Deep soft rugs. Beautiful views. Mahogany desks. Expensive paintings on the wall.
The secretaries might be off in a closet, sweaty and overworked, but the CEO's are doing JUST FINE.
That's why SONY and the RIAA and MPAA have done so little about piracy. It doesn't affect them. At worst, they fire a few secretaries and crack the whip on the remaining ones. They fire a few janitors and expect the others to work twice as hard.
So it is, that SONY is now spinning the idea that piracy is, meh, not so bad. ANNIE, with the BLACK lead actress and actor, is probably not going to be hurt by the download leak. Meh. Niggers don't use computers. Niggers know how to download. Niggers just pile their huge nigger families into the nigger-mobile and drive to the nigger duplex and get a garbage-can-sized order of popcorn and set their nigger selves down, scream their nigger mouths dry, get a garbage-can-sized order of soda, and keep munching, slurping and screaming till the film ends.
Let the whites stay home. ANNIE ain't for them, anyway.
According to Nobody Paid, or whatever fucking Torrent Creep sites these SONY execs are squinting at, downloading is done by creepy white males. OK, so the bootleg torrent for FURY has had over a million hits. ANNIE? Meh. Only maybe 200,000. According to figures they can't even verify. So let's snooze.
Basically, what SONY, the MPAA, the RIAA etc. figure, is that as long as they, the CEO's, make $10 million a year or $40 million (ooh, Kim Dotcom money), then who cares about anyone else. Lay 'em off. And who cares about morality. Send the message that torrents and blogs and websites giving it away are ok.
In the real world, the FDA and similar agencies declare it's OK if there's a "small" percentage of mouse shit or roach parts in the peanut butter. We're told this is harmless, and it's even protein, and you can't even taste it.
Once in a while there's an outbreak of botulism, and a few thousand get sick from tainted peanut butter. Oh well. The companies pull the items off the shelf, shrug, say "it won't happen again," and all is well.
So it is, that people barely get upset when they see nothing but "reality" shows on TV, nothing but crappy 3D Disney movies in the theaters (or ALL-BLACK movies), and nothing but new Streisand and Manilow and Viley Virus albums to listen to.
Sony's answer is to simply not make movies for white people. Not make movies for the crowd that's smart enough to own computers and find the illegal downloads. It's not even about morality, because all the people who wouldn't dream of shoplifting knickers from Wal-Mart think nothing's wrong with illegal downloads off a torrent or a blog. And an increasing amount of people DO shoplift knickers from Wal-Mart, too! Just as they cheat on their loved ones, buy from drug dealers, and harass people in Farcebook.
Settling for Viley Virus music is like eating a shit and peanut butter sandwich. It's fine for people with no taste.
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