Monday, May 15, 2017

Womanning, ALL is Forgiven....


You are jailed for being a TRAITOR TO YOUR COUNTRY, and you come out of jail welcomed back by the Army? And you get health benefits? 

Once upon a time, people were SHOT for committing treason. But, oh, fuck THAT, let's pamper every prick (or dickless twat) out there. 

Common sense is that when a teacher commits a sex crime and is jailed for it, that idiot is NOT allowed to be a teacher again. When somebody in the Army commits a crime that jeopardizes his fellow soldiers AND his country, he should be busted. Instead, this idiot is fawned over because he BECAME BUSTED...he grew tits and cut off his dick. 

Oh, he's transgender, why, that makes him even MORE fabulous than someone merely GAY GAY GAY, or black, or Latino, or darlingly MUSLIM. Thanks, Obama, for pardoning this ridiculous wretch and making IT a celebrity.

PS, I truly DETEST pop-up television when I click on a news story. I know how to READ, I don't need a moronic talking head telling me what I'm reading. 

Isn't it surprising that Obama didn't pardon the Boston Marathon bomber? After all, he's cute (got the cover of Rolling Stone) and fashionably MUSLIM, and all he did was blow up a bunch of white people. They were ALL WHITE PEOPLE. 

Can you imagine if this Muzzie had targeted a "Black Lives Matter" parade? He'd be fried like a fried chicken. Nope, he blew up ALL WHITE PEOPLE, and we all know, WHITE PEOPLE deserve it, especially Christians. 

And America deserves to hear from Chelsea Womanning from now on, right along with Caitlynn Freakface Jenner. It's GOOD to cut off your dick and walk around looking like a ridiculous drag queen. It's GOOD to leak classified information (it's FREEEEEEEEEEEE). Let's all be sympathetic to this pathetic psycho, and NOT give a shit about anyone else, including people hobbling around because of a Boston Marathon bomb. That's old news.

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