Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Putin...time to RAZZ him again...

We'll be hearing much more from that carrot-nosed cretin in the next few weeks, thanks to the fucking OLYMPICS.

He's trying to show the world that Russia is a great place to live...and a fair place to conduct sports events. Even if some athletes are gay. But...we know him.

He's a lying, two-faced balding bastard.

It's almost comical that this big-shot Fascist Commie dictator who controls his country with sadism and viciousness...has the same problem with Muslim assholes as every other country full of round-eyed white people.

Muslim terrorists are telling him that they're going to blow his fucking country up. Why? Because HE commits atrocities and THEY want to.

They're pissed off that he's so famous for being a prick. Jealousy!

They want to disrupt the "games," and call attention to...well, not HIS bastardly behavior, so much as his intolerance for THEIR bastardly behavior.

Poor Pooty-Poot. He thought that freeing Pussy Riot was going to make the world think he was such a nice guy.

As if we didn't know WHY he freed those girls.

Putin didn't listen because a bunch of druggy nitwits with music-stealing websites put "FREE PUSSY RIOT" banners on their sites.

No, that shit didn't do ANYTHING.

It was only with the Olympics approaching that Putin finally let those girls out of jail...out of jail for doing nothing but a silly stunt in a church...the kind of shit that would get a slap on the wrist anywhere else in the world. Then again, that's why Pussy Riot did it. To show the world that Putin's Russia is a dictatorship, and don't forget it.

Karma is a bitch, they say. And so it is, that a few chicks singing in a church is OLD OLD news...and the headlines are now about crazy bearded Muslim maniacs ready to detonate bombs anywhere they think they'll get the most bang for their buck.

They're cowardly pussies, and they're trying to run riot...these filthy, smelly religious fanatics who think GOD is looking down on them...and needs THEM to do his bidding.

GOD can blow up the fucking world if he feels like it. And he should.

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