Saturday, December 28, 2013


They don't need the money, folks!

And why teach your children not to steal, or not to swarm the Internet like hooligans?

Nearly 6 million thefts of "Game of Thrones?" Oh, that's a GOOD THING....

Amazing, isn't it?

What's next, an awards show? "AND NOW...for MOST ILLEGAL DOWNLOADS...THE WINNER IS..."

I can tell you who the LOSERS are...they're the key grips, lighting people, make-up artists, extras, and supporting actors who not only don't get as much work as they could, but often have to shlep to Canada or Europe for filming. They have to leave their loved ones for months...because it's too expensive to shoot in Los Angeles or New York. CEO fat cat assholes and executives like Jeff Pukey Bewkes and Vince "Gilligan's Island of Selfishness" Gilligan, make enough money they can Spin Doctor the abuse.

Oh well. Lah dee dah. You read it right: "Hollywood has been fighting a losing battle against piracy for years..."

Why? Because fat cat slobs at the MPAA, SAG, AFTRA and the rest don't stand up for themselves or their union members. If the MPAA appointed a few dozen DMCA-filers and watchdogs, most forums and blogs would disappear. If all the top actors and actresses stood up and said, "This isn't about ME, it's about the extras, the production crew..." and demanded the world leaders ENFORCE STRONG DMCA LAWS, this bullshit of Kim Dotcom and Demonoid and Kickass doing as they please would end.

I can tell you that the guy who wrote "Games of Thrones" wasn't pleased to see assholes pirating his books in illegal PDF formats on eBay. It wasn't the money, it was the principle of the thing. He got that stuff kicked off eBay.

He didn't believe it was "freedom of speech" to see his work stolen because some jerk wanted to make $1 or $2 on an illegal download. You don't want to pay to read his books...go to the library or FUCK OFF. Don't take it upon yourself to throw it around so YOU can get some pennies off Shittyshare or Megadumpload. You're not a writer, or publisher, just a vain maggot who wants some nice comments and illegal pocket change. So fuck YOU.

"Give me liberty or give me death" said the great Chrisgoesrock.

Huh? HE didn't say it? But it's "freedom of speech." Isn't it? Stupid people think so. Because they don't think. You remember in school, when the asshole next to you copied off your paper? What did you do? You put your free hand up to hide what you were writing. Because YOU spent all night studying, not watching TV or listening to records...and you didn't want some jerk you don't even know too well, or like too much, getting a free pass on your hard work.

Suddenly you decide to throw around every episode of "Breaking Bad?" Like you're a soldier fighting some kind of war? War against what? TV shows should be free? What do YOU do for a living? How about a dozen activists come to your house and take whatever they want and give it to the poor, or to people they know because YOU don't have any rights and the "law" against stealing doesn't apply because it's "sharing?"

Jesus. It's one thing to download illegally and admit that you're a thief. But to insist it's "freedom of speech" or "sharing?" Come on. If you can live with yourself via rationalization ("HBO doesn't need my money....") fine. But don't call yourself a fucking freedom fighter. And if you're uploading this shit, I don't buy your self-righteous nobility of "thanks to the original uploader" or your part in a vast conspiracy to fuck up the entertainment industry...just because YOU are a loser who can't pay for anything.

"Zero Paid!" Ha ha. "Because we like FREE." Ho ho. "We're PIRATES, har har har!" But you ain't FREEDOM FIGHTERS.

Now we're so used to articles shrugging about piracy and letting people think that it's ok because everybody's doing it! Don't come whining because everybody's using date-rape drugs, and everybody's being rude in public, and everyone's Tweeting nasty stuff and posting other peoples' private photos. It's ALL PERMITTED, therefore it's ALL GOOD. That's the message. And it's disgusting.

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