Monday, May 20, 2013

Whatever Happened to Class: LEBEDEV'S SHIT-EYE

You write a blog, you post to a're expected to be a coarse moron.

It's the easy way to get attention. Curse. Curse a LOT. Because there's no editor saying you can't. Because you're not being paid. And because you are too low class to know how to really write something provocative.

On a legit website, or writing for REAL magazines and are not wanted if all you can write is: "THIS SUCKS." (And if anyone leaves you a bad comment, it's "FUCK YOU!")

Which brings me to something called "SPORTSGRID," which I guess is somebody's vanity dotcom, or one of those "write for us, but we don't pay" conjobs. You get to pretend to be a columnist as you curse and curse, and offer a worthless opinion, and bask in the "glory" of being able to tell your gullible and easy-to-impress friends "I write for a website!" Whee!

We see this all the time: "Like to write? Got some free time? We don't pay, but hey, you might score a free music album, get a free ticket, or trick a D-lister into an interview. It could be the start of something..."

All you need is to get your SHIT together. Here's Jake O'Donnell's opening line on the Lebedev fight:

"Denis Lebedev's eye got the shit kicked out of it..."

Huh? "Shit kicked out" of an eye?

That's right, Jake, just be coarse, stupid, and curse. You think getting 37 "likes" on Facebook means something!

"Denis Lebedev's eye got the shit kicked out of it..."

Can you imagine seeing that on the sports page of your newspaper?

Would Dan Rafael write something so low class at ESPN.COM??

Can you imagine Jim Watt saying that?

OK, Jim Watt may have said it, but nobody understood it. But, I doubt it.

Frankly not even wild-eyed and goonish Max Kellerman would've said it.

This is because they have enough sense and enough skill to avoid four-letter words even if they're on cable TV.

The Photoshop job in the corner is my interpretation (and I did try to be tasteful) of what might prompt the asshole O'Donnell to think that an eye got "the shit kicked out of it." And I still don't see how it could be anatomically possible. Lebedev could not, unless he suffered a very peculiar blood infection, have any type of fecal material come out of his eye.

O'Donnell, however, does seem to have his brain awfully close to his ass.

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