Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Emma Watson the Harry Potter Twat - NAIVE or just STUPID?

Is it really a surprise Trump got elected? 

His attitude is that women are stupid and only good for "grabbing the pussy." If women didn't have tits and twats, they'd be shot. And Trump's sons would do the shooting, as they've gone after BIG PUSSY game like tigers. (Tigers carefully herded to be easily shot, of course). 

But let's not digress on Trump too much. The topic is a silly idiot named Emma Watson, who made a fortune in stupid fantasy movies and is STILL living in a fantasy world.

Here's the idiot making a silly face and a moronic gesture as she...OOOOOOOOH...hides books in the underground. 

How old is this silly bitch? HOW OLD? 

When do you get over hide and seek? And what in the world is she hiding? Copies of a fucking MAYA ANGELOU book? What's that twat got that Rowling doesn't? What's so fucking important about MAYA ANGELOU that she needs a British twit twat to hide books for her? 

The thing about Enema Watson, the ridiculous douche, is that she does idiot things like this because she's a "feminist," and is out to change the world. Right. She doesn't think that porn is an insult to women? A feminist issue? 

When you let guys get away with shit like this, for a lousy six bucks, what is the message? That you don't take gang rape seriously? 

In the time it took Embarrassing Watson to hide a few fucking Maya Angelou books, she could've shot down a few hundred repulsive EBAY auctions. In doing so, she not only would've sent a feminist message to the sellers and to EBAY, but perhaps gotten some of the sellers suspended. 

A feminist stands up for herself. She expects respect. She isn't a moron. The message, if you check the Internet, is that Emma Watson lives a fairytale life of time-wasting puerile pussy-footing. She is no role model for girls. She's Peter Pan with slightly bigger tits. 

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