Monday, April 15, 2013


President Obama, a few minutes ago, addressed the nation and the world, repeating, with terse disgust it seemed to me, the usual rhetoric that he's had to babble over and over. Whether it's a bunch of school kids being murdered, or innocent spectators watching runners go by, he's had to bite his lip, mutter "condolences," offer his "prayers," urge everyone to "pray," and to declare that whoever did this, they will be punished.

In a Dubya bit of double-talk, he said, "We will find out who did this, why they did this. Any responsible group will feel the full weight of justice."

Who did it? Who the fuck do ya think, Barry. Why? You really have to ask? "Full weight of justice?" Uh, this took place in Boston, where they bake beans but they don't fry psycho terrorist bastards. No, the full weight of justice is to take Habib by his beard, haul him into Copley Square, put a stick of dynamite up his ass, and blow him way up into Allah's asshole where he can fuck 80 virgins in the midst of Allah's mighty bowels.

What's happened here is…(gasp) another blow to…AMUSEMENT.

Oh those fuckin' Arabs. Here we are, trying to escape reality, and to enjoy what is essentially one of the most stupid things in the world…watching thousand and thousands of useless scrawnies jogging for miles and miles just to say they did it. And they do it far behind a few boney-headed Africans and some pros from other countries who are in it for the prize money. Still, it's amusing. It's reportedly the BIGGEST day in Boston. A real holiday. Can't get there in person, watch it on TV: sweaty Yuppies, peculiar old people, determined disabled people rolling along in wheelchairs, a few hot chicks in sports bras sweating through their tiny bikini's all there in HD, and in a few years maybe Smellovision.

We are AMUSED. We cheer. We smile. We vow "hey, maybe next year…nah, fuck it, that's too far to even WALK…" But somehow, we made watching idiots running into some escape for reality. And now, reality interferes.

NOW what? Now there ain't a marathon in America (or some other civilized countries that the Falafal eaters hate) that is safe from the memory of what happened in Boston. Any time you line up to watch a marathon, or a parade, you have to be wondering, "Did some fuckhead throw a backpack into a garbage can near me? Is some shit-for-brains religious fanatic about to blow up and take ME along for the ride?"

That's the insidious reason behind "who did this." It's to strike at AMUSEMENT…to turn everyone from pleasure to paranoia. To "ruin the fun." Because these fuckhead religious fanatics have NO fun in life. They have no sense of humor. They don't play sports. They don't know what "amusement" is. They live their grim stupid lives in a strange hypocritical twilight zone of religious devotion and, when it suits them, totally immoral, irreligious and sick and twisted activities ranging from woman abuse to drugs to, of course, murder of anyone they don't like (even some of their own swarthy kind, if there's the slightest difference in religious beliefs.).

Jesus! (Ooops, wrong guy). What happened here? My early guess is that one or two radical monkey-brains did it. They read a terrorist web page somewhere explaining how to make bombs, and how to do what they can, with even a few small bombs, to create havoc. The chance this was done by pro terrorists is fairly slim, as is the notion this could've been some McVeigh asshole with some totally twisted different reason for being a monster. Like, he has a grudge against enjoying a few chicks bouncing their titties amid a sea of Walter Mitty nitwitties. Now we add "going to a marathon" to the list of things one can't do without feeling that it might be a life-changing experience. Go to a tourist attraction building like the World Trade Center? Go to an airport? Go watch a marathon? What next?

"Why they did this…" is because they can. And they can because immigration needs to be stricter. Ethnic profiling (and just plain "crazy ass McVeigh type" profiling) should be encouraged not discouraged. And every fucking state should have the death penalty and put a severe time limit on the appeals process. In cases where it's damn obvious who did it, just make the bomb (it's easy, obviously any monkey can do it) or turn up the deep fryer and the oil, and OFF that scum as soon as possible.

There is no reasoning with religious fanatics. It can't be done. You can't say, "Blowing up innocent people doesn't further your cause," or "We are NOT all going to go sit in camel shit and worship YOUR invisible friend." And, let's say something that you're definitely not supposed to say: FUCK these oil-rich cocksuckers. FUCK 'em. Say NO to foreign oil, and let them rot. That's all they have. If the scumbag dictators can't keep all their monkeys in their cages, then we won't buy the oil. We'll build big magnifying glasses. Windmills. Mirrors. Whatever. Use the sun and the wind. It's cleaner, too. Which would be helpful for the runners in next year's Boston Marathon.

Running should be done for fun, and pleasure, and watching runners should be for inspiration or amusement. Fuck this…running for your life because of religious fanatics and monkey-brain hypocrisy. Allah must've said "thou shalt not kill" somewhere. I do know that Jesus once said, "I'm on a cross, you schmuck, signing me up for the 3-legged race is in really poor taste.

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