Saturday, July 26, 2014

If the Obese Cheap Bitch is Aretha Franklin it's OK

Let's see, now.

A go there, sit down, pay a waiter/waitress, and you're generally expected to order a substantial meal. when they put your burger in a sack, and you waddle your ugly fat ass home, or to the street, or to the park to gobble it all down.

But, hold on, if the ugly fat disgusting blob of a freeloader happens to actually be famous...and black...THE RULES CHANGE.

Big fat slobby Aretha Franklin, who could probably afford to buy a crappy hamburger franchise, decided to sit her dinosaur ass at a table and eat take-out?

She got yelled at, but because she's big fat slobby smelly Aretha Franklin...everybody's apologizing all over the place. Oooh ooh, her civil liberties were violated. Or something. Yes, yes, let's encourage more cheap-ass fat slobs to break the rules.

The restaurant has bills to play. Somebody has to clean the table after fat fuck Aretha's used it.

I'll bet the untold side of the story is that big fat stinkin' Aretha ignored the server, and grazed on her fatty food till the server had to start yelling. Because that's the way Miss R-E-S-P-E-C-T rolls...rolls her weight around. Her flab.

How many times to you suppose some arrogant 300 pound load of crap has come in, ordered cheap take-out, and then plopped down into a chair, defying teh rules? Fatty growls, "I do as I please" or "Dey's plenny seats for de udders" or "If some body comes in and asses for a seat, I'ze given it up, but udderwise, I stays."

It's disgusting how often arrogant obnoxious cheap fat-ass fucks get their way and intimidate polite and decent people.

Aretha Franklin should've put a few bucks down and said "I've changed my mind, I'm so fucking fat I can't waddle out of here, I gotta go sit down to eat this shitty food..."

Maybe she would've if the server was black. Somehow I don't think the server was black. The server was some poor white idiot who didn't want to wipe a table because a fat moron decided to be cheap and sit down without tipping anything except maybe the chair.

Fuck you Fatso. Think of paying to sit down...and think about ordering a salad.

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