Monday, June 10, 2013

Harassment and Fraud is SPOOF. Maybel RAPE or MURDER is PARODY

Maybe you've noticed the apathy Internet giants like Google, Ebay, Paypal, Amazon and the others have towards your personal safety?


Your bank. Your credit card company. They don't give much of a damn either. Go running around in circles due to identity theft, fraud, malicious harassment or hacking.


You know what happened to you? YOU were the victim of...



As you might guess...I was just interrupted, TWICE, by fucking "SPOOF" phone calls.

The new rage among phone scammers is to get past caller ID (as if that's hard anyway) by coming through as something besides UNKNOWN, ANONYMOUS, or CARD SERVICES. They hack-rig a fake caller ID courtesy of gray-market crooks who run sleazy Internet websites (and get kicked off eBay every other day).

Just steal or invent a company name that tricks ME into thinking it's not a robot call but some company or someone I should talk to. Then comes the robo-message or the fucking conjob which can lead to outright swindle, identity theft or some tech-trick that alows someone to make calls I'll be billed for.

But...why not SMILE, because it's all just...a SPOOF

Ho ho, ha ha, hee hee.

As you see from the above, there are shit-brain ass-wipe bastards who are more than happy to sell their SPOOFING services and software so YOU can join the ranks of the rank.

SPOOFING has replaced that other adorable word PFISHING. Remember, little worm, when you got pfished? How long it took to straighten out the problem? All because you pressed the wrong link, got scammed by a faked up e-mail you THOUGHT was from a legit company you deal with...

Now the word is SPOOF

SPOOF, after all, is much happier and more harmless sounding, and your complaint about it is therefore SO trivial. What, don't you have a SENSE OF HUMOR about being SPOOFED?


What are we living in, a fucking MONTY PYTHON sketch?

"No, not a spoof."


"I don't want an argument, I want my identity back!"

"What was that, Mr. Spoof? Is that your name?"

"NO, IT IS NOT! My identity was stolen and..."

"And we can't be sure WHO you are, can we? Goodbye! Have a NICE day."

"Are you parodying me?"

"No. That was...a palindrome. A pun. Um, no...a SPOOF!

Anybody ever go to trial for this? And get a significant fine or sentence that ended the game?

"Spamford Wallace" kept at it. Kim Dotcom threatens to throw his Nazi weight around soon.

Hell, it's JUST a "Spoof" whether it's from a pimply LulzSec in mum's basement or the most sinister slimeball lording over some zombies in a boiler room or walls and walls of automatic dialers.

Well, listen, Newtown and the Boston Marathon...ultimately what we had was "Howdy Doody" and "Wide World of Sports" with a sob-track added. Might as well have called what happened "Parody," because no gun laws were passed and it never takes too long before the victims are forgotten and the perps are elevated to mythic status...just "awesome," dude. Let's make sure to treat that surviving Boston bastard nicely. Nurse him back to health. He's got teen girls who love him and are donating to him. And his mommy is not to be angered. And hey, leave his sister-in-law alone to wear her burka and use the American flag for a Kotex.

Incredible. Do you not think there are some people out there who've put a laughtrack and sound-effects to the footage of the Boston Marathon bombing, and play it all day long?

Call me old fashioned, but if it doesn't involve Leslie Nielsen, it's no fucking SPOOF to ME.

Oh...what a coincidence, here's something in the NY Times today...

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