Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Smelly Leonardo DiCaprio - Rarely Uses Deodorant. Most stars STINK!


Is that a surprise?

I never liked the guy, but then again, I'm not a homo. Only women and homos (and fools and horses) like Leonardo DiCaprio. He was a punk 20 years ago, a smirky-looking creep. Some find his "look" appealing...he even managed to star in the awful "Titanic," because typical damsels in distress like Kate Winslet end up going for the stable boy.

He's aged into a round-headed dirtbag, so he starred in the incredibly awful "Great Gatsby" (I shut it down within 10 minutes). Now he's in yet another of those Scorcese "let's have a vicarious thrill about excess, cruelty and vice...and have it all go wrong" movies.

DiCaprio is just a fuckin' pig, and so are almost all of the other jackasses who are male movie stars. And if they aren't jackasses on screen, they're jackasses in real life (Russell "Gladiator" Crowe) comes to mind. But it turns out the reason DiCaprio is a pig, at least in today's headlines, is because he doesn't bathe regularly.

DiCaprio is not only a pig, but an asshole.

So are the rest of the idiots who "conserve" for the wrong reason.

What's the right reason? Morality. You don't eat meat and you don't wear fur because you, like Morrissey, think it's abominable to kill an animal if you don't have to.

Another right reason? A disgust with wastefulness. You don't automatically need a bag every time you buy something. You don't need to paw 50 napkins from the dispenser when you eat a pizza. You shouldn't be using paper plates just because you're too fucking lazy to wash dishes. And you shouldn't be using paper diapers (aka nappies) when you can just let your rotten brat play in the bathtub.

BUT...recycling? Saving water by not showering? Not using deodorant because there's chemicals in them? Forget it, Saint of Stupidity.

Take a look around ya boy. (I'm channeling Barry McGuire).

The fucking Japanese are killing every whale they can find.

The fucking Muslim fuckheads are killing every Christian and Jew they can find.

The fucking Latinos are overpopulating the world with their jabbering spawn and refusing to speak English.

The fucking Swedes think it's OK to steal everybody's "hard work" so they can pirate it all and collect ad money.

The fucking Dutch are big fat fucking Dutch Douchebags who contribute nothing to the planet except the shit pouring out of their ugly fat asses.

The fucking Chinese are so stupid and obnoxious they'd rather wear masks all day than curb pollution.

Need I go on? The animals are being slaughtered to extinction. Trees are chopped down. The rain forest diminishes. While YOU, Lenny Roundhead, are denying yourself a shower, a few miles away some fucking Mexican illegal alien shit-for-brains is happily frolicking with his 12 brats and using a garden hose on them as they use up gallons per minute...and across the country 3,000 miles, their Puerto Rican counterparts have opened up a bunch of fire hydrants just for laughs.

There is NO point in being a fucking maniac about saving water or recycling newspaper or plastic bottles. Why? So little Abdul, and little Avontay and little Acelino can throw rolls of toilet paper out the window to cheer their soccer team? Cheer that some plane has knocked into a building killing thousands of white people? That a bomb in a restaurant dispensed with a 100 more Jews?

Let me say something nice about Leonardo, now.

Leo, you are far from the stinkiest celebrity out there. No matter how much he bathes, Kanye West is shit. Actual shit. So is his cunt wife Kim. So are all the Kardashians. So are all "reality" stars. So are all the stubble-faced leading men. So are the idiot chicks with their implants and their lack of talent (Katy Perry). How many celebrities out there are role models anymore? How many are even talented? Why do you think old Meryl Streep and old lady Dench win all the acting awards? You really think that Bieber and Viley Virus are even up to the level of Sonny and Cher? Christ, stars STINK today, whether they take showers or not. There's your compliment, you sleazy, creepy-looking round-faced greaseball.

Leo, you are stinking for nothing. You're so fucking worried that after you die, there should be people watching your movies? They won't be. "Titanic" and "Great Gatsby" are not part of what Abdul and Acelino and Avontay find entertaining. You are WHITE, Leo. In a world where "Beats" are more important than Beethoven, and people making fart noises are praised more than a world class violinist, YOUR shit ain't the shit. So stop smelling like shit, take a fucking shower, use some deodorant, and "enjoy the time you have left" on a planet that will be dominated by roaches and roach-like savages.

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