Saturday, December 7, 2013

the World was Saved by NELSON MANDELA....(really??)

We're in the midst of a 10 day grief-fest, where tears of joy and shouts of triumph drown reality. People are having a GOOD time mourn-ebrating the death of Nelson Mandela.

He was a local figure in South Africa, not a world figure. But hell, that doesn't matter. He was…an INSPIRATION, get it? Sort of like Jackie Robinson, the guy who "broke the color barrier" in America, so that a variety of mediocre baseball players of every color can now make between a million a year to eight million a year…and actually talented players, TWENTY million a year. Whee!

Schools are named after Jackie Robinson. Postage stamps. He was a great man. His widow probably makes a fortune in speaking engagements. Hooray! Does that mean that a Jew can play tennis in Dubai? No, it doesn't. Does it mean a gay athlete can come out in the open and not make a big deal out of it? No. Does it even mean that a black or Asian baseball player in America automatically gets sent a contract equal to a white player? No. But we're told how great Jackie Robinson if he banished all racism and bigotry in sports.

Right now, almost nothing (except the reports about how you have to shop shop shop for Christmas) eclipses the constant and inane coverage of Mandela's death. Inane? How about Obama re-cycling the old Secretary of State Stanton line about Abraham Lincoln: "Now he belongs to the ages." That's the best you can do, Big O? That tells you just how mediocre our leaders are. So mediocre that a guy who hasn't been in power in nearly 2 decades, and hasn't done much except smile and accept the worship of acolytes for the past 2 decades, is mourned as if he was in his prime and...being an influential world leader...who...uh...solved ALL of South Africa's problems and made it the super power it is today.

Most have no idea what the fuck this guy did beyond screw a lot of women, and then vegetate in jail for two decades. Then he somehow came out and people felt guilty so they elected him President of South Africa, which is located on a continent where tribes of savages kill each other, women are circumcised (!) or killed (!!) and an entire country condones hijacking passing ships while other countries are loaded with Muslim extremists who would kill any Christian on sight. Yeah. Nice place, Africa, The Continent of Tolerance. Thanks, Nelly Man Deli, you influenced SO many to make South Africa and Africa what it is today.

Oooh, ooh, Mandela is a great freedom fighter. He smashed Apartheid. Right. Single-handed. It had nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement that went on for decades before he came into power, had nothing to do with another leader named Dr. Martin Luther King, and had nothing to do simply with changing times and the over-populating of the world by blacks. And forget about the United Nations, or the civilized countries boycotting South Africa and superstar performers refusing to do concerts there. Nah. It was all done by Nelly Man Deli. His own self.

So tell me, have you planned YOUR vacation in South Africa? Where the champion boxer Corrie Sanders was shot and killed by racist black lunatics?

South Africa. The most famous guy from South Africa these days is the Olympic nutjob with no legs...who managed to shoot his girlfriend through a bathroom door. And why did he have a gun so handy? Because South Africa is so full of crime that even an affluent athlete in a high class building isn't safe.

And pardon the humor in the photo above, but even Jesus Christ has gotten some satiric remarks tossed his way. As he should. I mean, here's a Jewish guy who started a religion and it ends up being a religion that persecutes Jews. NICE.

It's nice to have a figurehead to believe in. I'm not saying Mandela (or any politician) can't be fairly decent, and get something done. Go ahead and sing about him or your own Personal Jesus. But after a while, it's time to shut up again and take a look around. Nelly did NOT save the world and there is STILL apartheid and racism. Hopefully, after 10 days of this happy-time celebra-mourning, and 3 days of Nelly lying in state, and such great news as a school named for him in Brooklyn somewhere…we can get back to the business of trying to CONTINUE what this guy barely started...which is to understand tolerance and to try and respect other people and live by the GOLDEN (not black, not white) rule.

For ten days we'll be reading and viewing all this stuff about Mandela. And then? Back to reading and viewing the continuing racist abuses all over the world, from white Nazis, from Mexican drug cartels, from marauding black gangstas, from Muslim psychos, from Orthodox Jews, and on and on and on. Oh…what…the world WASN'T saved by Nelson Mandela? Aw, go ahead, call me a spoil sport.

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