Monday, November 28, 2016

A Muzz To Avoid

One of the big deals in America at the moment, is the Native Americans getting abused for peacefully protesting the fracking and the oil pipelines on their land. 

Yes, we give them some obscure and worthless "reservations" and now we're invading them, if only to run leaky oil pipes through. 

Thing is, all that the "Libtards" are doing is clucking their tongues. Isn't it a pity.

We've got the Dave Matthews Band and pure-hearted Jackson Browne SINGING about it. Doing concerts. "Raising awareness." Joan Baez wrote an open letter to Michelle Obama asking her to ask her husband to help, and stop the government from invading Native American land. Everyone on the right side of this just sits there and shrugs and writes letters and sings. Nobody's rioting. Because it's Whites and Native Americans who care about this. Hell, we don't even have GAYS prancing around saying, "We're here and we're QUEER and one of the Village People was an Indian." 

IF I'M BEING HONEST, if the pipeline was going through a MUSLIM neighborhood, the government would quickly detour. There are indeed MUSLIM neighborhoods and practically entire towns full of Somali immigrants, etc. etc. that are NO GO areas. These areas aren't restricted to urban cities. The Somalis somehow decided to band together and take over towns in Minnesota somewhere.  
Despite all those old Cowboys and Indians movies, NOBODY is afraid of Native Americans. They aren't violent. They don't seem to even have a stockpile of bows and arrows. 

Now here's another news item. A veteran newscaster QUIT HER JOB, FEARING FOR HER LIFE, because she got death threats. From who? A Native American? A Jew? A Redneck? A Nigga? No, she wouldn't take a threat from any of them too seriously. The threat came from a MUSLIM. 

Interesting. This story has actually NOT gotten a lot of coverage. 

The news has been more about "BUY SHIT, WE'RE IN THE MIDST OF BLACK FRIDAY AND CYBER MONDAY." It's about trying to get a recount on the election results in a few key states, hoping for some miracle that would bring Hillary Clinton to power. It's about another "Hail Mary" play, which is trying to get members of the "Electoral College" to NOT vote for Trump but "see that Clinton won the popular vote and do what THE PEOPLE want." 

Meanwhile, here's your typical Muzzie lunatic that everyone coddles or stays away from. And we wonder why the MEDIA is so fucked up? First off, they are loaded up with well-intentioned people who think immigrants are all lovely. Second, they don't want to seem biased. Third, they are scared shitless. There are a LOT of crazies out there. 

Anybody doing a GOFUNDME for this lady? Any TV station offering to give her a job, and pay her moving expenses to get the fuck out of Denver? 

An irony is that Colorado was one of the first states to legalize marijuana. What, they expect this woman to just sit back, have a few tokes, and hope that this Muslim lunatic will be satisfied that she's not on TV anymore? 

Is she sure this guy is not going to go on a JIHAD and decide that Allah wants her dead for her past sins? Is there any reasoning with a psycho Muslim?

ALLAH-OOPS, you're not allowed to say that religious fanatics are NUTS, especially Muzzies. But let's be honest. If this guy was a WHITE JESUS FREAK, the woman wouldn't be that upset. 

Nah, let's ignore"Radical Islam," which is responsible for just about ALL the bombings of airports, offices, buildings and nightclubs, and is loaded with the most homicidal and crazy bastards on the planet.

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