Thursday, September 14, 2017

There, Snookums...YOU can grow up to be LISA APPLETON

Christ, what ARE they thinking? 

Even if you DON'T have children, you should know better than to keep on promoting idiots like Viley Virus, Kuntrashian, or THIS repulsive load of Bird's Pudding: 

This appeared on an AMERICAN news website. NOBODY in America knows who the FUCK this fat-assed whore is. The one with the black-and-blue mark on her ass.

Ah, click this POPULAR topic, and you're taken across the pond to THE SUN. Yes, the British tabloids have always been notorious for running pix of naked models. But that was a category. A parent could say, "Well, that's a naked model. Women like that pose in Playboy and Razzle, and that's as far as they go." 

Try to explain why some bitch like Lisa Appleton or Kim Kuntrashian is considered a STAR! "A REALITY STAR." The reality of this is beyond disgusting. 

So is Lisa Appleton: 

The BAD news, Shauna, is that guyyyyysssss will look at ANYTHING with TITS and a TWAT. 

Hell, they'll look at somebody with TITS and a DICK. 

There's nothing too appetizing or erotic about a dumb fat-ass whose monkey mouth hangs open as she grabs at her exposed blubber. She looks retarded. 

The lesson, we are told by idiot bitches, is "This is EMPOWERING. She doesn't have a great body, and it's OK! Women can be overweight and ugly, and STILL show off their bodies and people will LOOK! Isn't that wonderful? Lena Dunham! Lisa Appleton! Grrrrrl powerrrrrrr." 

And the lessons that the feminists taught in the 60's and 70's, when they fought to be called MS and not identified by marriage? Forget that shit. 

The dumbing down of the culture will continue until North Korea blows the world up. If ISIS or Pakistan doesn't do it first. North Korea had the fucking nerve to declare that they want to blow Japan out of the water and turn America into ashes. And all the world does is huff about sanctions? While this maniac country continues to work on building a nuke? 

It's not spooky enough to realize that some of the most unstable idiots on the planet already have nuclear weapons. One of the big fears for Bill Clinton was the Taliban taking over Pakistan and some bearded bastard pushing the button so everybody could either go to Allah or go to hell. The continued war in Afghanistan, according to Bill Maher (and who is more of an expert) is about having a U.S. presence near to Pakistan to help control any radical Islam assholes from taking it over. 

Meanwhile, the reason to enjoy life is seeing Lisa Appleton naked, in all her overweight glory, with her blobby arms and slobby gut. ARM A GUT ON.

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