Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Piss Bucket Challenge: Take a DUMP on Kim Kardashian's Head.

You know it's a lame, boring, useless stunt when KIM KARDASHIAN gets around to it. Just like when she fucked and sucked in a video long after Paris Hilton.

Zzzzz. Watta snooze. Kim Kardashian, the symbol of beauty to mandrills and orangutans everywhere, got a bucket of ice dumped on her already brain-damaged head.

And who did it to her? Oh, the adorably cute LESBIAN Ellen Degeneres.

Since nobody is watching Kuntrashian's reality show anymore, she had to find some higher-profile TV show to soil. So ELLEN, coming back from summer vacation, needed...what...a "big, controversial, splashy" moment? And THIS is it?

It would've been it...if Ellen had the balls to fill that bucket with monkey piss.

Don't the housewives love themselves some LESBIANs? Oooh, Rosie O'Donnell. Oooh, Ellen Degeneres. Oooh, Oprah Winf...ooops. Let's not go there, girl.

I'm almost as sick of LESBIANS as I am of KIM KUNTRASHIAN. For one thing, all we're seeing is the real, mannish lesbians. Ellen Degeneres dresses and acts like a pubescent twerp. She wears that dorky hairstyle, and the little-boy suits. She's creepy, like a little boy, too. She presides over her phony talk show with the fake Bob Newhart stutter, and then she glares with those pale blue vulture eyes and gives out with some snark...and the ladies LOVE it. Ugh. Almost as much as the ladies love watching ugly battle-ax Rosie O'Donnell spout her nasty nonsense.

What IS it with these housewives? They really want to sit on their cunts all day, eating cake and fantasizing about being taken by ELLEN or ROSIE?

Let's not even mention what happened at the U.S. Open, where Martina, dressed up in a white suit, with her short hair and mannish build, got on one knee and PROPOSED to her much taller and better looking girlfriend. Again, the attraction is the star...Martina...looking and acting mannish. Nobody seems to care much about the other half of the lesbian equation...the one playing the "wife" role. Nah, that isn't gender-bender enough to be interesting in this twisted world. The gay guy has to act womanly and the gay woman has to act manly. THAT's fasicnating.

But I digress. Second opinion on Kim Kardashian...yo' baby sho' iz UGLY.

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