Sunday, January 26, 2014

Gang Rape Religious Fanatics in INDIA...boot this backward stinking country from the U.N.

There is no excuse, in the 21st Century, for backward totally insane monkey-men to run wild. If the government of a country does not have strong laws and a President to emphatically deny hate, prejudice and violence...then boot that country out of the United Nations.

It seems every week there's a new outrage from India, involving gang rape. What is especially disgusting in the case below, is that these religious fanatic hypocrites who are disgusted by a woman being involved with someone of a different religion....aren't too disgusted to have sex with her.

Why don't you SHUN a woman like that, you simian barfi-eating bastards? You filthy scum? You hypocrite degenerate orangutans?

The correct response, in even the most backward parts of Hull, would be "I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole," or in Mississippi, "I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole," or in Warsaw, "I wouldn't touch her, and neither should any Pole."

Isn't it just a LITTLE BIT PERVERTED that so-called "religious" people actually would let a woman off the hook IF SHE GAVE THEM ENOUGH MONEY?

Isn't it just a LITTLE BIT PERVERTED that some so-called "leader" in filthy India would be so "moral" as to create live pornography for men, women and CHILDREN to witness??

Imagine the outrage if a bunch of blacks in Africa did that to a white woman, or if a bunch of whites did that to a black woman in Alabama. But because it's Indian-on-Indian, and it happens in a crazed, dirty, animal-like country where gang rape is so common...the outrage is minimal. Hell, you don't even see any women's groups bitching about it. So it'll happen again and again.

India, the land of Gandhi, and the Taj Mahal, is just one sick sikh sicko country and unfortunately it's hardly the only country that so openly tolerates hatred and mindlessly cruel behavior. What's India except the poor man's North Korea, the shit head's Iran, a country of tiny-dicked gutless weasels.

And let's toss in Pakistan, the dirtbag country of more insane religious fanatics and lunatics, who have followed Indian mental cases into the U.K. to gang rape women there and force them into white slavery. People in the U.K. are afraid to point out how these Paki assholes are out of control and forming violent gangs?

How about if India and Pakistan just mutually blow themselves the fuck up? THEY ARE FUCKED UP.

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