Monday, December 1, 2014

Everything's FREEEEE, including Fat-Faced Nazi KIM DOTCOM

When you've made millions of dollars giving away other peoples' HARD WORK for FREEEEEEE, then shouldn't you be FREEEEEEE to do as you PLEEEEEEEASE?

That was the plea from fat Nazi bastard Kim Dotcom's lawyers, and the kiwi-brains in New Zealand have agreeeed.

As Kim's trial goes lumbering forward, he is still FREEEEEEE. He doesn't have to be in jail. He doesn't have to wear an ankle bracelet to monitor his activities. No, his slap on the wrist is that he can't fly is private helicopter or sail about in his yacht!

Oh, did I mention he's claiming he's broke? Poor fat baby.

The message, which every bootlegger knows, is "YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT." The odds of being caught are slight. (Have you seen anyone arresting the prick behind Rapidshare, Rapidgator or Uploaded?) Usually the worst that happens is you might slip away and out of business (Badongo and a few others) keeping all the money you stole. If you're truly a fucking Hitler, like the Pirate Bay Swedes or Kim Dotcom, maybe you actually get arrested. Maybe you get a minor fine. You still keep 90% of your hidden ill-gotten gain.

After he was arrested, Dotcom boasted he was going to come back with MORE thievery, and he DID. Like the Demonoid guy and the rest of the Hansies, he simply went right back to his fun and games, with thinly-disguised new versions of his old websites. For years while this case dragged on, he made MORE MILLIONS from his stealing. Did this influence the kiwi-brains in New Zealand to consider him a sociopath. Nah? The trial's proceeded at a snail's pace. For the past years, he was free and unmonitored and able to run the same business he always did with Megaupload.

That's like having a rapist's trial postponed for two years...while he goes out and rapes another 30 women. He's arrested for bootlegging millions of albums and movies and TV shows, and in the years he postpones and evades going to trial, he does it a million more times. His defense? "I'm just offering a service, I don't know if what's uploaded is legal or not." Just like eBay is "just a venue." You have to be the official copyright owner, file a complaint, wait a month or two, and then maybe action will be taken. Right? And keep filing those complaints every time it's re-upped. And no, we won't suspend the account of the Hansy who keeps doing it, or block the ISP or stop sending royalty money to that person's bank account!

So the courts let the smug Kim Dotcom mince around and have fancy dinners stuffing his face. You can imagine him boasting about having a birthday party with his lawyers, and not at Applebees, but the poshest place in the entire country.

$40 million this fat bastard made with Megaupload, while the Mephisto bitches and Zinhof cunts giggled with delight, and squealed, "Music should be FREE." While Dotcom was making a fortune off "premium" accounts and giving a percentage to all the thieving bloggers, all the Seniormole shit-for-brains music "sharers" had to say was "thanks for your hard work" and "this is how it should be." Yeah? Guys like Clapton and Lennon, who were driven to drugs for their art, who sweated blood to write the songs, and who blasted their ears rehearsing and polishing the final product in the studio...shouldn't get paid but KIM DOTCOM should?

The Groovyfab music "sharers" promoting this New Order, this brilliant new freedom and philosophy, were spitting at the RIAA, kicking Clive Davis in the balls, and raving about the fat cats of the music industry...while fat boy Kim and Megaupload made a fortune.

No, secretaries at RCA Victor should fuck off. Janitors at RCA should fuck off. CD plastic case makers should fuck off. Recording engineers should fuck off. Manufacturers of microphones should fuck off. Session musicians should fuck off. Songwriters should fuck off. But the staff at Megaupload should make $50 an hour making sure all the download streams are working right, and Kim Dotcom should pocket $40 million.

Like every REAL crook, this guy worked his scheme to perfection. Hitler scapegoated the Jews. The ridiculously-named KIM DOTCOM scapegoated the entire music industry, and while he greedily overstuffed his Nazi face, he made it seem like everybody in the rock world was making a fortune and that, philosophically, NOBODY deserved "royalties" and that copyright was COPY WRONG. Man, it sure made the Mephisto-shits wave their flags to the New Order. Know why? Because these little pissers in obscure parts of Germany, Sweden, England and everywhere else, NEVER knew a rock star, NEVER knew a band member, NEVER saw a royalty check.

They figured that if you're a member of any band, new or old, you're a millionaire. If you're in the Kinks, or were in Jethro Tull, or spent a year or two in Procol Harum or whatever, you had an estate in the country, a home in the city, and could pick up the tab any time you went out to dinner with a friend. Ha ha ho ho hee hee.

The price of amusement should be NOTHING. It should be FREEEEEE they SCREEEEAMED. Go sell a t-shirt at a gig. That's as appalling, in its psychology, as the way Hitler made it seem that "ethnic cleansing" was a good thing. Oooh, the "new order."

The same people who rage about the CEO of Tesco or Wal-Mart or Sony don't have a bad word about Kim Dotcom and his bunch. They still happily use torrents, and Rapidgator and the rest, and don't think these people are evil, or from organized crime, or doing damage. There's always an excuse.

Meanwhile, it's Mr. Dotcom in New Zealand. They actually refer to him by his made-up, obnoxious name. He could be Mr. Cal E. Fornia. Mr. Groovy Fab. Mr. Deja Vu. Ho Ho Ho!

Kim Dotcom claims he has no money! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Once he skips away with his slap on the wrist, and foils any extradition to America or England, he'll appear on some island boasting of his latest Mega-steal operation. It will be financed by the millions and millions he hid. He'll have people cheering "Great! Don't let the bastards win!"

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