE effeminacy. It's not only a mockery of manhood, it's an obscene insult to women, too, because it's not female or feminine in the least. So I have to see this idiot with his frocks and his stupid hat, when I've tuned in to watch a horse race??? This is as stupid as a surgeon coming to the Kentucky Derby in his scrubs.

Yeah, I get it...Johnny Queer is supposedly being so brave...and one day, every effeminate idiot who wants to mince down the street in a lady's hat will be able to do so with admiring cheers or indifferent shrugs. Know what I say? Have enough pride in yourself, and enough common sense, and enough dignity, and enough self dress like everybody else.

We have way too much "look at me" idiocy with tattoos, slutty outfits, dyed hair, stupid t-shirts with moronic logos and the rest of it. This whole "look at me, look at me" shit is infantile and neurotic. Didn't get enough attention from mommy? Need some now? FUCK YOU. You'll get ridicule HERE and depending on just how much of an asshole you look like, all over thousands of blogs as well. That's one good thing about social media...every time a "celebrity" like this idiot, or Viley Virus or Justin Sane romps around in some garish outfit they get the scorn and laughter they deserve.

People are afraid to say the emperor has no clothes...or that the "star" looks stupid in effeminate idiot attire? I'm not. Go lisp all over a dog dick if you like, Johnny...just close the shades. Really. Is that what's next, Queer Boy? You got your stupid face in the papers, you got all sorts of people smirking and smiling and giving you the gratification and validation you so desperately need. But is it enough? Are you going to show up next year with a Pomeranian strapped to your chin and its dick in your mouth? Is that what's next? I bet you're thinking about it, because like Lady Gaga, you're a barren, neurotic, ugly, desperate fool with an ever-increasing need to call attention to yourself.

You're here, you're give me air.

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