Thursday, April 11, 2013


Paris Hilton finally went away. We only hear her simpering voice and see that sloe-eyed Kermit-the-Frog-mouthed dimwitted face once in a while now.

WHEN will be plague of KIM KARDASHIAN and her rotten relatives be over? I'm sick of these slutty cicadas buzzing in my face all the time. The fault lies with the media. Take a look at the overkill.

Yes, two very popular Internet newspaper websites...DAILY NEWS in America, DAILY MAIL in England, and they stick not one, not two...but THREE or FOUR pieces on Kim and the gang...on the opening page!

I want the news, and yet wherever I scroll, I see her stupid face and read her ultra-stupid name.

Where are the paparazzi to drive her into a tunnel and flatten her? Or would they bounce off her big rubbery ugly ass like bumper cars? It's a sick joke that people actually think this cow is attractive. All the paint at Home Depot couldn't mask that she's just an ordinary low-class slut, and this ape-like fascination with a distorted rear end...come on, "junk in the trunk" is still JUNK.

Now, really, I have nothing against this tasteless cretinous fat-assed moronic slut publicity-parasite. Live and let live, but it's hard not to wish she was dead when she's constantly soiling the news. And why? Because she's famous for being famous? That's as dumb as when she was famous for being a porn-video-making tramp. Great, she monkey-fucks some moron and has it leak all over the Internet…along with the dubiously important news that she was also the spawn of a third-rate ambulance chasing lawyer who was part of murderer O.J. Simpson's defense "dream team." That should've been news buried deep in the paper for one day and forgotten.

No. In this sick "we've got to be amused 24/7" world of perpetually lower standards for stardom, her creepy publicity team and THE MEDIA found a new darling we all HAVE to care about.

Three mentions in the Daily News for April about her "baby bump." Another about the gifts she's been getting. And a third making fun of an outfit she wore on one of her whore-hungry publicity tramp-walks through paparazzi-ville. It's all good, huh? Isn't it about time we get fresh meat out there? This Farrah Abraham whore seems about right to take KK's place. There are plenty of other women who have big asses and throw themselves sticky-side up at any bar-clubbing ape they meet. There are other women who have more famous daddies, too.

Do you believe it...even the HUFFINGTON POST had three mentions of Kardashian scattered on their opening page:



Firefox and Google and Explorer can show they are not just evil empires by creating the K-BOMB.


GIVE ME AN ADD-ON, AN that any photo of KARDASHIAN (other than in an obit) is blanked out.

Make it so that the very word KARDASHIAN is changed on every web page I visit. Oh, change KARDASHIAN to...KUNT.

As in: "Kim KUNT is looking for a new rapper to fill her asshole with coagulated man-haggis…she no longer finds Kanye the world's most arrogant low-class shitpile."

If I don't get action, it'll be up to a more important KIM...that fat-head from North Korea! I'm starting right now. North Korea Kim, listen up: the world will take notice and trade with you and praise you like a God if you STOP fucking around with limp-noodle missiles that end up in the Sea of Japan...and get to work on that Internet "K-BOMB."

The world can be a safer and saner place without ANY MENTION OF ANY KARDASHIANS.

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