Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pigmouth Roger Waters Lies Again: The World Would be Better if he was SHOT DEAD

Can I put it plainer?

I don't think I can. The world would be a better place of ROGER WATERS WAS SHOT DEAD.

I mean really dead. SHOT THROUGH THE HEAD DEAD. Decapitated dead. So dead you could stomp on his fucking face and NOT hear one little stinking bit of "The Wall."


I mean, DEAD, DEAD, FUCKING DEAD. So dead he couldn't laugh about Syd Barrett no longer getting royalties.

But don't confuse me for a terrorist. I'm not HAMAS.

I'm just a dreamer. I'm DREAMING of a better world...with ROGER WATERS SHOT DEAD.

By who? By a PINK FLOYD FAN, ideally. By a Palestinian. By "JOHN" the ISIS/BEATLE. By someone who felt that ROGER WATERS wasn't doing ENOUGH to get Jews killed.

You know that Mark David fucking Chapman didn't think John Lennon was doing enough in the world. Not enough to suit Mark David fucking Chapman. John was being a "phony." That's the word Chapman copped from Holden Caulfield, who kept muttering about "phonies" as the lead character of "Catcher in the Rye." So maggot-mind Chapman somehow related it to Lennon.

Well, there are crazies in the world, Roger, crazier than YOU, and maybe you will be killed by one. It won't be one you will meet face to face. You'll never see the bullet that turned your brain into Bird's dessert. It will have come from the back, like Lennon got it.

SHOT FROM BEHIND. SHOT DEAD. What a lovely headline to dream upon. One of the most virulent, anti-Israel anti-Semitic "stars" on the planet...SHOT DEAD. SHOT DEAD...by some hot-headed Hamas-hole who didn't think you were doing ENOUGH for the cause.

After all, despite your rhetoric, America isn't in flames. Jews aren't being marched to crematoriums. You only get to snicker and nod in delight when reading that Jewish store owners have had their windows broken and their shops ransacked, the Jewish children as far off as in Australia have been terrified and traumatized by hooligans. Dead Jews don't lie in peace because their tombstones are pushed over and spray-painted by Banksy-fans with Swastikas.

And you aren't doing enough. Coming up with insane rhetoric, to this VERY DAY, isn't enough, Rog.

I mean, come on, skeleton-faced fucko, your poisonous mind can think up even worse things than THIS abomination:


Come on, Rog, you can be more inflammatory than that. The Hamas people, the ISIS people are watching. They like to decapitate people. They like to fire missiles at children (really, they do, it's not just Kikes in Israel who do it, or so you claim). They will SHOOT YOU DEAD if you don't ramp up the rhetoric just a TAD more.


The average asshole of a Pink Floyd fan is only going to instantly get the idea Americans are a bunch of poofters. Or buggerers. Or people who don't wear clean knickers...on purpose.

Do better next time, and I'm sure there WILL be a next time, because you can't keep your filthy mouth shut.

You want more close-up pictures of yourself in the papers...where you look like a raving homeless lunatic.

You want more attention so your back-catalog of all the awful music you made after Syd Barrett can continue to give you a royal lifestyle.

Wild haired, wild eyed, needing a shave...you DO look like a madman who should be put to death.

Yes, you preach death.

Yes, you recklessly create headlines accusing AMERICA AND ISRAEL OF "MORAL PERVERSITY" while shrugging about Syria, Nigeria, Somalia and everyplace else. So remember, YOU COULD BE SHOT DEAD if you don't appease your beloved Palestinian psychopaths. Keep ramping it up. Keep outdoing yourself in being the most famous anti-Semitic rock star the world has ever seen.

Keep making PINK FLOYD synonymous with KILL JEWS.

PS, you're not yet a Muslim convert...and that's a bad mistake, Roger old boy.

When they come raging toward you from the nearest mosque, you better have a KORAN in your hand, and you better pledge your Stink Floyd royalties to ALLAH, because you look MIGHTY WHITE. And your name is VERY, VERY suspect. "Roger Waters." That's no Muslim name. That alone is a reason to SHOOT YOU DEAD.

Now, "Salon" com as the name implies, is a fruity place. It's a beauty salon where creepy pseudo-Adonis sociopathic egotists like ROGER WATERS can get their photo taken and splashed on a web page.

