Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Murderers at PHANTOM FIREWORKS, New Hampshire Terrorist Helpers

"LIVE FREE OR DIE" is the motto of New Hampshire.

This is where they sold the EXPLOSIVES that the Muslim terrorist brothers used to maim innocent people.

This is where the gunpowder came from that turned the streets of Boston to ash, and left four people to be dust in the wind.

New Hampshire is where they guarded J.D. Salinger's privacy with ferocious intensity.

But a diarrhea-faced foreigner, dangerous, suspicous, and from out of state...nah, nah, take all the EXPLOSIVES YOU WANT, DO AS YOU WISH!

Hell, in the aftermath, an employee at PHANTOM FIREWORKS poses to show how she made the sale!

Nice going, APRIL WALTON, who looks like Conan O'Brien in drag.

And nice going, Bill Weimer, Vice President of Phantom Fireworks, who can't find a better way of making a LIVING.

The guy who runs this embarrassing store is grinning and clucking about how, oooh, surprise surprise, he DID IT AGAIN, having already sold fireworks to that piece of shit Islam asshole who tried to blow up Times Square.

That's learning from your "mistake."

People have this idea that New Hampshire and Vermont are these progressive, intelligent New England states that elect independent politicians and have some kind of "Yankee" conservative logic to what they do. This logic extends down into Massachusetts, and maybe even to Connecticut. From Bowdoin to M.I.T. and Harvard and Yale.

The answer, it turns out, is NO, Redneck asshole thinking isn't confined to the horrific, humid, hot and stupid South.

It also exists in the frosty areas hugging the Canadian border, where cold hearts only know that diarrhia-faced terrorists have warm green $100 bills and pretty gold credit cards.

Fireworks? Illegal? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That would be like suggesting automatic weapons be illegal. Or that somebody straight out of a mental home or wearing a burka saying "Death to Americans" can't buy a Glock at a gun show!

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