Monday, September 2, 2013

Nicolas Cage: World's Worst Actor Gets World's Worst Makeover

Some time back, balding, metrosexual Kevin Spacey turned up at a tennis tournament without his receding hairline.

Some people quietly wondered...transplant or toupee? But Spacey, a pretty good actor and a commanding presence, held onto his dignity. And fortunately it wasn't a windy day.


Here comes Nicolas Cage...

...with a full head of very dark hair!


This guy is the world's worst actor. If he can manage two facial expressions in a movie, he's doing pretty well. These would be chagrin and nausea. I sat through his rotten remake of "Wicker Man," and he spent most of the film popping his eyes and opening his mouth as wide as possible. He could've been filmed in his dentist's office, and the scenes matted into that movie.

This guy is so incompetent, even his hair isn't convincing. He can't read lines properly, he can't emote properly, and it turns out he can't even show his head in public without people thinking...FAKE!

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