Saturday, February 11, 2017

Gigi Hadid Diddy Did Did - Rich Bitch

Hey every bitch! This twat is your ROLE MODEL.

You should be like her. Look like her. Wear the shit she wears.

Oh, wear the shit she is PAID to wear. Otherwise she wouldn't.

It used to be that you could escape cunt Gigi Hadid if you Di-didn't read the Daily Fail.

Or other twat-wipe rags.

You wouldn't know about the cunt's wardrobe malfunctions.

You wouldn't know about the cunt's slimy Paki boyfriends.

You wouldn't wonder about how her creepy di-diddy Daddy BOUGHT her all this fame.

Now this twat is all over outdoor ads, bus shelters, everywhere.

You can't AVOID her. That's what her rich bastard Daddy wants for his little bitch.

"Who the FUCK IS this GIGI HADID bitch?"

She's just a no-talent media whore who had publicists push and push her with Daddy's money.

Her father is NOT an oil-rich Arab sheik.

He's a stinking Arab landlord bastard. Jews are supposed to be the rotten landlords? He's NOT Jewish.

Then again the world embraces anything NOT JEWISH.

Let's not say anything bad about Iran, Iraq, Egypt or Syria. Anyplace full of homicidal crazies who kill EVERYBODY.

Let's be like Roger Waters and bully and attack tiny Israel, which should have sanctions against it, and go the fuck away and let Palesteeeeeeenians own it instead.

Roger isn't asking anyone to NOT do business with Syria. Or with Daddy Hadid, who is a terrorist inflicting his shitty daughter on the world.

But hold on, every bitch.

Not only is GIGI HADID your ROLE MODEL: guyyyyyssssss, listen up.

Unless you a Nigga, your role model is not a fat-ass KARDASHIAN OR JENNER...shit-eyed dumb-ass cunts who only fuck black guys.

YOUR role model is...


Hadiddy diddy diddy.

You should want to fuck diddy. Suck diddy. Eat diddy. Pee diddy.

Gigi is like Zsa Zsa. Or Gigi (the Leslie Caron movie). It's a CUTE name.

NOTE that in order to not offend rednecks who hate Muslims, the ads only call her GIGI. They don't use her last name.

Maybe next year. Because hey diddle-diddle, HADID is just another of those Arabic names you better get used to.

Do you suppose the RADICAL ISLAM bunch are angry with Diddle-Diddle Hadiddy, rich bastard father AND bitch?

She IS showing a lot more than you generally get with a burqa.

The cunt has EVERYONE talking about her. Even THIS blog.

So what can be done except to say, "This is the LAST time you are mentioned here, you spoiled rich bitch."

Hope your father chokes on a roasted goat leg, and that you get a hamster stuck in your twat. PS, your mother smells of elderberries. And Jewish semen. Har har.

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