Wednesday, November 4, 2015

GO FUND ME! I can't sleep because of a DRUNKEN OBNOXIOUS JEW!

Three cheers for the UBER driver, ethnicity unknown, who isn't just letting the law take its course. Why sue a guy who hit you when you can whine to GOFUNDME instead?

Besides, "Benjamn Golden." Doesn't that sound like a fucking JEW name?


Golden, an obnoxious drunken white Yuppie scum who is an "executive" with Taco Bell and has plenty of time to go bar hopping, and who might also be a JEW, gets into a UBER car with attitude and a snootful. This white bully douchebag with his fucking BASEBALL HAT ON BACKWARDS, can't give the wog coherent driving directions.

The wog gets frantic and tells the drunk (who may be a JEW) to get out of his wonderful UBER car. Go away, you bad nasty white man who might be a Jew! Go away! I can't deal with you!

Arrogant douchebag then reaches over and starts roughing up the driver, but ineptly, and without doing much damage. Then he staggers away.

This was the story that amused Americans for the past few days, and also was a "hit" YouTube video racking up over a million views.


You guessed it. The white Yuppie scum with the fucking BASEBALL HAT ON BACKWARDS closes down his obnoxious social media accounts which prove he's a drunken douchebag.

He's instantly fired because Taco Bell doesn't want their name attached to the story.

And our poor squidgy-nosed old Gunga Din (or whatever he is) is crying that he'll never drive a cab again...and instead of filing a lawsuit against the rich white bastard, he's whining to GOFUND ME.

Why whine to GOFUNDME? Well, he stupidly said he wasn't physically hurt. That tends to louse up any lawsuit. He should've said his brains got so badly rattled he can't wear a turban, and when he eats hummus, it tastes like chopped liver (or some other horrible JEW food).

There's PART ONE. Simple enough. A douchebag passenger gets literally pushy with a cab driver who acts like English is a second language. It happens all the time. Except this isn't an ordinary cab, it's a UBER cab, and you're not supposed to do that to UBER drivers. And...did I mention "Benjamin Golden" sounds like a JEWISH name??

How odd that Taco Bell, which pretends to serve Mexican food, would have a white man (possibly a JEW) working for them. Then again, Taco Bell is a fast food joint with inauthentic disgusting food, and its main thing is to offer stuff with so much gobs of fat it'll appeal to whites and blacks as well as slobby porcine Latinos.

Ah, PART THREE seems to indicate that if the Yuppie Scum pays up, it could be $10,000 to the GOVERNMENT, not to the poor benighted heathen who got clobbered. NO WONDER the wog has gone to GOFUNDME.

PS, in the final photo, that guy doesn't look Jewish at all. But...not every Jew looks Jewish.

A WHITE (perhaps not Jewish, but working for a company pretending to be MEXICAN) has a fracas with some type of wog (working for a Nazi company trying to destroy unionized cab drivers by scabbing).

It's all an example of what a grand melting pot the United States is, where rich and poor can be drunks or whiners, and GOFUNDME and lawsuits are always part of the solution, not the problem.

PS, I didn't find a GODFUNDME for "Edward Caband," the Uber cab guy with CAB in his last name. Maybe he already raised the thousand bucks? Maybe he decided to first have Shauna Cuntwell write a song about him?

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