Monday, August 18, 2014


Ever hear of a porn star named...

Oh, nevermind. Of COURSE NOT. There were maybe three that anyone remembers, and she ain't one of 'em. There was addled Linda Cocksucker, the one who flip-flopped over whether she was forced or NOT forced into porn. There was Marilyn Yawn...who made "Beyond Caring About," and creepy Seka, who is out signing pix of herself at seamy memorabilia shows.

So this one, who started out making porn, then owned a company making "porn for WOMEN," and is now over the hill (probably 60 and post menopause) decided her story would be so fucking earthshaking, it needed to be told as a documentary. So everyone PAY UP!

Go to Schtickstarter, and let's raise a small fortune. Hey, if you donate $250 you get a signed copy of some book she wrote 20 years ago. Wow. You could buy one on eBay for $10, probably.

Greed doth make losers...of THESE LOSERS.

They insisted that the amount they wanted to raise ...$135,000 was REASONABLE!

Yeah? No, actually. Not at all. Some guy used a cheap camcorder to make a documentary about Rodriguez, who made a few crappy albums years ago and disappeared in Detroit. The people who made "Blair Witch Project" did it for next to nothing. There are plenty, PLENTY of people who've done documentaries for $5,000 or $10,000...they get a decent camcorder, shoot people outside or in apartments...and that's that.

There are people who shoot a sample 10 minutes and then convince REAL people, not KICKSTARTER dopes, to fund the rest.

The irony is that if they weren't pigs, if they only said they needed $50,000, they might've gotten it! But no, they added up costs for themselves, and their meals, and their travel, and "post production" expenses and all the rest of the crap. Too bad. They wanted to lah-dee-dah all over the place finding people in this stupid woman's life...hunting down illiterate oafs to talk the usual "talking head" crap...and ultimately the answer was...ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.



Candy-ass, who really wasn't all that special in her porn career, had various other has-beens pounding the Internet, blubbering on Facebook and crying via e-mails to "support" the project. Talk it up, talk it up, tell people to throw their money at this chick who sucked and fucked on camera 30 years ago. Tell 'em she'll talk about her cancer and her search for some lost relative or something. Did it seem interesting to you? Not to me, either. Every person has a story, don't they? This one...I could care less about.

"Hey, give em money so people can track down members of my family." Talk about an ego trip!

So what happens next? They're still pushing. There's still a website, there's still plenty of bitching and moaning going on. It's "nice to have friends" isn't it? Do YOU know anyone who thinks your story deserves a documentary? Why does EVERY idiot who ever made a porn movie or survived cancer think that the world has to know about it?

Come on, this is what shitty eBooks are for. This is what self-published "print on demand" books are a has-been like this can go sit at a fucking table at a memorabilia show and sign 'em for anyone interested.

And lemme tell you...NOBODY is interested. All the "fans" want is either an autographed photo for their $20 or...and this is more common now, a "photo op" for their $20. "Here's ME sitting next to Chlamydia Royal..."

Ech. Ugh. So? Fuck off. Would you download the fucking thing if it was on the Net for free? Hell, would you even download one of her old fuck-movies? I wouldn't. She wasn't THAT good. Although she DID keep her pubes on!

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