Friday, November 6, 2015

Emma Peeled - The Pedophilia Porn of EBAY strikes Emma Watson

HOW old was Emma Watson when she made those Harry Potter films?

Oh, that doesn't matter to EBAY parasites and pedophiles who peddle their stolen porn. A whole buncha bastards surf the Internet, download celebrity Photoshop jobs, and then sell the print-outs.

Is Emma over 18 in those photos? Did she sign a model release of age and consent?

How about the stolen nudes from the neck down? Over 18? Did the eBay seller make a deal with the pornographer to use his naked model's image?

Oh, SILLY questions. Right now there are a half dozen or MORE eBay creeps squatting in the secret "adults only" section, hoping desperate dunces will buy print-outs of what they can already see pretty clearly.

Emma, like most big stars, doesn't bother with Farcebook, Twatter or a website. She can't be alerted to what's going on at EBAY.

She might think that EBAY obeys the American law that states that all pornography requires age and consent forms on file. It's United States law Title 18, Sections 2257 and 2257A. No, EBAY does NOT.

You may have noticed that any DVD in a porn store, any dirty mag on the newsstand, has a statement guaranteeing the model is over 18, consented to have her image published, and that any member of law enforcement can inspect the papers to make sure everything's legal and correct.

EBAY could care less.

They figure it's up to Emma Watson to check eBay's "adults only" area (which is not viewable in Great Britain) and then send in a DMCA on whatever specific pictures she finds offensive.

It's quite likely that any woman working at EBAY's hive of 2,000 employees in UTAH would file an instant lawsuit and demand a co-worker be fired if that man circulated a Photoshop job around the office. As in: "That's degrading. I didn't sign a model release. That isn't even ME from the neck down."

But Emma Watson? EBAY is getting a dollar for every stolen, doctored-up image sold on their site.

Such loving tributes to EMMA WATSON, right? She should be flattered to see stuff like this:

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