Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dotcom? Aw, He's Hitler and Somebody else is just Hirohito

I was disgusted more than amused by a new column over at Torrent Creep.

It seems they're upset that a 21 year-old kid was given leniency, compared to fat, creepy Nazi bastard "Kim Dotcom."

The whine from Torrent Creep is that the 21 year-old isn't facing years in jail but poor Kim is. And that's not fair. The kid's torrent site offered thousands of movies and Kim never did that.

No. Kim just created the biggest competition for Rapidshare, which offered MILLIONS of songs, TV shows, whole albums and movies, and ripped off thousands if not millions of average people, not "rich actors."

Torrent sites? They don't ask a penny from the downloaders. It's FREEEEEE. But Dotcom choked downloads and extorted people to buy "premium accounts." What happened to FREEEE? Oh, I get it, if you want fast downloads that don't suddenly stop, YOU PAY FOR IT. After all, poor Kim has to pay his bills, and he's only charging the bare minimum, right? Right.

That's why Kim Dotcom became the richest man in New only charging "modest" fees for premium accounts.

The same fuckhead Seniormole assholes and Mephisto devil-worship twats were sneering that Tom Hanks and Bob Dylan were rich and didn't deserve more money, and that RCA and Sony were evil corporations. Yet they paid for "premium" accounts with Dotcom, and watched him become THE RICHEST MAN IN NEW ZEALAND with obscene amounts of cars, luxuries and a big mansion. Why didn't anyone hack the prick and demand FREE premium accounts? Why didn't anyone complain that he was selling ads and leading people to paid links loaded with spyware and malware?

When Dotcom knew the Feds were onto him, he quickly posted a "bargain sale" on premium accounts, and swindled millions of dollars from people who paid, only to discover Megaupload shut down a few weeks later. That's PURE EVIL.

Doesn't this sound like an infantile schoolboy rant? "Teacher, teacher, how come I'm punished more than the other kid? The other kid started it! Wah wah!"

A kid is shut down but cooperates and gives up all his information and techniques. He strikes a deal.

He's not in the same league as a fat Nazi twice his age.

Or should the argument be that Nazi Dotcom should also get a slap on the wrist and be allowed to go home and enjoy his mansion and fortune?

This shit reminds me of Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito.

They didn't share the same fate. Hitler killed himself. Mussolini's body was dragged through the streets. Hirohito lived to be an old man.

Let's say Dotcom is HITLER, and this YIFY kid is more like Hirohito.

The sad truth in criminal law, is that prosecutors often have to make deals. They are often the ones handcuffed, not the criminals, because a lenient judge or a legal loophole is going to fuck everything up. After all, Al Capone was finally nailed for tax evasion, not because Ness or anyone else could pin anything worse on him.

"Think of the flamboyant Dotcom what you will," the author says. Gee, thanks. Hitler was "flamboyant" too, compared to Hirohito.

The torrent kid and Dotcom are not the same, and are NOT both guilty of the same crimes. One is just a dork. The other is Satan.

All over the world people have much more hatred for Hitler than they do for Hirohito. They also have much more hatred for Manson than they do for Susan Atkins or any of the girlies who actually killed people. There's a difference between a criminal mastermind and a brain-dead stooge.

Hirohito? Nobody knows what he was about at this point. EVERYBODY knows Hitler's teachngs, and worse, many wish to become the next Hitler. Hitler's teachings are still favored by Roger Waters, Peter Gabriel, and half the fucking world: some ethnic and religious groups should be wiped out. Have you ever seen an anti-Semite proudly marching and waving a photo of Hirohito? No, it's HITLER.

The blame is, and should be, much greater on Dotcom, than on his warped disciples.

Dotcom should've been prosecuted and jailed 10 years ago, and Pirate Bay's stooges should still be in jail. Since it didn't happen, it's no surprise that 20-something Millennial punks would use their creepy Internet acumen to do what they see their elders do. This YIFY kid could be Dotcom's son fer Chrissake.

A bigger irony is that a website that became famous for siding with pirates and thieves, should have ANY editorials whining about "equality" or fairness.

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