Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ridicule Dotcoms

A lot of people try to be amusing…in voicing their disgust.

For example, there's SUBWAY COUTURE, a dotcom that focuses on snapshots of slobs and jerks and thoughtless low-class fools. Who, after all, would want to be sitting across the way and forced to look at or SMELL the food of this bitch? "Couture," a bit of a pompous name for a blog about the subways, originally seemed to be interested in promoting civilization in the jungle of mass transit, and remind everyone that we ALL should try to make the ride as painless and stinkless as possible. Please, don't clip your fingernails. Don't blare your shitty music. Don't be a loudmouth, etc. etc.

And so we have plenty of photos of people being assholes. But there are also photos that are from assholes who THINK they are so far above the assholes they're ridiculing. As in: if you dress to a different drummer, you're likely to get slammed. But you probably deserve it.

Or do you? A problem with a site like this, is that it eventually reflects back on the person running it. And you wonder, who is so uptight, and has so little else to do in life, that he or she has to make a snarky comment over a candid picture of some old schmuck with pins in his hat?

What's this old guy doing that is so terrible? You'd prefer a hedge fund intern taking the train into Wall Street wearing a Men's Wearhouse suit? Pick your targets a little better.

Another almost-good site is "Going with Eddie." While there's no shortage of moron sites where guys named Eddie riff, this one likes to highlight candid camera shots of people caught in the act of…being shits!

A sad part about this particular dotcom is that Eddie doesn't stop with candid camera shots. He and his silly-puppy friends have to do podcasts, and, har har woof woof, HAVE to have a crappy, totally amateurish and self-serving YouTube channel. Right, I really want to see some 20-something idiot in Brooklyn let out a giant long burp in front of his camcorder. How boring to see these D-List wanna-be's preen and smirk and carry on for…a few hundred hits. Happily, the reality with YouTube is there's way too much supply and not much demand. In other words, Eddie and his friends are not going to be joining Harvey Levin any time soon in big-time celeb-snarking on TMZ. Anyone who is remotely disapproving of the tasteless, moronic, and mannerless world of pop "culture" deserves a shout out. But, since "shout out" itself denotes a certain boorishness, my praise here is more of a "whisper out." Pssst…you guys are almost worth visiting more than once a month!

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