Monday, November 16, 2015

Muslim Monkey Punks? REALLY? Kick their Asses

How embarrassing and idiotic is it, that dimwit teenagers are terrorizing the world?

We're letting THIS guy tell us shit?

Somehow, if the monkey is Muslim, and he's from Syria or Iran or Iraq or some other idiot sandbox, he's feared. FUCK HIM and anyone who looks like him.

If this turd was American, at best he'd be wandering around wondering what happened to the "Occupy Wall Street" tents, and asking where he could score some dope.

You see losers like this everywhere. They play video games. Maybe they hang around in a bar having some beers and leering at girls and talking big to each other about who they'd like to fuck.

But since they're MUSLIMS, they refuse to assimilate, only end up more alienated and homicidal, and with their warped religious fanaticism the best thing they can do is blow themselves up and take out as many normal people as they can.

This shit is dumber than the 50's when "juvenile delinquents" scared the shit out of accountants, and everyone was worried that motorcycle gangs were going to wreck the burger stand or take turns French-kissing the prom queen while her boyfriend stood helpless with his sweater pulled over his face.

Monkey punks having the NERVE to tell the world what to do?


Guys who can't get laid, don't know cool music, and never read a book? Assholes who couldn't even hook up with nerds who like Dr. Who or Harry Potter?

Oh, but they sure can fire machine guns and blow themselves up and babble ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH and hide in sand like shit in a cat's litter box.

Freedom in the 21st Century is a luxury that should not be wasted on walking armpits and anti-social scumbags. People wondered why America grabbed all the Japs and tossed them into "camps" during World War 2? Better safe than sorry. Too fuckin' bad. You look like trouble, you get hauled in. You resent the racial profiling? Too fuckin' bad. What's the alternative? Our national monuments blown up, our people blown up, and everyone living in fear? Because of MONKEY PUNKS?

You carry yourself like a monkey punk terrorist, we dump you head first in a big fucking blender and turn you into a few gallons of hummus and feed you like slop to pigs. Yeah, not halal cows, but to PIGS. FUCK YOU. You don't like it, go back where you fuckin' came from.

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