Here's happy news. America's got its first home-grown case of Ebola. Why? Because some monkey from Africa came here to visit, and brought his cooties with him. Same thing caused the AIDS started in Africa but didn't stay there.
When you think it can't get always does. But let's look on the bright side. There's also been a lot of cases of children coming down with mysterious ailments, and new strains of cold and flu could be lethal. Can't blame that on African immigrants, can you? So why restrict them from pouring in with their Ebola?
Next up, another example of how porn is destroying lives. I know! It's hard to not sound like a white Evangelical of the hypocrites who claim porn is horrible...while busy molesting choir boys. The conservatives who frown on porn are usually the worst ones collecting it. But come on, there IS a porn problem and you don't have to be a blue nose to know it's out of control.
The main problem is that Internet porn is so easy to get. Secondly, people are so fucking jaded about seeing fucking, that most everyone's more advanced than De Sade and Kraft-Ebing. Think about how quaint it was, when Frank Zappa chortled that rock music was doing a lot for oral sex, and vice versa. ORAL SEX? Today's teenagers know all about ANAL sex, gangbangs, bukkake...and here's a Muslim (isn't he?) scumbag whose family should never have been allowed in America...RASHAD DEIHIM.
Gonna tell me this urine-faced double-ugly piece of camel shit hasn't watched Internet porn? Monkey see, monkey do? He found himself a skag white girl, had some other jerk join them, and the three of them sexually tortured and nearly killed some other pinhead. What's this, the UZA, the United Zoo of America?
You'd think this Arab bastard would be a bit concerned about behaving himself...he's in Massachusetts, home of the Arab bastards who blew up the Boston marathon. But no, he apparently used that incident to swagger his Muslim ugliness to impress girls and spook his neighbors and teachers. All the Massachusetts incident did was to prove that adorable (remember him on the cover of Rolling Stone) Muslim psychos are KEWL. So here's Kewl Rashad with his shit-eyes and giant nose and mop of gorilla-pubes on his head. Adorable, no?
Hey hey, say the white trash girls, here's another of those bad Muslims...and don't they swoon over nasties? You bet they do, if only to piss off their parents.
Yes, the very same day Rashad the Arab Monkey made the news, a white trash moron was arrested for killing his ex-wife and her new boyfriend.
The guy probably could trace his white American family back three generations. No immigrant, he. So we can't say that blocking immigration solves all problems.
But we'd have one less story of Rashad's rotten family stayed where they belonged and didn't come here out of greed. Rashad's was a crime of sadism, and one that happened because a) he figures he's above white man's law, and b) the Internet stoked his dumb hummus-filled brain with vicious imagery. He wouldn't have thought to chase down and abuse a girl and have an idiot record it, if he hadn't seen similar porn videos. That the girls in the porn videos consented and have their names on not something Camel Snot Deihim thought about.
Considering that the last remaining white countries (America, England, France, Germany, Scandanavia) have enough problems of their own...what IS the point in happily greeting psycho Muslims and disease-filled Africans?
There are countries in this world who are restrictive and severe. You go to that country and you better speak the language. You get out of line and you're in jail. You show up stinking of Ebola or glowering about your fucking religion...and you don't even get in. This is accepted. Respected. It's not going to hurt the USA or UK one bit to have a more restrictive immigration policy. It'll just tell the world, "Sorry, we're not white wimps and chumps. We are not bearing the White Mans Burden anymore. If you're so fucking equal, evolve. Get opposable thumbs. If England, Italy, China, India and other nations could learn how to create fine art, and invent scientific breakthroughs, it's your own fucking fault if most of you are sitting in trees, your art is a pathetic wood carving, and your idea of science is a bow and arrow."
Sorry, but there's a limit to assimilation. You put a rabbit turd in a gallon of chocolate ice cream, blend well, and maybe you're not gonna taste it or even see it. Put a dozen rabbit turds in, and they are not going to assimilate no matter how much you blend. You end up with a spoiled gallon that's nothing but useless and as far as anyone's concerned, it's now ALL shit.
Every day there's a Rashad asshole killing or raping. Every day there's a disease spiraling more out of control. Nobody wants to do anything about it. Even the FDA (food and drug administration) allows a CERTAIN amount of rat hair, animal feces and other debris into peanut butter. Inspectors are so lax there is hardly a day when some food product isn't responsible for an outbreak that sickens hundreds of people. And so it goes...right down the toilet? No, this IS the toilet.
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