The wimps of SALON.COM live far away from gunfire and oozing blood...so these pussy-esque males who meander about the office like drones at the hive, can sip their latte while they primp and posture about Palestine, and quote and re-quote ROGER WATERS...and have the nerve...the fucking NERVE...to snigger about America's...


Yes, SALON.COM fawns over a drug-addled lunatic they consider a political pundit and an intellectual...and encourage him to write a reckless piece declaring an entire country to be guilty of MORAL PERVERSITY.

Why don't you move your offices to GAZA, SALON.COM. Show the courage of Roger's convictions. Tell the world that unlike perverted America...YOU guys stand on exalted moral ground, the kind that ALLAH rewards with virgin goats.

Why not just give over your website to ROGER WATERS and make him the editor? You look to him to save your asses and get you the "hits" you need to prove that you're a popular website, right up there with Al Qaeda's news site.

Should I even bother to quote more of Roger's muddy swill? Oh, maybe a little...

After the attention-grabbing header about MORAL PERVERSITY in America, Roger inserts a paragraph where he once again insists he's not anti-Semitic, and is, of course, SO deeply concerned with other international issues (that he never happened to ever mention over the years). Need a laugh?

Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa:

Drivel, drivel, shriveled star. Shall I tell you what you are?

You are a Nazi.

Notice how quickly Roger dodged from claiming to be humane...to urging that boycott against ISRAEL alone. By all means...buy from Russia. From Saudi Arabia and all the Middle-Eastern countries that rape women and treat them like shit. Buy from India where gang-rape is a national pastime. Buy from NORTH KOREA and RUSSIA.

Roger's version of PINK FLOYD would happily play a gig for the leaders of BOKO HARAM. But import a fucking Jaffa orange from Israel? Encourage Israel...the country that has given the entire world important advances in medicine and technology? Never! Starve them. Take away their weapons. Leave them helpless and begging for mercy from people who have vowed to wipe them off the face of the Earth and to murder Jews everywhere they run to.

In ROGER WATERS' WORLD...Palestine and Arabs are 100% right. And Jews are 100% wrong...and while genocide and apartheid thrive in countries all over the world...most especially in Arab countries that won't even allow a Jew to come and play in a tennis tournament...ROGER WATERS declares ONE country to boycott.

King Roger the Merciless.

Roger Waters, you are the scrawny, skeletal Halloween replica of The Grim Reaper...symbolic to everyone of "Kill the Jews." Anyplace you go, your presence screams "KILL THE JEWS! KILL THE JEWS! KILL THE JEWS!"

You're like the walking Red Death. You expect to continue to flounce across the free countries...England, Germany (most especially) and the rest...spreading your AIDS-like words that pronounce a death sentence for Israel and for the Jewish people. Obama is your Prince Prospero...you only wish you could touch him with your bony hands and have him drop and turn to dust.

Is it that much of a surprise that some dream of a better world...where ROGER WATERS IS SHOT DEAD...and by a Palestinian who felt ROGER WATERS wasn't doing enough?

After all, ROGER WATERS is not yet up there with HIMMLER or ROMMEL or MENGELE as a leading disciple of Hitler.

He's getting there, with this latest headline about "MORAL PERVERSITY" of Americans and American leadership.

He just needs to keep the image of mindless drugged out Pink Floyd fans in his head...the ones screaming "WE DON'T NEED NO EDUCATION." That's the kind of thing that keeps the hemorrhoids crackling like hot chestnuts in Roger's fevered anus...it keeps him ranting his intellectual diarrhea.

Lastly, THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER IF ROGER WATERS WAS SHOT DEAD, because not only does he write pompous drivel, he also spews doggerel, including THIS awfully ripe (to the point of being ROTTEN) poem:

Crystal clear brooks

When the time comes

And the last day dawns

And the air of the piper warms

The high crags of the old country

When the holy writ blows

Like burned paper away

And wise men concede

That there’s more than one way

More than one path

More than one book

More than one fisherman

More than one hook

When the cats have been skinned

And the fish have been hooked

When the masters of war

Are our masters no more

When old friends take their whiskey

Outside on the porch

We will have done well

If we’re able to say

As the sun settles down

On that final day

That we never gave in

That we did all we could

So the kids could go fishing

In crystal clear brooks.

* * * *

ROGER WATERS...if there's anything you like better than the concept of crystal clear brooks...it's a red sea of Jewish blood that you can splash in, while hugging that giant floating inflatable PIG with the Star of David on it.

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