Thursday, April 25, 2013


Yes, most of what you see on TV gives you reasons to be disgusted but...

The GREAT MAN of Late Night Television, David Letterman, can still surprise and delight.

Now that he's in his rehearsals for retirement, Dave's been more outspoken than ever, and his latest bit, STOOGE OF THE NIGHT is ballsy and bold.

He's been outing hypocrite Senator assholes who voted against gun-control. Wednesday night he ripped one weasel for voting NO on gun control...while pocketing $14,000 in NRA donation money. For his Thursday night show (April 25th), he went after Republican asshole Mitch McConnell...pointing out that 82% of Mitch's constituents SUPPORT background checks for gun owners.

Yes, Kentucky, that state derided for being a haven for toothless hillbillies, has enough sense to want to keep at least a few guns away from the easy reach of some maniac hot-head running to a gun show or to an online dealer. But their senator, Republican asshole Mitch McConnell has his tongue firmly up the ass of Deranged Wayne La Pierre, or whoever is waving his dick in Mitch's face.

Who tells millions of people about this and shames Mitch McConnell? DAVID LETTERMAN, that's who.

Dave put up the banner STOOGE OF THE NIGHT, and let his audience take a good look at tight-lipped Mitch. Dave made a token joke about dental implants...but as was the case the previous night, and as will be the case in the future, he wasn't aiming for laughs. He was pointing out a shameful fact...that hypocrisy is the rule in politics, and the need for at least a sane token law about gun control would help. Dave's program is called a "talk show," so he doesn't have to be funny all the time, and taking a stand on an issue is not off limits. Not for DAVID LETTERMAN.

Dave has faced down idiot jihad threats. He's defended his right to make jokes on any subject. He withstood the obnoxious cuntery of Sarah Palin who twisted one of his jokes to suit her own agenda of conservative bias. He faced the nation bravely in admitting some personal failures. He came back from incredible health problems and showed class and heart in the process.

He is the guy they've copied and copied...Conan, Leno, Kimmel...all of them. And yet, look at the lot of them. They never innovate. They never grow. They still Dave's ideas and just do lame copies of them. That's especially true when Leno has his show "interrupted" by plants in the audience, or he goes rushing off stage into a video-taped sight gag. Leno would never get serious about gun control or any other issue. Conan, Kimmel and the rest wouldn't dare either. But here's Dave, after 30 years, and still not wanting to always play safe. He's fucking edgier than the "young" Mr. Kimmel who does those stupid racist Guillermo bits and has his dopey "Aunt Chippy" yammering the same dumb curse words, and his idiots on the street being interviewed (something Dave dispensed with as played out, decades ago).

Dave is much edgier than the even younger and stupider Jimmy Fallon who wastes so much time with audience members doing lame quiz-show-games, and that effeminate "thank you card" routine, and all the puppy-bullshitting the ass-faced clown thinks is SO cute. Conan? Still coming out and doing the "string dance?" Still telling a joke and spending the next minute guffawing at it and analyzing it and pointing out which audience members did or didn't laugh? He's not going to take any real risks, like calling a Senator the "Stooge of the Night."


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