Wednesday, May 29, 2013


BIG news from the AMUSEMENT PORK

America's pastime IS eating...better to go to Burger King than a movie theater. Can't go to a sporting event without spending more on FOOD than on the ticket. Nothing to do? SNACK!

So this food news IS big entertainment it is..the biggest deal since Yahoo gobbled onto Tumblr...

SMITHFIELD, one of the biggest killers of PIGS...has sold out to the CHINESE...the notorious country of rampant pollution, over-population and disregard for all forms of life animal or human.

American pig farmers have been known to POLLUTE and DESTROY lakes, rivers and streams thanks to PIG SHIT floating underground from their farms. They have been known to scrape up diseased porkers and drag them to the slaughter house. Despite the government trying every way to prosecute animal rights activists for recording and releasing films of the atrocities, the TRUTH is out there.

So you can imagine how much better things will be now that the Commie Reds own "the other white meat" company

Nice day for fans of Pork Fried Rice...and cancer.

"China's Shuanghui International moved to lock in a strong supply of US pork for the Chinese market Wednesday with a deal to buy US meats icon Smithfield Foods for $4.7 billion...."

Sounds like some kind of military attack, doesn't it? "Chinese consumers like American pork. US farmers want to export their pork," was the terse quote from Yang Zhijun, some ding-dong dung Zedong from the company.

So rather than just make a deal with Smithfield they buy the fucking company! Ah, so! Smithfield, Virginia, the "ham capital" of the country, may find their redneck employees slowly disappearing, replaced by The Shuanghui-nese. The need for Chinese consumers to have American pork could mean that it all goes overseas and prices for ham and bacon and other heart-attack producers will rise like cholesterol levels.

Am I disgusted? Fuck no, I'm AMUSED, because I do not eat PIG, and I try my best NOT to buy products made in China if comparable ones are made elsewhere. Like, in Japan.

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