Sunday, March 2, 2014

Oh, Whatever Became of that Missing Moron?

With over 300 million morons in less doesn't mean much.

Does it? No, it doesn't. Let's be REAL. Nobody cares much about anyone else. They hardly care about their own family members, much less some ugly cretin from some inferior race (and let's BE real, and ackowledge that whatever race YOU are, you deep down figure it's a lot BETTER than some OTHER races).

OK, some stupid kid with autism goes missing. I'M real nice. If the kid went missing near me, I'd keep an eye out for a bewildered moron. Same as I would a dog or a cat or a parrot that some so-called animal lover allowed to get away. But after a few days, LEAVE ME ALONE, I got OTHER PRIORITIES.


And that's why I was pissed off, wayyyyyyyyyy back in October when poor brain-fucked AVONTAAYYYYYYYYY went missing and day after fucking day the news kept harping on it, and do-gooders solemnly put up signs on every fucking bus shelter and lamp post about it. And kept at it week after week.

Like TRAYYYYYVON the thuggish brat who mouthed off to a fat moron and got shot for it, the entire world was supposed to care because he was black. Or looked black. Like there aren't teenagers unjustly shot every fucking day…or autistic, retarded, or simply emotionally disturbed teens who "go missing" every day…and don't, in other words DO NOT, get SPECIAL TREATMENT.

So mewling assholes crossd themselves and whispered a prayer to Saint Anthony, and glued illegal signs all over the place. The drugstore chain Duane Reade, which has a store on almost every block, put up signs with that ugly kid's face and you couldn't miss 'em coming in or going out...AND there were signs INSIDE the fucking store, too. Right. I'm looking for an ASPIRIN, and YOU ASSHOLES are giving ME an EVEN GREATER HEADACHE.

Hey Duane Fucking Reade, AVONTAYYYYYYY wasn't hiding in the toilet paper aisle, was he? NO. He was NOT.

If your remember my post MONTHS ago, I said get REAL. This kid is DEAD. Get over it. First few days, fine, give SPECIAL TREATMENT to one minority kid who has loudmouth parents, or has a goofy face that is supposed to draw sympathy, or whatever. Then, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

If you don't put up posters for EVERY kid that goes missing, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Put up a website for people who want to be heroes and spend all day hunting for some little squirt. Don't annoy ME with this shit.

AVONTAAAAAAAAAY was 14 years old on October 4th when, for reasons known only to him and to MOTHER MARY, he was seen on surveillance cameras skipping out a school door and racing away, like he wanted to go get a pizza, or go home and take a piss.

Finally, January 16th, the poor defective's body washed ashore far from his school. Or rather, body parts washed ashore. So what the fuck happened? Nobody knows. Nobody will ever know. It's a shame but every fucking day there are a million shames. This one is not so special.

Naturally the family is blaming the CITY for not taking better care of their defective. Like, there should've been more school guards, more teachers, a special teacher to look after every kid that skips out of the building after saying "I gotta go to the baff-room." It would be NICE if every school could afford to wipe every kid's ass, but it just is not the case. So let's make it worse by forcing the city to settle up and pay a few million to Mama with one last name, and Daddy with another last name...

...and let the rest of the idiots know that it's always a good idea to have three, five, seven, NINE kids, and if half of them turn out defective, good, one of 'em will probably get hit by a bus, fall down a sewer, disappear for four months...and the rest of the family becomes millionaires. Wheeee!

The whole fucking world's autistic. Know wuttum sayin yo?

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