Usually the GOOGLE motto is: "ALL IS PERMITTED."
Just check YouTube where anyone can post yesterday's TV show, a 45 record, any kind of insane rant. It's ALL good, because YouTube (owned by GOOGLE) makes money. GOOGLE has America's politicians in their back pocket. There's no Internet law that says GOOGLE has to monitor YouTube, Blogspot, or its search engine, and try and prevent obvious violations of copyright or taste.
In fact, GOOGLE prides itself on ignoring copyright, letting children see pornography, and giving scum like Pirate Bay every opportunity to get attention and publicity.
The M.O. for GOOGLE has always been: FUCK MORALITY. And worse. Anyone standing up for their rights ends up at "Chilling Effects," a GOOGLE stooge website where any complaint is magnified for the "bad guys" to see. GOOGLE, by contrast, does not ask that any blogger or YouTuber provide accurate information, a phone number, or a credit card. Nope. You just remain anonymous and do as you please. A rights owner has to provide all kinds of documentation to even get somebody at GOOGLE to pay attention.
So who was paying attention when some idiot posted an APP for an anti-Hamas "game?" Nobody. Somehow enough people complained and GOOGLE took the unusual step of doing something...besides the usual "we don't have to do anything, we believe in freedom of speech." My guess is that some CEO, actually on duty and not shooting heroin, consorting with whores, or sitting in on the latest "invasion of privacy" gizmo, said, "Hey, we're being recognized as a rich, corrupt Fascist bunch of sickos. Let's uh...make this APP an example of how conscientious we are!"
End of game. THIS game. Not the GOOGLE game of abuses, corruption, lawlessness and bad taste.
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