Tuesday, July 16, 2013


You can't watch TV news, or check a newspaper website, or (long shot) buy a newspaper...

And NOT find tremendous, sympathetic coverage of the TRAY-VESTY of justice in the Zimmerman case. After all, a black kid in a hoodie, with a poor school record, marijuana troubles, and an attitude, was just minding his own business and "gunned down."

That's what the story's become. Nevermind the only "racist" word on a cell phone that night was "Cracker" from him, and nothing from Zimmerman to 911. Nevermind that the gunshot came as the two were sprawled on the ground with Zimmerman bloodied up and quite likely thinking he was going to end up dead if he didn't take out his gun.

Oh oh oh, what a bad bad bad country the USA is. A black kid is automatically gunned down any time he goes to get a pack of Skittles.

And? And should we also say that automatically a bunch of blacks will use this as an excuse to try and get a free color TV from Wal-Mart, find an excuse to beat up a white person, or just have fun trashing stores and getting out their aggressions?

Nobody seems to be saying that the blacks who are rioting and out of control are acting in anything but a noble and understandable way. Whereas Zimmerman, down on the ground and fighting for his life against some wiry and hostile trespasser, and acquitted in a court of law based on legality as well as key testimony from witnesses and from the experts who judged how the fatal wound was made, is absolutely evil.

Look at this shit.

Anyone calling this a disgrace? No, the media just reports it. No headline about "Tray-vesty of Justice." No pictures of blacks holding up those "Justice for Trayvon" posters and posters telling everyone they should wear hoodies and be proud of looking like gangstas because that's their "right."

Nope. When it comes to these rioting monsters, these stupid, stupid, STOOPID assholes who don't know how to read, don't know facts, don't know anything except "whitey is always wrong," and "CRACKER" is an ok word...they have every right to go steal a TV set or bash a reporter.

Hey, some delinquent gets into a fight with a cop, security guard, neighborhood patrol asshole...what, the kid died? Hey, was the delinquent "of color?" GREAT! YO, COLOR TV SETS FOR EVERYBODY...LET'S GO....

Should I say that ALL blacks decided to go grab shit out of Wal-Mart if they could? If I ran a newspaper, news website or TV station, should I do the exact opposite? Show this bad behavior without any editorial remark like "Tray-vesty of Justice?"

There has not been all that much balanced reporting here, with responsible people urging calm and accepting a jury's decision. Nope. It's been fanning the flames of hatred, and raging that Zimmerman, already having to watch his back for the rest of his life, should be charged with some kind of civil rights crime, or be held accountable in a civil suit, or in some way pushed back into court so we can deal with this fucking crap all over again.

A news reporter gets bashed, and that doesn't even change the slant of the newspapers and media. No, they want to show blacks that THEY are unbiased, and they feel the pain. Go ahead, feel the pain, idiots...hold up your microphone and wait till it gets smashed over your fucking head. I'll be amused by your disgusting behavior.

Nice weather you've got in California. Unlike other parts of the country where it's too fucking hot to even hold up a sign and march for a few blocks, it's FINE weather to break glass, steal TV sets, hit reporters, or do whatever you please because America is SO evil, and an unarmed black kid who was just walking along minding his own business was gunned down like it was 1855 in Tombstone Territory.

PS, love, LOVE all the Tweets from Rihanna and the rest of them, talking about "what do I tell my kids" and "my heart is broken" and "no justice." Right...all of you who have all the bling you want and made a fortune because racist America kept you down?

Gosh, fuckers, wouldn't it be nice if ONE day, one blessed fucking day, a black man could be elected President?

No, that could never happen in this horrible horrible HORRIBLE country where a whitey just aimed and fired at a black kid who didn't confront him, didn't get into a fight, wasn't wearing a ghetto outfit, and hadn't just used his cell phone to tell a friend he just saw a "CREEPY CRACKER" security guard.

You know, there could be gray areas in this black and white world, but it doesn't seem like blacks or whites want to ever see it that way.

The result will always be red on the sidewalk.

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