Friday, April 28, 2017

Aw, Orlando, things got dicey for the Pikey

Here's a new one. There's a more disparaging word for "gypsy" than GYPSY.

Seems the wraggle-taggles, who have a tradition of stealing, cheating and GYPPING people, and who come to America to take over a fucking storefront with their palm-reading astrology bullshit, pestering people with handbills and chaining signs to street corners, want to be respected.

At least, they don't want a half-breed like Orlando Bloom being "insensitive."

You know Orlando Bloom?

Neither do I. He's half-Jewish, I think and half-dung. He's one of those peculiar semi-ugly idiots that teen girls go nuts about. So he returns the favor by wandering around with his dingus hanging out, and joining the throng who've fucked Katy Perry.

He makes shitty movies that involve pirates, zombies or trolls or whatever the undesirables are that teenagers love.

He said he was a simple fellow, "just a pikey from Kent."

Ooooooooh, what YOU SAID! You better take that back!

World War 3 is just around the corner, climate change makes every day a fucking circus of insane heat or cold or rain, but YOU SAID "PIKEY," Orlando! That's AWFUL, especially from a guy who might be a half-pikey at best, given the spic first name and the kike last name. (But let's not throw nasty words around, Nigga.)

You can bet if this jerk rapped "I'm a Pikey from Kent" and it got a million views on GOOTUBE, every gypsy asshole in the world would be saying "I'm a PIKEY!"

You know, like ignorant blacks think NIGGA is a great word.

"Sapristi!" Pike Milligan.

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