Wednesday, December 25, 2013

And So This is Christmas...and what have they done... John Lennon, Yoko Ono, HAPPY CHRISTMAS, huh?

"And so this is Christmas," John Lennon sang, with not very much cheer.

Our friends the Muslims, the lunatic Islam extremists...they were celebrating here and there.

They were just echoing back to the days when the Christians were fed to the lions.

Christians ARE a minority, and, in common with the Jews from who the religion grew, they are a minority increasingly dwindling, and yet, increasingly persecuted.

While demonizing the Jews is still the favorite pastime all over the world, that's only because the Jews don't really fight back. The Jews, even the crazy Orthodox Jews who look like grotesquely large insects, hairy and bug-eyed and cloaked in black, don't fly airplanes into buildings, blow up children in malls and pizza shops, or insist you convert to their religion or die. Only in Israel, with their backs against the wailing wall, do the Jews fight back. And what do they get for that? "Blow Israel off the Map," says the President of Iran, to which people all over the world say, "Yeah, good idea. If the Jews are all dead, the Muslims won't have any excuse to terrorize us."

To quote Santa, "Ho ho ho." To quote Mike Tyson, "Don't believe the hype."

And while Christians are not allowed to even joke about Mohammed or draw a cartoon (while they often make fun of their own Jesus), don't you DARE do anything, even unintentionally, that would ire a Muslim. And you better respect and honor all their holidays, and cease fire during the Feast of Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong or whatever.

But blow up and terrorize Christians the day before Christmas? Christmas Day? Allah-kazam! Magic-Time!

Anyone forget that Christian churches are a prime target throughout the Middle East, all year long? Having a blow-out during Christmas week is just the cherry on the cake. Oh, excuse me, the olive on the shit-pile of hummus.

"A Merry Merry Christmas," screamed Yoko, "and a Happy New Year. Let's hope it's a good one. Without any fear."

Sorry, but that trite rhyme just doesn't work in this frackin' world. They wrote it BC, (Before Chapman).

People who still play this fucking song don't hear the mockery and irony in it now?

First off, there was mockery and irony in it back then. John was pissed off and sick of the shit. "War is Over, If You Want It," was saying, "Look, I did what I could and you laughed at me or worse, wanted to cruficy me. So now, I tell YOU, you fuckhead, it's Christmas, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? Nothing."

Another clue for you all...eventually John was "steppin 'out," and withdrew from the world to go sail boats and be with his kid and make bread. He tended his own garden. And when he was coaxed back to entertain the public again, he got shot because it's so easy for maniacs to own guns.

So now, a song from an already cynical man named Lennon, a song sung tiredly, with easy rhymes and what was, even then, a very sarcastic refrain, only sounds worse:

"War is over...If You Want It..." Nyah nyah nyah nyah, NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH.

Actually, war is over if the Muslims want it. "We'll stop bombing you and terrorizing you IF you all convert, wash your feet ten times a day, point your compass toward Mecca, be pious while you abuse women, and chew some crazy drug all day. Kak. Kak. Kak."

Only that's not gonna work too well. Muslims kill other Muslims, too. Why? Because one tribe doesn't do all the mumbo-jumbo like another tribe wants it. "You're a Shit-ite and I'm a Soon-Yi! Death to you, you In-Fiddle!"

You might say it's like Jews being Orthodox, Conservative or Reform, but Jews don't kill other Jews over shit like that, and Muslims DO.

Not to pick on the Muslims too much. Pick up tomorrow's paper and you'll see ALL kinds of crap done on Christmas Day, including Christian-on-Christian robbery, rape and murder.

But, the big picture IS that Muslim violence makes the most noise around the world, and buying their oil and going off to Dubai to gamble away the rest of your money, doesn't mean shit to them. The extra bad news is that aside from the Middle East morons, there are two other major lunatics of the world, Russia and China. If the Muslims don't blow it all up, you can live under the "one kid per couple, wear a mask all day because of pollution, let's kill all the animals and put 6 year-olds to work in factories" Commie Chinamen. Or, there's Putin and his satellite nations that so happily help us get free downloads of American and British music and movies. Only you better not be a homo in Russia, and you better not play your Pussy Riot or Sex Pistols albums, and you better not be a Jew, and you better not expect any freedom of speech despite your Hacktivist bullshit blogs, and expect the KGB to monitor every move you make.

Then there are the minor crazies hardly worth mentioning, like the fat turd in North Korea, or the Banana Republic assholes in South America, or the savages who run amok in various African countries, despite how Mandela changed the world. Let's mention that the dirty tip of Africa, South Africa, isn't a place YOU or I want to live, either.

Pretty disgusting. Well, enjoy "entertainment" while you can...take your mind of things with some illegal downloads. Leave nice comments. Ask, "Zin, can you post some Christmas music, I sure want to hear it but I don't want to pay for it. That's JUST the way Jesus would look at it, if he was here." Which he's not. Which he never will be again.

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