Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Amusement: Music-Killing GOOGLE joining with tip-jar PAYPAL

What a treat. My e-mail today included this wonderful offer. TWO free months of streaming courtesy guessed it, the two corrupt Internet giants.

I could write a fucking book about this Collusion of Slime. But it's so depressing and obnoxious I will restrict myself to three paragraphs.

Paypal are the creeps who let Kim Dotcom steal MILLIONS of dollars. Before that fat pig went belly-up he deliberately offered huge discounts: "3 months for the price of 1" to get extra cash. He took the money and ran, and Paypal refused to give refunds. They pointed to their loophole that he provided a "service not a product." Oh. If a product is defective you get a refund. If a "service" isn't provided, too fucking bad! Meanwhile Paypal allowed assholes to put "tip jars" on their blogs, to make money off illegal downloads. Report them and nothing happened. Yeah, Paypal, the twisted sister of eBay.

GOOGLE? We all know GOOGLE. They crippled the music industry by allowing bloggers to run rampant in offering entire discographies of every artist. They'd even let the most notorious bastards get free blogs 20, 50, 100 times over when it would've been easy to stop it by a) checking the ISP and b) demanding a credit card before giving away free blogs. Google bought YouTube and instantly allowed massive pirating, with "juke box" jerks offering music and no visuals and getting a percentage of the ad money. Now that the musicians are all gasping on the floor like gutted fish on a pirate deck, the GREAT GOOGLE offers pennies to "stream" their work. And the musicians have to reach out and grab this fetid life preserver. And GOOGLE still makes it easy for bloggers and YouTube jerks to steal the music! Why? Because they make money off ads on blogs and YouTube so they don't mind if it eats into their "streaming" sales? Either way the artists get next to nothing.

Conclusion: two fucking months free is NOTHING to Google and Paypal, especially when they count on people forgetting they've even subscribed, or not noticing the prices creeping up. Itunes offered a free promotion too, until Taylor Swift blew the whistle on them for not paying the artists. The Internet remains the cruelest conjob in a business that is already extremely difficult and frustrating. Just "give it away" in the 21st Century and keep your day job. Except, WHAT DAY JOB?

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