Monday, July 6, 2015

Greasy Queen hasn't the Vega's Idea on Trump

Pauline Vega lives in the land of the Colombian drug lords, where ignorance is a national plague, and it's easy for a white person to rot in a jail there for decades. She's "Miss Universe." Which I guess means that if you fuck her, you'll learn all about the "Big Bang" theory of the solar system. Or you'll be on line at the clinic, getting treated for STD's.

ANYWAY...she's not tossing away her "Miss Universe" crown just because Donald Trump has a problem with Mexican wetbacks. Well, why should she? She ain't Mexican.

Trump, in his infinite (like the universe) stupidity, claims she's a "hypocrite" for NOT resigning, if she's so offended for her Latina sistahs.

And THIS is what passes for POLITICAL NEWS in AMERICA.

That's why I'm bringing it up. Lantern-jawed Secretary of State Kerry is still feebly negotiating with the psycho-muslims of Iraq (our buddies) for a treaty so they can build nuclear weapons and blow up Israel.

Obama is busy grimacing over every mass murder, and pointing to Obamacare and gay marriage as the triumphs of his administration. Hillary Clinton is trying not to implode in her bid to be the first WOMAN president.

Then we've got the daily incidents of white trash and minority scum going berserk and killing children and committing idiot burglaries and endangering everybody with their selfishness and bad driving.

And Greece is fucked, nobody cares that England is in deep shit, and Germany is somehow a power that controls every decision made in Europe.

So everybody's sniffing at Rump. Er, Trump. And people are all upset that he actually tells the truth once in a while.

The truth IS that Mexico is "NOT sending us their best." The monsters racing across the border are mostly unemployed, stupid, nasty, selfish, law-breaking scumbaggos. Everybody knows that. Jesus (the main one, not the million Mexicans named Hayyy-soooos), it doesn't take THAT much effort to scamper in legally. America lets every dumb Pole in, every murderous Muslim, every hateful Russian, every maniac Ukrainian, and half of Puerto Rico, the Domincan Republic and Haiti.

Only the most undesirable creeps have to scuttle in illegally. Trump is right.

Trump also gives a lot of income to Mexico. Some of his God-awful clothing line has tags saying, yep, "MADE IN MEXICO." So how is he a racist? He's a racist if he hates Mexicans to the point where he won't let them make money for him. Where he'd rather do business with the Far East sweatshops.

Meanwhile all this Trump hoopla is preventing the media from exposing the other Republican candidates as assholes. It's blocked the coverage of the real racism of ISIS and Palestinian bastards. There's no solution to the vicious conservative Fascist behavior from the gory Tory scum in England. Instead, the masses sniff asses...we get Kardashian photos and a report on some slippery smelly "beauty queen" keeping or not keeping a crown nobody cares about.

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