Sunday, December 15, 2013


Oh yeah, one last remark on the great Nelson Mandela who "CHANGED THE WORLD."

If he changed the world, and this is the 21st Century, why the fuck are idiots drinking OX BLOOD?

And if he is indeed a saint, another Jesus, bigger than Mohamed or the Pope, and now rewarded in Heaven...why does he need some grubby bunch of illiterates and dumb-asses to shout "We are now burying you"?? Doesn't he KNOW that?

Bill Maher, for all his agreement that Mandela was a great man, would have to agree that some of this shit is...RELIGULOUS.

Mandela's been watching all of this for the past ten days via some illegal Internet stream? Via God's Own Netflix Entertainment (GONE)?

And what's with the ox blood drinking? Even fitness expert Jack La Lanne told people that drinking blood was a bad idea.

Idiotic religious notions from five hundred, a thousand, two thousand years ago...are IDIOTIC. People are actually believing second-hand hearsay nonsense written before there was such a thing as a telescope? Before people knew about bacteria? When people actually thought that there were ANGELS in the CLOUDS and the world was FLAT?

If the world has's changed for the worse. We've got more loonies than ever before, and most of them own guns.

Wasn't it less than a generation or two ago, that there was still optimism about the triumph of technology? We went to the moon. We conquered so many illnesses with medical breakthroughs. We began to give people their civil rights (I refer to Dr. King, well before Mandela).

Now? Now we have Muslim maniacs who believe in blowing themselves up (along with YOU) so they can go to "heaven" and fuck virgins and play with goats. Or fuck goats and play with virgins. These nutjobs actually kill health workers who want to vaccinate their people against disease! These psycho-murderers own weapons and use them on anyone...finding some crackpot justification for it. Right, a little child in a shopping mall...blow off her head because she doesn't believe the same Muslim mumbo-jumbo bullshit that some Muslim does.

And so, what could've been a dignified, logical, and truthful appreciation for a guy who fought for freedom and equality...turns into an overblown mournfest loaded with hyperbole and insanity, ending with inane ritual ox blood drinking. PS, to the shouts of "We are now burying you," there came NO REPLY.

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