Sunday, September 3, 2017

Roasted Retard - Burning Man Dimwit Dies

Say, here's an idea for a GOOD time: go join 70,000 pagan-minded morons and take drugs and listen to shitty music and BUILD A BIG BONFIRE...and then run into it. 

And you thought ISIS cornered the market on backward, ignorant crazies. 

Sure, let's have more ridiculous superstition in the world, more dangerous rituals, more dumbass morons finding the cheapest of thrills.

Fer Chrissake, who the FUCK is excited by the sight of a fire? Neanderthals and pyromaniacs. Some children. And 70,000 shit-for-brains rock dopes? 

Doesn't it seem like Darwin was wrong? We're in the 21st century, but SOME people think that entertainment is doing with American Indian lunatics did a century ago: create a giant bonfire and whoop and take mushrooms. It's what religious nitwits in England did, at least according to "Wicker Man," a movie that concerns building a huge pagan creature and setting fire to it...maybe with somebody inside as a sacrifice.

JESUS, just when you think people can't get more stupid and backward, THEY DO. 

Obviously the jerk who ran into the fire was high. But is that an excuse? There are primitives who walk on fire as part of a ritual. There are lunatic Islam jerks who have died doing some "rite of fire" exercise, or burning some bitch for being a witch. 

There's NO excuse for having a fucking rock festival that involves setting fire to a gigantic figure, be it God, Devil or Roger Waters look-alike. You think the creeps who make money off this annual marshmallow-brain event will STOP? Never. Not till the world catches fire and burns up all the money, and themselves with it.

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