Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Oooh, AUNTIE "EM" has taken on TRUMP

We've heard from Grandpa Eminem? He's still alive? Take a look at his ridiculous little skkull; is this guy blond or WHITE HAIRED? He is OLD. He is no longer a novelty. He was NEVER any good and he's a fucking Alzheimer's victim now. 

Rolling Stone actually licks his vanilla hiney and insists he's once again unleashing "a dizzying assault of rhythmic gymnastics?" Don't you idiots get it by now? Rap is EASY. Rap is SO fucking easy NIGGAS can do it. All you do is go to a rhyming website and pull words off and shuffle them around. It's nursery school, but if you "rap" like you've ad-libbed it like an idiot savant, people are impressed. Add a few fartish "beats" and spit into the microphone and you're even MORE of a genius. 

This guy was making records when DIDO was popular, and how long ago was THAT? With all the over-hype of this fucking campaign (with Trump's "grab the pussy" stuff and the yammer about wikileaks of Clinton e-mails)  the media has to stop everything because EMINEM put out a rap against Trump?? 

The election is less than 3 weeks away. Nobody is undecided. People have heard every insult possible hurled at Trump and at Clinton. It's awfully late to have to tolerate EIGHT minutes of a sulky, spoiled simpleton cutting and pasting words together in that whining voice of his, yelping and yowling like the spoiled baby he is. 

Is it really important for this blowhard to "rap" a retarded Nigga's view of the election? That's all this albino really is. He's a retarded, pale version of a Nigga. Too bad the real Niggas could care less about politics and are cool enough to know that at this point, blasting Donald Trump is too easy. Yeah, too EASY for even JEEZY the WEEZY, kanya dig it? 

Christ, this is lame shit, with ROLLING STONE and others having no clue as to what actually IS hip anymore. Isn't Eminem over 40? 50? 60? We're still clinging to the need to hear "raps" about forgettable current events and D-list celebrities? David Hasselhoff? ROLLING STONE is actually saluting Eminem for referencing DAVID HASSELHOFF??? 

Christ, aren't we all sick of his ugly, sickly, pouty stupid round white face? 

As for his rhymes, his tritey-whitey rhymes, you just read a bunch. Yeah, EM, we need to hear about Robin Thicke? How old is THAT reference? Trump fans are shaking because you, a spindly nob, are saying, in your best Nigga-ese, "I'm a dunk a bunch of Trump supporters underwater?" 

How brilliant, rhyming "Supporters" and "underwater." Almost as brilliant as "Ray-Bans in gray van with a spray tan." Pssst, the pumps don't work 'cause the vandals stole the handles. You're just a little over 50 years behind the times when they were a 'changin'. 

How pathetic of Rolling Stone to burble and rave over this guy's lyrics. Is everybody at Rolling Stone a faggot like Jann Wenner? They all want to suck Eminem, is that it? 

Who in their right mind calls anyone's rap "limber?" 

If the precocious sour-faced punk wasn't on stage saying, "Headless Horseman, born with the endorphins of a pathetic orphan" he'd be doing it in a rubber room. Remember when there was Dylan, Ochs, and hardly any room for Barry McGuire? Now the King of Protest music is Eminem! Darwin was so fucking WRONG. 

No thanks. Don't need to see this albino hemorrhoid rapping about Trump. Not interested in going back to see his alter-ego of "Slim Shady" being a know-it-all twit and actually SUPPORTING Trump years ago. Flip and flop. FUCK and OFF. 

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