Sunday, September 4, 2016

Rupert's Good News and Bad News

The GOOD news in Rupert Merde Ox's POST, is that a big hurricane has crapped out. Instead of bringing torrential rain and destruction all Labor Day Weekend, it'll fart some wind for a few hours before everyone goes back to work.

The BAD news? Think twice before buying the fucking POST, because you'll need every penny in this 21st Century of ECONOMIC DESTRUCTION!

Let's stop right here. No, HERE, not here or here.

And no, I won't be a sadist and say "the rest of the big news I will save for ANOTHER DAY."

The question you and I are both asking is: WHAT'S ALL THIS, THEN?

Is this a fucking "news" article or an "opinion editorial?" Why isn't it balanced? Why is it a pessimistic screed with no pitch for how doomsday can be avoided?

Why isn't the writer saying, "On the bright side, if we let a million Muslims into the country, they'll do the menial work, give us stinky halal food trucks and low priced falafel sandwiches, and Wal-mart will make a fortune selling burqas."

Very observant, this asshole.

He sees all the signs of misery (except those stinky halal food trucks, babbling idiots speaking in foreign languages, and the fact that despite a shaky economy everyone is taking endless fucking vacations like a FOUR DAY or FIVE DAY labor day weekend).

PS, the author of this drivel is "Michael Gray." That doesn't sound like an observant...JEW. If a JEW isn't writing about finance, how can this be an expert article??

The rest of the piece:

What, no mention of Brexit? No talk of why the world can't be saved if greedy bastards like Merde Ox, Suckerberg, Kuntrashian and Rump invested or gave away money instead of hoarding it?

What's all this shit about how we can't trust the stock market? If you've got money in the stock're making money, aren't you? SOMEBODY is profiting because the stock market is doing well. Otherwise it wouldn't be doing well. Wasn't it doing SHIT after the horrible BREXIT news came out? It rebounded; isn't THAT a good sign?

The real tragedy, as expressed by Sassy Saskia, a pasty-faced folkie living in Dreamland, is: "My freeee concerts are indeed going to be freeeee. I'll have to continue offering songs freeeeee on my website in exchange for getting on my mailing list and being pestered by my Utopian Vaginal Dribblings. I will continue to be the most obscure Pale-face bitch this side of Roland the Pinhead. Oh, why wasn't I born in the 19th Century? Then I'd be dead by now!"

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