Friday, March 21, 2014

CHIMP AMUSEMENT 101 : KIMYE get the cover of VOGUE

Vogue IS a sickening, rotten, despicable, useless fucking twat-rag.

It's run by whore-bitch Anna Wintour, the worst cunt on the planet. This power-wielding tampon with eyes, loves the fur trade. She runs pix of bints in fur coats EVERY chance she gets. I think if she could watch animals get slaughtered, she'd have an orgasm. Probably the only way she can have an orgasm.

I wonder how she'd like to be scalped. Maybe have her dainty foot caught in a steel trap biting down to the bone.

Vogue is just a boring, stupid magazine for boring stupid women who are very vain.

Now, with the complexion of America darkening, even Anna Wintour is lowering her standards of what "taste" is, and what "talent" is, and what "class" is.

Witness THIS appalling cover:

Sort of a classy version of "King Kong" starring Fay Wray? No, not even that.

What's the deal? Vogue puts this chimp and his whore on the cover because they have style? No. It's because Kanye West put a gun to her cunt, that's why. Not literally, but he's been stomping around playing the race card, screaming "me and MY GIRL" are SO important and the nigga-hating interracial-hating magazine fashion magazines won't acknkowledge that they are the world's greatest couple. Greatest couple? They don't equal the sum of their farts. Kanye is who? To retards who like bad rap music? To trailer trash white women with fat asses who've always wanted a stereotypical giant black cock to stuff into their flabby cracks?

Kanye West has no taste, no style...he's a simian moron. His idea of "fashion" is to prance around in a leather skirt, looking like somebody's half-trained chimp. Kim? She's a whore. She fucked a guy on a video. That's how she became famous. All the make-up and makeovers can't hide that she's ugly. She's stupid. She's a nobody. Dog turds have better shapes. Look at that cover. What a a Mexican washer-woman....her repulsive simian body hidden behind a flowing gown.

These two idiots are rich. Rich because they appeal to stupid people. This shouldn't be a reason for Vogue to go haul Annie Liebowitz out and try to make a silk purse out of two pig's ears. But it is. Because Anna Wintour is, more than anything, a money-whore. That's her life: hoarding money. Power. MONEY is power. Without MONEY, she's just a magazine editor.

You'll notice that Vogue has tried, tried very hard, to make these two animals look human. Kim is conspicuously wearing a very conservative white gown and Kanye is very conspicuously behind her giant behind...not wearing one of his bizarre and grotesque outfits...and no Kangol cap or other atrocious topper.

So what's the message? That you ethnic scum, you white trailer trash, can clean up pretty well and learn to dress properly? If that's the message, KIMYE are a pair of hypocrites, because their actual day-to-day style is nouveau-bitch and gutter-pimp slobbery. They are worse than the Beverly Hillbillies, spending thousands on gold-plated toilet seats. LOW CLASS.

Maybe the old Wintour bitch has Alzheimers. Maybe its her smelly underlings who've made this decision, knowing that if Vogue is to survive, it's going to have to have plenty of LATINA bitches and BLACK bitches subscribing...women who don't want to see white women on every page...or tasteful outfits that don't involve Spandex or a garishly-colored serape.

As a wise man recently put it, the 21st Century is Shite. And two shite-faces are on the cover of Vogue.

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