Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hermaphrodites in Minnesota MISSesota MANesota High School Sports

Here's another reason why MUSLIMS think Americans can be pushed around and even blown up. American men are PUSSIES. American women are DICKS.

Americans mope about their genitalia and pretending to be what they're not. Look at the crybaby in the picture! What's the big deal? "Oooh, I can't play SPORTS in my FANTASY GENDER."

The gay/lesbian/transgender community, like the Blacks, are extremely noisy and easily offended.

You'd think well, who cares if faggots are offended by something. The answer to that is, they dominate the MEDIA and the ARTS. The new head of Apple is a fag. So are probably most movie and TV executives. Not to mention Anderson Cooper. (Ooops. OK, we'll ignore HIM next time). So any story about some forlorn idiots who want to wear dresses, or some surly bitch who wants to play with the BOYS gets headlines.

As for the dykes, you don't want to offend them. They'll beat the shit out of you. That explains why Rosie O'Donnell is always given a fresh TV show to ruin.

The transgenders? They're just along for the ride, really. Bruce Jenner, who minces about with long hair, earrings, nail polish and a shaved-down Adam's apple, isn't exactly throwing his money and power behind "the cause," but he doesn't need to. America is wimping out to an idiotic degree.

Yes, in Missesota, if you feel a bit "girly," you can go over to the WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM and see how the tits and cunts look, and maybe pick out the one you'll eventually want your doctor to make for you. Should the real women feel uncomfortable about this? Too damn bad.

A woman decides she'd rather be a man? Another Chaz Bono? Hey, if she's playing football, you better not tackle her. She's still a LADY. You touch her chest and that's sexual harassment!

Yes, as if high school isn't confusing enough, all a student has to do is "identify" with the other gender, and that person gets it all...the locker room, the hotel room (when the "team" travels to other schools), and "the rest."

Would some people take advantage of this? Wouldn't it be too humiliating? Nah, if you can become the star of your team, why not? If you've temporarily gotten some insecurity or confusion about your gender, why not work it out by burdening everyone else?

Here's discrimination for you...some girly-boy can play on a girls team and that's equality, but why can't a white guy demand an all-white basketball team to play on? You're in high school, you're white, you're six feet tall even, BUT you're out-classed by 6'3" and taller BLACKS. All you want to do is have some fun and play basketball, but YOU are denied because you're WHITE and TOO SHORT. Isn't that discrimination?

Why is it ok for you to "identify as female" and go play with women your height or less, but you can't simply enjoy playing on a team of your own kind who are the same fucking height?

The High School League’s pending policy in Missesota means a tough, physical male with long hair can claim to have a "feminine side" while pushing the opposing team all over the place, and taking all the trophies, too. Forget about the Minnesota Child Protection League, which complained all this nonsense would be "The End of Girls' Sports."

Let's all have one big bathroom for everybody. One big shower room for everybody. After all, in many states, "equality" laws dictate that a girl can play on any boys team if she wants to and is good enough. That's fair. Nevermind how humiliating it might be to a guy who doesn't make the squad because the girl is better than he is. And nevermind if she's not about to share the shower or bathroom and demands that equality stop the minute she takes off her skirt to put on a uniform.

Remember Renee Richards, the bizarre female tennis player?

She used to be Dr. Richard Raskind, a tall Jewish doctor. Raskind had hormone treatments and an operation. As Renee, "she" was welcomed by some sympathetic ladies, mostly because she was in her 40's, a nervous wreck due to all the publicity, and not much competition. Had Renee the youth and skill of a Venus Williams, maybe they would've all boy uh, GIRL-cotted Richards.

Just because you take hormones doesn't mean it alters your height. You may have cut off your "bone structure" down below to become a girly, but you're still 6'2" and you STILL are going to have more muscles, especially if you keep using them.

Richards once stated she believes in "pink for girls and blue for boys," and that a strong difference between the sexes makes sense. That was, after all, the whole reason for becoming an official woman, instead of just an effeminate man.

It's a good thing that there's women's clothing and men's clothing, and that we don't go naked everywhere and share bathrooms and dressing rooms and become one big bored stew.

Meanwhile people all over the world think Americans are weak (even faggy topless Putin and girly-man Kim Jong-un). American men can't bear to be men, and American women want to be men? Nevermind that most who have an operation wish they could could undo it. Nevermind that very often this type of thing is just a "phase" that gets worked through. Leave it to the courts, and the gay/lesbian "activists" to make sure even something as innocent as high school sports gets ruined by a pubic agenda. It would kill some high schooler to wait and mature and make a decision?

It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world. Who's that person in the burka? Oh, that's the woman who thinks she's as good as a blowing up gender-confused Americans...

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