Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Philip Chism is a rabid psycho Monkey and Should be PUT TO DEATH

THE LONDON DAILY MAIL is among the many website newspapers that is refusing "comments" on the Chism story.

Why? Because they won't give outraged and angry people any way to vent their anger at the obvious racism of this black-on-white attack.

Comments are only allowed if it's "JUSTICE FOR TRAYYYYYVON" and a story in which somebody white did something to somebody black, regardless of the provocation.

While there are many stories vying for "most disgusting news item of 2013," this overgrown 14 year-old savage's destruction of his teacher ranks high on anyone's list of outrages.

Let's turn a blind eye to the obvious...that a black 14 year-old just MIGHT be a lot bigger for his age than a Japanese 14 year-old...that in this era of vicious video games, nigga rap, and the sanctioning of the "gangsta" lifestyle, this hideous monster perpetrated an act that would be unthinkable in a civilized society...and that the American legal system encourages this shit by making the death penalty almost impossible. It's time to stop kissing and wiping the asses of mass murderers and it's time to KILL them instead.

This monkey monster psycho bastard piece of dog shit named Chism...that Muslim maniac who blew people up at the Boston marathon...or that fucked-up Holmes clown gunning down people in a movie theater...we know they did it. There's no doubt. They should be KILLED. Put 'em on death row for a year so they can squirm and wait and count the days. Then OFF THEM. They don't respect life? Then they lose theirs.

You either put them in the cruel and inhuman position of being canned in solitary 23 hours of every 24, or KILL THEM. I favor the latter because we can spend tax money on more productive things than keeping pieces of shit alive and smelly.

Look at this monster.

He loves the attention. He's probably getting marriage proposals every fucking day.

Look at that face.

He's proud of himself. He a bad nigga. He DA man. He got a white woman, got her REAL bad. He made sure to arrange her naked body for maximum shock value and cruelty.

And now everyone's concerned that the poor baby might be mentally ill. And awwwww, if he is, let's get him another white teacher to tutor him until he kills her and rapes her.

Look at that psycho fucking face. This is a rabid monkey. This is a nasty piece of shit.

Break his fucking head open and see what rot is in his brains...DON'T keep him on this planet.

And guess what...takes his ugly monster mother and his shit-faced father with him. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE, TOO.

14 years old. Old enough to be a perverted murderer. Old enough to be put to death. The sooner the better.

Look. LOOK. This is NOT a 14 year-old. That's because this is 2013, and a 14 year-old has been on the Internet and knows more about perversity than Jack the Ripper. Thank you, INTERNET. This is NOT a 14 year-old physically. He's big. He slashed that teacher to death.

He's putting on his best ghetto look...he doesn't repent, he doesn't care. He's proud of himself. His role models are murderers and pieces of shit and if you asked him he'd say, "I never for a minute thought I'd get the death penalty, or even get beaten up by the cops. I knew I'd be treated NICELY, and hell, I'm under age, so I can't be put away for too long, right?"

You'll notice in the article in the London Daily Mail, that the main concern is poor monkey Chism, and whether he's "fit" to stand trial, or whether his ass should be kissed and his head patted, and we should ALL be concerned about him. I sure am. I'm concerned that he won't be put to death because he's a poor black boy, and somehow, in some way, that nasty white teacher set him off. HER fault, right? HER fucking fault. She's gone, but let's save this child!

Like there aren't enough bastard pieces of shit like him already.

Almost every article in every newspaper is the same...blame the victim, and let's coddle and kiss the murdering scumbag and worry about him and try and guess why he did it.

The answer is because he's a RABID ANIMAL, that's why, it's because the fucking Internet and the fucking WORLD is full of psycho scum and the more we read about them, and read that they got away with it, the more of them will follow.

ENOUGH of great, decent, intelligent people being slaughtered by psycho slime. Innocent kids in a classroom. Lennon. Kennedy. The OTHER Kennedy. King. You name ' most cases, the victim was a great person, irreplaceable, or somebody kind and decent. And the perp...low class shit. You know what you do with shit? YOU BURY IT. You don't kiss it, and worry over it, and pet it, and try and figure out what made it shit. FUCK THAT SHIT.



And after reading this horrific story, can anyone comment? Of course not. Because you KNOW what the comments would be. They would be the truth. That Philip Chism is a horrible rabid monkey and should be put to death.

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