Thursday, April 30, 2015


From all the riot news, you get the idea Baltimore is a fucking Randy Newman song. The niggers are free? "Free to be kept in a cage..."

Whitey runs Baltimore and keeps the Niggers down. Right? Well, it turns out that Baltimore is predominantly black AND SO ARE THEIR LEADERS.

How long did it take for this inconvenient truth to start circulating on the Internet?

Why, it's enough to make you turn Republican/Conservative.

Oh. That's who keeps talking about this.

The Republican/Conservative view is Whitey Knows Best, and that a strong leader big on discipline will keep ALL the minorities in place. Giuliani as Mayor of New York would be an example. More proof? When Dinkins (black) was mayor of New York, there were riots and crime was high, because (it was theorized) blacks knew that the mayor was one of their own and the cops and courts would go easy on 'em. Now that the mayor of New York is a big dumb Democrat with a black wife and two black brats, crime is again up and morale (and morals) down.

Interesting, isn't it?

It goes back to the old theories of how to raise kids. "Spare the rod and spoil the child."

It's also human nature. The more liberal and lax you are, the more control you LOSE and the more obnoxious and arrogant the people become. Are immigrants ingrates? You bet they are. Are they violent and nasty? Yep.

Where do people toe the line and do as they're told? Putinville. Red China. Places where lazy, violent people don't last long.

So here we are, Balti-morons blaming the cops and conveniently forgetting more than half the force is BLACK. That's human nature for you. Baltimore could have an ALL black police force, and they'd still riot if some ex-con died in police custody.

One trick that ex-cons like to use is to become violent in police custody. Did Dead Freddie do that? It's just a fun little bit of speculation:

Lovable "Joker" Holmes, the guy who shot up a movie theater, made sure to run into walls and bounce all over the place like Daffy Duck, confident it would lead to a "he's crazy" defense. What do they do with "Crazy" prisoners? They segregate them, put them in nice hospitals, give them benefits ordinary prisoners don't get. Was Freddie angling for a "crazy nigger" defense? Who knows. That it's a reason for millions of dollars in be paid by BLACK taxpayers in a BLACK-run city is just a tad ironic.

Bottom line, it comes down to the Impossible Dream, which is to find the "Liberal Republican," the person who takes no shit but isn't full of shit. It's the one who believes in gun control but also sends out the National Guard in riot gear and believes in bombing countries that are going to do us danger. It's the one who believes fags shouldn't be punished for what they can't help...but that they shouldn't be mincing all over the street and screeching in restaurants and getting married (as opposed to civil unions). It's the one who wants to see the citizens all have jobs, before hollering "Bring me immigrants who won't even speak our language."

Bob Dylan: "The world is ruled by violence, but that's better left unsaid." Which is what happened when violent Blacks began rampaging through Baltimore, spreading the false message that Whitey was keeping them down when the place is actually run...into the their own.

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