Friday, August 30, 2013

German Boycott of Nazi Lunatic ROGER WATERS

Good news out of Germany. The country's a little touchy about Nazi sympathizers like Roger Waters.


And don't fly a fucking PIG with a "Star of David" on it.

A Jewish group has gotten a lot of attention in requesting a boycott of Pink Floyd's September 6th show in Dusseldorf.

How this will affect an arrogant madman like Roger Waters, who looks like a Nazi, I don't know.

He's big on smirking and saying his beloved PIG attacks all self-righteous, all bad, all evil people. Except himself.

He's big on tartly talking about some grandkids of his who "presumably" could be "considered" Jewish. Except these kidd-o's are far from Israel and wouldn't be smashed or burned by Palestinian maniacs. The ones Roger loves so much. Seems that not all religions, not all regions, are created equal in Roger's warped mind. No anti-Palestinian shit on HIS floating pig, right?

Pink Floyd fans are of course leaving clueless comments on every website, in every forum, declaring "The Wall" to be SUCH a work of art, and that people JUST DON'T GET IT. Go Pink Floyd! Go Roger! Let's pay $1000 for front row seats and chant "Another Brick in the Wall" and feel so GOOD about ourselves! We don't need no...EDUCATION.

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