Thursday, August 15, 2013

Who Jew Wanna Blame for the Burning Churches?

Remember that earnest song by Paul Simon? Or was it that appalling song by Ernest Simon...

Something about "A church is burning..."

Oooh ooh. Had to be those awful white people. Burning the poor Baptist black man's church.

Nah. Let's blame it on the Jews. Jews drink Christian baby blood after all.

When you think of a "burning church" the image comes to mind of intolerant white people, or sneaky Jews as the culprits.

But oh...what's this, PRAY TELL...

It's those psycho Muslims. My my, it seems that quite a few of them have "hijacked a fine religion."

A religion that believes in peace.

Oh, but hang on, EGYPT wants to be an ALL-MUSLIM ALL-THE-TIME country. A little intolerant, wouldn't you say? A little LIVE AND LET DIE?

All over the world, the unrest in the Middle East is being blamed on those god DAMN Jews. If only Israel didn't exist. Then we'd have PEACE in the Middle East. Right?

That's the big scapegoating, biggest since Hitler. ISRAEL is to blame for everything. JEWS are to blame for everything. Those rich banker-lawyer Hebe bastards. NOT those lovable oil-rich sheiks.

But it looks like the Egyptians simply hate Christians. The churches are burning because...Egypt wants to be ALL-MUSLIM ALL-THE-TIME.

So, Jew-Haters, what do you make of this? You really think this is a good thing? You really think that the Muslims are kind, compassionate people to trust and do business with?

These are the people you want to vacation with at a resort in Dubai? These are the people you want to trade with? These are the people you want to spend your tourist dollar with and go take a cruise down the Nile and see the Pyramids in style?

This is the culture that we embrace?

We do business with Middle-Eastern shits like this?

We are rubbing our oily hands with their oily hands instead of looking to other means of energy?

When the FUCK will it become obvious that the Middle East should be shunned? FUCK them and their oil, their sand, their cruddy food, their diarrhea-inducing dates (the fruit, although their dating sites probably could give you the shits, too).

These people are NUTS.

And worst of all, YOU CAN'T BLAME THE JEWS.

If the Jews were wiped off the planet, these fucking Egyptian nutjobs, these brain-dead halvah-heads would still be carrying on. As you see, they are burning churches. This, when they're not killing each other because THEY find a difference between Soon-Yi and Woody, or Sunni and whatever. Who knows. WHO cares...

The fact about religious fanatics is that they will kill each other over the SLIGHTEST difference. Religious ISLAM fanatics, that is. This doesn't seem to happen among Orthodox and Reform Jews, or Quakers and Baptists or between the Caths and the Licks.

I know an Egyptian. Really. Nice jolly guy. He had to come here because...yes...he's a Coptic Christian. Or whatever the fuck. He had to flee religious persecution. They caught him copping tics? No, they caught him being a Christian...being NICE to people, following the peaceful teachings of a particular religious leader. What the FUCK is wrong with THAT? Religion is supposed to be about one thing: being good enough in the eyes of God to enjoy life after death. That's what drives people to believe in God and make up rules about morality and right and wrong.

But these Islam Muslim loonies think they have it all sussed, and know EXACTLY what their imaginary friend in the sky likes and dislikes, and how many times you should wash your feet every day, and which way you should bend over in your pious devotion to Mecca, Decca or HMV or Necco wafers or whatever is the holiest of holy among those with holes in their heads.

Fuckin' maniacs. Burning churches, huh? Sapristi! Holy smoke!

Hey, Fat Fuck in North Korea, please point your missiles at the Middle East. Blow the whole fucking dirty sandpile up. You'll be a hero. You'll have earned an autographed photo of Dennis Rodman, and I'll send you my own personal collection of every episode of M*A*S*H for you to burn. Hell, better to burn THAT than churches! Jesus!

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